CLEMENTINE EDR IMAGE SIS Prepared by: Eric Eliason Planetary Data System - Imaging Node Branch of Astrogeology United States Geological Survey Erick Malaret Applied Coherent Technology Nat Bachman Navigational Ancillary Information Facility Jet Propulsion Laboratory October 1, 1994 Table of Contents 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 PURPOSE 1.2 SCOPE 1.3 APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS 1.4 FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION 1.4.1 DATA CONTENT SUMMARY 1.4.2 DATA SOURCE AND TRANSFER METHOD 1.4.3 DATA RECIPIENTS AND UTILIZATION 1.5 ASSUMPTIONS AND CONSTRAINTS 2. ENVIRONMENT 3. ACCESS 4. DETAILED INTERFACE SPECIFICATIONS 4.1 DATA PRODUCT IDENTIFICATION 4.2 STRUCTURE AND ORGANIZATION OVERVIEW 4.3 PDS LABEL STRUCTURE DEFINITION AND FORMAT 4.3.1 GEOMETRIC AND VIEWING PARAMETER ASSUMPTIONS 4.3.2 PDS KEYWORD DEFINITIONS APPENDIX I - SPICE Kernel Files Used In Clementine Data Products APPENDIX II - Data Compression Coefficients 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 PURPOSE This Software Interface Specification (SIS) describes the organization and contents of the Clementine EDR (Experimental Data Record) Image data products. There are six cameras onboard the Clementine spacecraft that will produce image data: 1) A-Star-tracker camera (A-STAR), 2) B-Star- tracker camera (B-STAR), 3) LIDAR High-resolution camera (HiRes), 4) ultraviolet / Visible camera (UVVIS), 5) Near Infrared camera (NIR), and 6) the Long Wavelength Infrared Camera (LWIR). The Clementine EDR Data products are deliverable products to the Planetary Data System and the scientific community that it supports. All data formats are based on the PDS standard, version 3.0, as documented in the PDS Standards Reference [JPL Document D-7669, November 1992, available through the PDS]. 1.2 SCOPE This specification is useful to those who wish to understand the format and content of the Clementine EDR Image data products. Typically, these individuals include software engineers, data analysts, and planetary scientists. The SIS applies to the EDR data products produced during the course of Clementine Mission operations. 1.3 APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS The Clementine EDR SIS is responsive to the following Documents: <> NASA Research Announcement, Science Team for the Clementine Mission Deep Space Program Science Experiment (DSPSE), January 1993, NRA-93-OSSA-2. <> DSPSE Experiment Manifest, Naval Center for Space Technology, May 1993 SSD-D-DS-018 <> Planetary Data System Standards Reference, 1992, JPL D-7669. Distributed by the Planetary Data System, Jet Propulsion Laboratory <> Planetary Science Data Dictionary Document, 1992, JPL D-7116. Distributed by the Planetary Data System, Jet Propulsion Laboratory 1.4 FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION 1.4.1 DATA CONTENT SUMMARY Each Clementine EDR data product consists of a single camera observation. The image data have been depacketized and reformatted with standard PDS labels, but are otherwise "raw". Raw data contain the geometric and radiometric characteristics of unprocessed and unrectified data. To make full utilization of the data, it is necessary to perform radiometric and geometric processing on the data products. The imaging sensors are framing cameras using CCD technology. The Star tracking cameras (A-STAR and B-STAR) are used for spacecraft navigation and orientation. The science observation cameras (UVVIS, HIRES, NIR, and LWIR) acquire images in a wide spectral range from 415 to 8750 nanometers. The UVVIS, HIRES, and NIR cameras have filter wheels that allow images to be acquired under six spectral filters. The LWIR camera has a single spectral filter. Table 1 shows the pixel dimensions of the images acquired by each camera and the center wavelength of each filter wheel position. Other than the image dimensions, the data products of each