CCSD3ZF0000100000001NJPL3IF0PDS200000001 = SFDU_LABEL /* Detached PDS label for index of Goldstone 12.9 cm Venus radar data */ RECORD_TYPE = FIXED_LENGTH RECORD_BYTES = 176 FILE_RECORDS = 52 ^TABLE = "GVENINDX.TAB" OBJECT = TABLE INTERCHANGE_FORMAT = ASCII ROWS = 52 COLUMNS = 15 DATA_SET_ID = "GSSR-V-RTLS-5-12.6-9CM-V1.0" TARGET_NAME = VENUS EARTH_BASE_NAME = "GOLDSTONE SOLAR SYSTEM RADAR" PRODUCER_FULL_NAME = "RAYMOND F. JURGENS" NOTE = "This is the index table for the 52 Goldstone Venus radar image files and their corresponding altimetry image files. This table contains one record for each radar image file. Each record in the index table consists of 176 bytes including embedded carriage return and line feed characters at the end of the record. The index table is formatted so that it may be read directly into many data management systems on various host computers. There are 15 columns in the index table. They are described by the COLUMN objects in this label. All fields are separated by commas, and character fields are enclosed in double quotation marks. The START_BYTE and BYTES values listed below for each column do not include the commas or quotation marks." /* Descriptions of each column in the file */ OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = RADAR_FILE_NAME DATA_TYPE = CHARACTER START_BYTE = 2 BYTES = 35 FORMAT = 'A35' DESCRIPTION = "Name of file that contains the radar image including the directory in VAX/VMS format. The label associated with each image is in a separate file with the same name and an extension of '.LBL'." END_OBJECT = COLUMN OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = ALTIMETRY_FILE_NAME DATA_TYPE = CHARACTER START_BYTE = 41 BYTES = 35 FORMAT = 'A35' DESCRIPTION = "Name of file that contains the altimetry image that corresponds to the radar image. The file name contains the directory where the image is located on the CD-ROM. The label associated with each image is in a separate file with the same name and an extension of '.LBL'. If there is no corresponding altimetry image, this field has the value 'MISSING'." END_OBJECT = COLUMN OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = IMAGE_TIME DATA_TYPE = TIME START_BYTE = 79 BYTES = 10 FORMAT = 'A10' DESCRIPTION = "The date when the radar and altimetry images were acquired, in the format YYYY-MM-DD." END_OBJECT = COLUMN OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = MAP_SCALE DATA_TYPE = INTEGER UNIT = "PIXELS PER DEGREE" START_BYTE = 91 BYTES = 3 FORMAT = 'I3' DESCRIPTION = "The scale of the radar and altimetry images. The images are projected in a Mercator map projection." END_OBJECT = COLUMN OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = SUB_EARTH_LATITUDE DATA_TYPE = REAL UNIT = DEGREES START_BYTE = 96 BYTES = 6 FORMAT = 'F6.2' DESCRIPTION = "The latitude on Venus that is closest to the Earth-based observatory." END_OBJECT = COLUMN OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = SUB_EARTH_LONGITUDE DATA_TYPE = REAL UNIT = DEGREES START_BYTE = 104 BYTES = 6 FORMAT = 'F6.2' DESCRIPTION = "The east longitude on Venus that is closest to the Earth-based observatory. Longitudes have been converted from a coordinate system used at Goldstone to the IAU coordinate system for Venus." END_OBJECT = COLUMN OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = MAXIMUM_LATITUDE DATA_TYPE = REAL UNIT = DEGREES START_BYTE = 112 BYTES = 6 FORMAT = 'F6.2' DESCRIPTION = "The northernmost latitude in the image." END_OBJECT = COLUMN OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = MINIMUM_LATITUDE DATA_TYPE = REAL UNIT = DEGREES START_BYTE = 120 BYTES = 6 FORMAT = 'F6.2' DESCRIPTION = "The southernmost latitude in the image." END_OBJECT = COLUMN OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = MAXIMUM_LONGITUDE DATA_TYPE = REAL UNIT = DEGREES START_BYTE = 128 BYTES = 6 FORMAT = 'F6.2' DESCRIPTION = "The right-most longitude in the image. Longitude values range from 0 to 360." END_OBJECT = COLUMN OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = MINIMUM_LONGITUDE DATA_TYPE = REAL UNIT = DEGREES START_BYTE = 136 BYTES = 6 FORMAT = 'F6.2' DESCRIPTION = "The left-most longitude in the image. Longitude values range from 0 to 360." END_OBJECT = COLUMN OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = LINE_SAMPLES DATA_TYPE = INTEGER START_BYTE = 144 BYTES = 4 FORMAT = 'I4' DESCRIPTION = "Number of samples per image line." END_OBJECT = COLUMN OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = LINES DATA_TYPE = INTEGER START_BYTE = 150 BYTES = 4 FORMAT = 'I4' DESCRIPTION = "Number of lines in the image." END_OBJECT = COLUMN OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = MINIMUM_ALTITUDE DATA_TYPE = REAL UNIT = KILOMETERS START_BYTE = 156 BYTES = 6 FORMAT = 'F6.2' DESCRIPTION = "The relative altitude value in the altimetry image that corresponds to a DN of 1. This field will have the value 999.99 if there is no altimetry image." END_OBJECT = COLUMN OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = MAXIMUM_ALTITUDE DATA_TYPE = REAL UNIT = KILOMETERS START_BYTE = 164 BYTES = 6 FORMAT = 'F6.2' DESCRIPTION = "The relative altitude value in the altimetry image that corresponds to the DN value in the MAXIMUM_PIXEL_VALUE column. This field will have the value 999.99 if there is no altimetry image." END_OBJECT = COLUMN OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = MAXIMUM_PIXEL_VALUE DATA_TYPE = INTEGER START_BYTE = 172 BYTES = 3 FORMAT = 'I3' DESCRIPTION = "The highest possible pixel value for the altimetry image. Data collected prior to 1977 were stored as 6-bit pixels, so these data have a maximum pixel value of 63. Data collected after that were stored as 8-bit pixels, hence a maximum pixel value of 255." END_OBJECT = COLUMN END_OBJECT = TABLE END