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This bar indicates that you are within the PDS enterprise which includes 6 science discipline nodes and 2 support nodes which are overseen by the Project Management Office at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC). Each node is led by an expert in the subject discipline, supported by an advisory group of other practitioners of that discipline, and subject to selection and approval under a regular NASA Research Announcement.

NASAView Image Display Software

NASAView is a PDS archive product display program that runs on multiple platforms in a GUI environment. This application was built using the Label Library Light (L3), Object Access Library (OAL) and the XVT Development Solution for C package. Label Library Light parses PDS ODL labels and creates an in-memory representation of the label information. The Object Access Library uses the parse tree and accesses the actual PDS object. The XVT Development solution supplies the cross-platform GUI support and an object-oriented environment.


Version 3.18.0
Release Date October 1, 2018
License Public Domain
Programming Language C
Source Code Not available
Package Size 6.5 MB (approx.)
Support Software Required X-Windows, Motif


Platform Comment
Works on Solaris Solaris Built and tested on Solaris 10.
Note: Solaris builds will be discontinued after version 3.18.0 of NASAView.
Works on Linux Linux 32-bit
      Linux 64-bit
Built and tested 32-bit binary on Red Hat 7.3. Built and tested 64-bit binary on Red Hat Enterprise 4. See Motif issue note below.
Works on Windows Windows Built and tested within a virtual Windows XP environment with Service Pack 3 running on a Windows 7 platform. Tested on a Windows 7 platform as well. For Windows XP users, at least Service Pack 2 is required.
Works on Macintosh Macintosh Built on High Sierra and tested on El Capitan. PowerPC no longer supported as Mac's compiler no longer allows building of PowerPC executables.


2018-10-01, MC(EN) Updated;

This is a maintenance release of NASAView which includes a fix to properly run on Mac OS-X High Sierra platforms.

For more details, please see the Release Notes section of the NASAView documentation.

Motif Issue

Newer versions of Linux (e.g., RedHat, CentOS, etc.) are shipping with version 2.3.X of the Motif library. The Linux binaries listed above only support version 2.2.X of Motif. In our testing of NASAView with the newer version of Motif, we have discovered and reported a bug in Motif which causes a refresh issue when displaying labels through the Full Label menu option in NASAView. Once an official release of Motif that includes fixes for these bugs is available, we will test and release an updated version of NASAView that supports this newer version of Motif.