camera are identically formatted. TABLE-1 Characteristics of each camera showing the dimension of an image in lines (rows) and samples (columns), the number of filter wheel positions, and the center wavelength of each filter. Camera Lines/Samps/filt/Wavelength(Nanometers) UVVIS 288 384 6 415,750,900,950,1000,650(broadband) NIR 256 256 6 1100,1250,1500,2000,2600,2780 LWIR 128 128 1 8750 HIRES 288 384 6 415,560,650,750,650(broadband), opaque A-STAR 576 384 N/A (broad band, no filter wheel) B-STAR 576 384 N/A (broad band, no filter wheel) ______________________________________________________________ 1.4.2 DATA SOURCE AND TRANSFER METHOD Clementine imaging data products are produced by the Clementine Mission Operations Center operated by the Naval Research Laboratory (NRL). The "NRL-ACT-MGRAB" software converts the data to the proper PDS labeled format. 1.4.3 DATA RECIPIENTS AND UTILIZATION The Clementine EDR data products are made available to NRL scientists and the NASA/Clementine Science team for initial evaluation and validation. At the end of the evaluation and validation period, the data are organized and stored on compact disc (CD) media and made available to the PDS for distribution to the science community. These products will be used for engineering support, direct science analysis, and construction of other science products. 1.5 ASSUMPTIONS AND CONSTRAINTS The Clementine EDR data products contain compressed image data. Decompression will result in a raw image that is not corrected for instrument signature, effects of spacecraft motion, or effects of imaging geometry. Although there is enough information in the header to perform some processing, for more sophisticated processing, ancillary data will be required. Examples of ancillary files are calibration files, viewing geometry files, (e.g. SPICE kernels), image index tables, etc. 2. ENVIRONMENT The Clementine EDR data products are stored on CD media according to the ISO 9660 Volume and Directory Standard. This standard is compatible on virtually all modern hardware platforms including UNIX, IBM/PC, and Macintosh computer environments. The file headers contained on the Clementine CD-ROMs do not include extended attribute records (XAR). This means that VAX/VMS systems can not readily access the files. Without XARs, record attributes can not be associated with a file. VAX/VMS directory listings of these files will show "Record Attributes: None, Record Format: None" file characteristics. 3. ACCESS The primary barrier or access to the Clementine EDR data products is the compressed format of the image data. Thus, decompression software is available on the archive to perform decompression. This software produces decompressed image files in a standard PDS format. The software will run on a variety of computer platforms. 4. DETAILED INTERFACE SPECIFICATIONS 4.1 DATA PRODUCT IDENTIFICATION Each product will have a file name of the form "msfxxxxy.rrr". The file name is unique across all Clementine EDR data products. For more information on the file name refer to the PRODUCT_ID keyword definition in section 4.3.2. The product also contains a data set id that identifies the data set. For more information on the data set id see the DATASET_ID keyword definition in section 4.3.2. 4.2 STRUCTURE AND ORGANIZATION OVERVIEW The Clementine EDR data products are constructed according to the data object concepts developed by the PDS. By adopting the PDS format, the Clementine EDR images are consistent in content and organization with other planetary image collections. In the PDS standard, the EDR image file is grouped into objects with PDS labels describing the objects. The Clementine EDR data products contain 1) an image object (the primary data), 2) a browse image object, and 3) an image histogram object. The image object contains the observed image data. The image data will exist in a compressed form (if the data are compressed on