CCSD3ZF0000100000001NJPL3IF0PDS200000001 = SFDU_LABEL RECORD_TYPE = STREAM OBJECT = TEXT NOTE = "Introduction to this CD-ROM volume." END_OBJECT END GEOLOGIC REMOTE SENSING FIELD EXPERIMENT This set of compact read-only optical disks (CD-ROMs) contains a data collection acquired by ground-based and airborne instruments during the Geologic Remote Sensing Field Experiment (GRSFE). Extensive documentation is also included. GRSFE took place in July, September, and October, 1989, in the southern Mojave Desert, Death Valley, and the Lunar Crater Volcanic Field, Nevada. The purpose of these CD-ROMs is to make available in a compact form through the Planetary Data System (PDS) a collection of relevant data to conduct analyses in preparation for the Earth Observing System (EOS), Mars Observer (MO), and other missions. The generation of this set of CD-ROMs was sponsored by the NASA Planetary Geology and Geophysics Program, the Planetary Data System (PDS) and the Pilot Land Data System (PLDS). This AAREADME.TXT file is one of the two nondirectory files located in the top level directory of each CD-ROM volume in this collection. The other file, VOLDESC.SFD, contains an overview of the data sets on these CD-ROMs and is written in a format that is designed for access by computers. These two files appear on every volume in the collection. All other files on the CD-ROMs are located in directories below the top level directory. On Volume 1, the directory DOCUMENT contains a text file named VOLINFO.TXT that describes the CD-ROM organization, the format and content of each of the data sets, and background information and references needed to understand the implementation of GRSFE and the preparation of the data sets on the CD-ROMs. It is recommended that you read the VOLINFO.TXT document before using the data files. The DOCUMENT directory also includes text files that describe the format of some of the data files. These text files are referenced in the detached labels that accompany the data files. The directory INDEX, also on Volume 1, contains a number of index files. These files are tables in text form that have descriptive information about some of the data sets on this CD-ROM. While the indexes can be visually scanned, they have been designed so that they can also be loaded into most database systems for fast and efficient searching. Separate directories exist for each instrument that acquired data for GRSFE. Each of these directories contains data set files and associated detached labels. Some instrument directories are further subdivided to manage a large number of files or to logically group a collection of files. The ground-based data sets, documentation, index tables and software are all located on Volume 1, and the airborne data sets are spread over Volumes 1 through 9. The VOLINFO.TXT document mentioned above contains a list of files and directories on each volume. On Volume 2, the SAMPLER directory contains a set of image files and associated detached labels that illustrate the utility of comparison of data from multiple sensors over the same sites. The images are sub- scenes taken from AIRSAR, ASAS and TIMS images that appear elsewhere in this CD-ROM collection. They are calibrated and registered to the AVIRIS scene AVRLV02A.IMG, in the AVIRIS directory on the same volume. The detached labels associated with the data files utilize the Object Description Language (ODL) developed by the PDS. An ODL label is readable by both humans and computers and provides a formal description of the format and content of the file. A pointer in the label file indicates the file that the label describes. Detached label files have a '.LBL' file extension. For more information about the Object Description Language, see the document file VOLINFO.TXT. Below is a list of hardware and software that may be used to read this CD-ROM, along with the names of people to contact. RECOMMENDED HARDWARE AND SOFTWARE FOR USE WITH GRSFE CD-ROMS CD-ROM Drives and Driver Software * Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC) VAX or MicroVAX running VMS Drive: DEC RRD-40 or RRD-50 Driver software: DEC VFS CD-ROM driver version 4.7 or 5.2 and up The driver software is a beta-test version not yet generally available from DEC. It can be obtained from Jason Hyon, PDS, at this address: Jason Hyon Jet Propulsion Laboratory MS 168-514 4800 Oak Grove Drive Pasadena, CA 91109 U.S.A. Phone: 818-354-7050 SPAN: MIPL3::JJH345 NASAMAIL: JHYON An alternative to the VFS driver software is a set of programs written by USGS Flagstaff personnel that perform directory operations, display text files, and copy text and binary files from a CD-ROM. The programs may be copied from the PDS VAX via SPAN. The files for handling the USGS Flagstaff CD-ROM interface software for a VAX/VMS system are in the directory JPLPDS::DISK$USER1:[CDROM.VAX]. There are two source files: CDROM_UTILITY_SUBROUTINES.COM CDROM_TAE_UTILITY_PROGRAMS.COM The programs can be built by executing these two command procedures. The programs run under the TAE (Transportable Applications Executive) user interface. For more information, contact Eric Eliason at this address: Eric Eliason U.S. Geological Survey Astrogeology Branch 2255 N. Gemini Drive Flagstaff, AZ 86001 U.S.A. Phone: 602-527-7113 SPAN: ASTROG::EELIASON * Digital Equipment Corporation VAX or MicroVAX running Ultrix Drive: DEC RRD-40 or RRD-50 Driver software: supplied with Ultrix 3.1. Use the "cdio" software package available from MIT via "~ftp/src/cdio.shar" from the "" server. For details, contact Jason Hyon (see above address) or Dr. Peter Ford at this address: Dr. Peter Ford Massachusetts Institute of Technology Center for Space Research Building 37-601 Cambridge, MA 02139 U.S.A. Phone: 617-253-6485 SPAN: JPLPDS::PFORD * IBM PC running MS-DOS Drive: Toshiba, Hitachi, Sony, or compatible. Driver software: Microsoft MSCDEX version 2.2 The newest version of MSCDEX (released in February, 1990) is generally available. Contact Jason Hyon if you have problems locating a copy. * Macintosh Drive: Apple CD SC (Sony) or Toshiba Driver software: Apple CD-ROM driver The Toshiba drive requires a separate driver available from Toshiba. Note that Toshiba drivers do not yet fully support the ISO 9660 standard. * Sun Micro Drive: Delta Microsystems SS-660 (Sony) Driver software: Delta Microsystems For questions concerning Delta Microsystems driver, contact Denis Down at Delta Microsystems, 415-449-6881. Currently, SUN driver does not work with record structured files. However, there is a patch to access GRSFE CD-ROMs. Contact Jason Hyon for the patch. Image Display Software * Macintosh Pixelpusher - Developed by Dan Stanfill and Jason Hyon at JPL. Displays all VICAR2 and PDS labeled images. For information, contact Jason Hyon (see above address). Image - Public domain software. Displays most images if the image size is less than the size of the Macintosh's RAM and if the user knows the size of the image. For information, contact Jason Hyon (see above address). * IBM PC IMDISP - developed by Mike Martin at JPL. Displays all VICAR2 and PDS labeled images. For information, contact Mike Martin at this address: Mike Martin Jet Propulsion Laboratory MS 301-280 4800 Oak Grove Drive Pasadena, CA 91109 U.S.A. Phone: 818-354-2178 SPAN: JPLPDS::MMARTIN NASAMAIL: MIKEMARTIN