Browse image for File: H49S2535.IMG

Browse image for File: H49S2535.IMG

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252.81°E 252.99°E
49.00°S 49.00°S
50.75°S 50.75°S
252.78°E 252.97°E

CD Volume CL_6013
Directory (Folder) Location HXXX2535
File Name H49S2535.IMG
Westernmost Longitude 252.7790
Easternmost Longitude 252.9880
Minimum Latitude -50.7487
Maximum Latitude -48.9996
Lines 2653
Line Samples 183
Map Scale (pixels/degree) 1516.1667
Map Resolution (kilometers/pixel) 0.0200
Center Longitude (of map projection) 253.5000
Map Projection SINUSOIDAL