board the spacecraft), or an uncompressed form (if the data are not compressed on the spacecraft). The browse image object contains an uncompressed image of the original data that has been reduced in size by subsampling the image array. The browse image provides the capability to rapidly view the image collection at a reduced format. The image histogram object contains the histogram of the image after decompression. The image histogram object can be used to obtain statistical information about the image. A description of the data compression coefficients used on the Clementine images is described in Appendix II. 4.3 PDS LABEL STRUCTURE DEFINITION AND FORMAT The label area of the data file conforms to the PDS version 3 standards. For more information on this standard consult the PDS Standards Reference JPL D-7669 Document. The purpose of the PDS label is to describe the data product and provide ancillary information about the data product. An example of a PDS label is shown below: EXAMPLE PDS LABEL FOR THE CLEMENTINE EDR DATA PRODUCTS PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 /*** FILE FORMAT ***/ RECORD_TYPE = UNDEFINED /*** POINTERS TO START BYTE OFFSET OF OBJECTS IN FILE ***/ ^IMAGE_HISTOGRAM = 4788 ^BROWSE_IMAGE = 5812 ^IMAGE = 7540 /*** GENERAL DATA DESCRIPTION PARAMETERS ***/ MISSION_NAME = "DEEP SPACE PROGRAM SCIENCE EXPERIMENT" SPACECRAFT_NAME = "CLEMENTINE 1" DATA_SET_ID = "CLEM1-L/E/Y-A/B/U/H/L/N-2-EDR-V1.0" PRODUCT_ID = "LUC0538B.032" ORIGINAL_PRODUCT_ID = "LUC00538.032" PRODUCER_INSTITUTION_NAME = "NAVAL RESEARCH LABORATORY" PRODUCT_TYPE = EDR EDR_SOFTWARE_NAME = "NRL-ACT-MGRAB V1.2" MISSION_PHASE_NAME = "LUNAR MAPPING" DATA_QUALITY_ID = "N/A" TARGET_NAME = "MOON" REVOLUTION_NUMBER = 032 FRAME_SEQUENCE_NUMBER = 0538 /*** TIME PARAMETERS ***/ START_TIME = 1994-02-26T21:14:57.857Z STOP_TIME = "N/A" UNCORRECTED_START_TIME = 1994-02-26T21:14:57.859Z SPACECRAFT_CLOCK_START_COUNT = "N/A" SPACECRAFT_CLOCK_STOP_COUNT = "N/A" PRODUCT_CREATION_TIME = 1994-09-30T19:53:05 /*** CAMERA RELATED PARAMETERS ***/ INSTRUMENT_NAME = "ULTRAVIOLET/VISIBLE CAMERA" INSTRUMENT_ID = "UVVIS" FILTER_NAME = "C" CENTER_FILTER_WAVELENGTH = 900 BANDWIDTH = 20 GAIN_MODE_ID = "2" MCP_GAIN_MODE_ID = "N/A" OFFSET_MODE_ID = "3" EXPOSURE_DURATION = 7.9296 LENS_TEMPERATURE = 267.63 FOCAL_PLANE_TEMPERATURE = 271.802 CRYOCOOLER_TEMPERATURE = "N/A" CRYOCOOLER_DURATION = "N/A" /*** J2000 (ALSO CALLED EME2000) IS THE INERTIAL REFERENCE SYSTEM ***/ /*** USED TO SPECIFY OBSERVATIONAL GEOMETRY. LATITUDE AND LONGITUDE ***/ /*** COORDINATES OF TARGET ARE PLANETOCENTRIC. GEOMETRIC PARAMETERS ***/ /*** ARE BASED ON BEST AVAILABLE DATA AT TIME OF PRODUCT CREATION. ***/ /*** REFER TO CLEMENTINE SPICE DATA BASE FOR THE MOST CURRENT ***/ /*** OBSERVATIONAL GEOMETRY DATA. ***/ /*** LINE-OF-SITE ON CELESTIAL SPHERE: Angles in ***/ RIGHT_ASCENSION = 238.60 DECLINATION = 61.62 TWIST_ANGLE = 300.70 RETICLE_POINT_RA = ( 231.53, 237.89, 245.09, 239.49) RETICLE_POINT_DECLINATION = ( 62.77, 58.14, 60.12, 65.09) /*** OBSERVATIONAL SEQUENCE INFORMATION ***/ SEQUENCE_TABLE_ID = "CEQ_03" /*** TARGET PARAMETERS: Position , Velocity ***/ SC_TARGET_POSITION_VECTOR = ( -575.6, -954.2, 2049.3) SC_TARGET_VELOCITY_VECTOR = ( -1.4890, 0.2342, -0.7037) TARGET_CENTER_DISTANCE = 2332.7 /*** TARGET WITHIN SENSOR FOV: Angles in ***/ SLANT_DISTANCE = 595.3 CENTER_LATITUDE = -74.39 CENTER_LONGITUDE = 11.00 HORIZONTAL_PIXEL_SCALE = 0.152 VERTICAL_PIXEL_SCALE = 0.152 SMEAR_MAGNITUDE = 0.07 SMEAR_AZIMUTH = 89.80 NORTH_AZIMUTH = 270.51 RETICLE_POINT_LATITUDE = ( -75.08, -75.09, -73.66, -73.64) RETICLE_POINT_LONGITUDE = ( 14.76, 7.29, 7.57, 14.39) /*** SPACECRAFT POSITION WITH RESPECT TO CENTRAL BODY ***/ SUB_SPACECRAFT_LATITUDE = -74.38 SUB_SPACECRAFT_LONGITUDE = 10.74 SPACECRAFT_ALTITUDE = 595.3 SUB_SPACECRAFT_AZIMUTH = 347.12 /*** SPACECRAFT LOCATION: Position , Velocity ***/ SPACECRAFT_SOLAR_DISTANCE = 148497945.3 SC_SUN_POSITION_VECTOR = (-137837390.0, 50702496.3, 21948816.2) SC_SUN_VELOCITY_VECTOR = (-10.2690,-26.6845,-10.7240) /*** VIEWING AND LIGHTING GEOMETRY (SUN ON TARGET) ***/ SOLAR_DISTANCE = 148498461.7 SUB_SOLAR_AZIMUTH = 295.12 SUB_SOLAR_LATITUDE = 1.53 SUB_SOLAR_LONGITUDE = 346.24 INCIDENCE_ANGLE = 77.38 PHASE_ANGLE = 77.21 EMISSION_ANGLE = 0.28 LOCAL_HOUR_ANGLE = 208.08 /*** LIGHTING GEOMETRY FROM SECONDARY SOURCE ***/ LIGHT_SOURCE_NAME = "EARTH" LIGHT_SOURCE_DISTANCE = 362703.5 SUB_LIGHT_SOURCE_AZIMUTH = 283.08 SUB_LIGHT_SOURCE_LATITUDE = 6.08 SUB_LIGHT_SOURCE_LONGITUDE = 357.76 LIGHT_SOURCE_INCIDENCE_ANGLE = 81.16 LIGHT_SOURCE_PHASE_ANGLE = 81.04 /*** DESCRIPTION OF OBJECTS CONTAINED IN THE FILE ***/ OBJECT = IMAGE_HISTOGRAM ITEMS = 256 DATA_TYPE = LSB_INTEGER ITEM_BYTES = 4 END_OBJECT OBJECT = BROWSE_IMAGE LINES = 36 LINE_SAMPLES = 48 SAMPLING_FACTOR = 8 SAMPLE_TYPE = UNSIGNED_INTEGER SAMPLE_BITS = 8 END_OBJECT OBJECT = IMAGE ENCODING_TYPE = "CLEM-JPEG-1" ENCODING_COMPRESSION_RATIO = 3.05 LINES = 288 LINE_SAMPLES = 384 SAMPLE_TYPE = UNSIGNED_INTEGER SAMPLE_BITS = 8 MAXIMUM = 255 MINIMUM = 27 MEAN = 119.269 STANDARD_DEVIATION = 48.200 CHECKSUM = 4816272 END_OBJECT END 4.3.1 GEOMETRIC AND VIEWING PARAMETER ASSUMPTIONS Table 2 lists the computational assumptions for the geometric and viewing data provided in the PDS label. There are two coordinate systems in use: 1) the celestial reference system used for target and spacecraft position and velocity vectors, and camera pointing; and 2) the planetary coordinate system for geometry vectors and target location. The celestial coordinate system is J2000 (Mean of Earth equator and equinox of J2000). The planetary coordinate system is planetocentric. TABLE 2. - COMPUTATIONAL ASSUMPTIONS <> The mid-point time of observation is used for the geometric element computations. <> Label parameters reflect observed, not true, geometry. Therefore, light-time and stellar aberration corrections are used as appropriate. <> The inertial reference frame is J2000 (also called EME2000). <> Latitudes and longitudes are planetocentric. <> The "sub-point" of a body on a target is defined by the surface intercept of the body-to-target-center vector. This is not the closest point on the body to the observer. This definition gives sub-point latitude and longitude that are independent of the reference ellipsoid. <> Distances are in km, speeds in km/sec, angles, in degrees, angular rates in degrees/sec, unless otherwise noted. <> Angle ranges are 0 to 360 degrees for azimuths and local hour angle. Longitudes range from 0 to 360 degrees (positive to the East). Latitudes range from -90 to 90 degrees. <> Spice kernel files used in the geometric parameters is outlined in Appendix I. 4.3.2 PDS KEYWORD DEFINITIONS The keywords are listed in the order in which they appear in the example label shown above. PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 The PDS_VERSION_ID data element represents the version number of the PDS standards documents that is valid when a data product label is created. PDS3 is used for the Clementine Data products. RECORD_TYPE = UNDEFINED The record_type element indicates the record format of a file. The value UNDEFINED is used in the Clementine EDR data products. There are no record attributes associated with the file. The file can be thought of as a continuous stream of bytes with no record separators. ^IMAGE_HISTOGRAM = xxxxx The image_histogram is a pointer to the image histogram object. The value contains the starting byte position in the file. (Pointers in the PDS standard assume the first byte in the array is byte position 1.) ^BROWSE_IMAGE = xxxxx The parameter is the pointer to the browse image object. The value contains the starting byte position in the file. The browse image is an uncompressed sub-sampled image of the image contained in the IMAGE object. ^IMAGE = xxxx The parameter is the pointer to the image object. The value contains the starting byte position in the file. MISSION_NAME = "DEEP SPACE PROGRAM SCIENCE EXPERIMENT" The mission_name element identifies a major planetary mission or project. A given planetary mission may be associated with one or more spacecraft. SPACECRAFT_NAME = "CLEMENTINE 1" The spacecraft_name element provides the full, unabbreviated name of the spacecraft. DATA_SET_ID = "CLEM1-/L/E/Y-A/B/U/H/L/N-2-EDR-V1.0" The data_set_identification element uniquely identifies the data sets available on the volume. The EDR collection is made up of a single data set. Targets include: L=Earth's Moon, E=Earth, Y=Sky, Cameras include: A=A star tracker, B=B star tracker, U=UV/Vis, H=HiRes, L=longwave infrared, N=Nir infrared cameras. PRODUCT_ID = "msfxxxxy.rrr" The product_id data element represents a permanent, unique identifier assigned to a data product by its producer. The product_id is identical to the name of the EDR image file. Where: m = Mission Phase P = Prelaunch L = Lunar mapping E = Earth mapping (LEO and phasing loops) A = First earth-moon orbital phasing loops B = Second earth-moon orbital phasing loops. s = Sensor A = Star tracker A B = Star tracker B U = UV/Vis H = Hi-Resolution sensor N = Near infrared sensor L = Long wavelength infrared sensor f = Filter wheel position (A, B, C, D, E, F) xxxx = Frame number within revolution y = Latitude bin for lunar mapping observations. This character signifies a latitude range on the lunar surface where the observation was made. The center latitude of the image defines the character: A = -90 to -80 M = 30 to 40 B = -80 to -70 N = 40 to 50 C = -70 to -60 O = 50 to 60 D = -60 to -50 P = 60 to 70 E = -50 to -40 Q = 70 to 80 F = -40 to -30 R = 80 to 90 G = -30 to -20 H = -20 to -10 S = "unkown" targets I = -10 to 0 J = 0 to 10 T = Earth observations prior to K = 10 to 20 systematic mapping L = 20 to 30 U = Sky observations prior to systematic mapping V = Lunar observations prior to systematic mapping W = Sky observations after systematic mapping Y = Earth observations after systematic mapping Z = Moon Observations after systematic mapping rrr = Revolution number (lunar mapping phase) For non-lunar mapping phase of the mission, the string "xxxxy.rrr" takes on a different meaning: rrr = Data down load (dump) number within the mission phase. The image data is periodically downloaded from the spacecraft's solid state data recorder. This field specifies a sequence number, starting with 1, of a download sequence. xxxx = Image sequence number of within the download. y = This field contains an alpha character A-Z. The letter increases to the next alpha character after each 100 images. This letter helps limit the number of images that go into each subdirectory on the CD-ROM. ORIGINAL_PRODUCT_ID = "msfxxxxx.rrr" During active flight operations, the images were assigned temporary file names and product id's. This keyword contains the temporary product_id (and file name) given to the image. This field should be ignored by all new users of the Clementine data products. The format is similar to the PRODUCT_ID. The 'xxxxx' field represents a sequence number. There were several problems associated with this number. The sequence numbers refer to the order in which the data were send down from the spacecraft and not the order in which the images were acquired in orbit. Due to ground processing problems, the sequence numbers in the original product id have been shown to be unreliable. PRODUCER_INSTITUTION_NAME = "NAVAL RESEARCH LABORATORY" Organization responsible for developing the data products. The Naval Research Laboratory was responsible for the ground processing system for the Clementine Spacecraft. PRODUCT_TYPE = EDR Image data products are identified as an EDR (Experimental Data Record). The images are unprocessed and contain all of the characteristics and artifacts of "raw" images as acquired by the spacecraft. EDR_SOFTWARE_NAME = "NRL-ACT-MGRAB V1.2" Version number of the software system that created the data products. MISSION_PHASE_NAME = "xxxxxxxx" Mission Phase names: LOW EARTH ORBIT LUNAR MAPPING EARTH PHASING LOOP A EARTH PHASING LOOP B DATA_QUALITY_ID = "N/A" Data Quality indicator. This keyword is reserved for future use. As processing of Clementine data proceeds, this keyword may be used to describe data quality information. No data quality parameters have currently been defined. TARGET_NAME = "xxxxxx" Observational target: MOON, EARTH, SKY The TARGET body is determined by the PICGEO program algorithm: 1) For each possible target body (a target selection list is specified to the PICGEO program), it determines if the body is partly or entirely in the camera's field of view. 2) If only one body is in the field of view, that body is the target body. 3) If multiple bodies are in the field of view, and one or more bodies intersect the camera boresight, the closest one to the S/C is the target body. 4) If multiple bodies are in the field of view, and no bodies intersect the camera boresight, the closest one to the S/C is the target body. 5) If no bodies are in the camera's field of view, the target body is 'SKY'. REVOLUTION_NUMBER = xxx The revolution number refers to an observational pass over the moon. The revolution number is incremented by one each time the spacecraft passes over the south pole prior to the beginning of data acquisition. REVOLUTION_NUMBER is used in lieu of orbit number because of the way the orbit number was defined by the mission. The orbit number is incremented at the equator on the sun lit side of the Moon. Thus, the orbit number is changed in the middle of an observational pass. This proved to be awkward in defining the data acquired by a single pass over the Moon. FRAME_SEQUENCE_NUMBER = xxxxxx Sequential frame number of the image acquired during a pass over the Moon. For non-lunar mapping phase of mission the sequence number refers to the image sequence within a spacecraft memory download. START_TIME = 1994-01-01T03:24:10.444Z Time of start of observation. This time refers to the start of the integration time of the camera. The value contained in this keyword reflects a "corrected time". A software problem onboard the spacecraft caused inaccurate times to be attached to an image. This value contains the best estimated time of the observation. STOP_TIME = "N/A" This keyword is a required element for PDS data products and is included in the label for conformance to PDS standards. UNCORRECTED_START_TIME = 1994-01-01T03:24:10.444Z This keyword contains the time of the observation as sent down by the spacecraft. This time may be incorrect due to a software problem that existed onboard the spacecraft. The difference between the START_TIME and the UNCORRECTED_START_TIME is the estimated correction that was applied to the START_TIME. SPACECRAFT_CLOCK_START_COUNT = "N/A" Clock count of the spacecraft computer at the start of the image observation. The computer clock count was not available for the data products. This keyword is a required element for PDS data products and is included for conformance to the standard. SPACECRAFT_CLOCK_STOP_COUNT = "N/A" Clock count of the spacecraft computer at the end of the image observation. The computer clock count was not available for the data products. This keyword is a required element for PDS data products and is included for conformance to the standard. PRODUCT_CREATION_TIME = 1994-02-26T21:17:06 Date and time for which the EDR product was created. INSTRUMENT_NAME = "xxxxxxxx" Name of camera: NEAR INFRARED CAMERA LIDAR HIGH-RESOLUTION IMAGER ULTRAVIOLET/VISIBLE CAMERA LONG WAVELENGTH INFRARED CAMERA A STAR TRACKER CAMERA B STAR TRACKER CAMERA INSTRUMENT_ID = "xxxxxx" A-STAR (A star tracker camera) B-STAR (B star tracker camera) HIRES (HiResolution camera) UVVIS (Ultra Violet/Visible camera) LWIR (Long wavelength infrared camera) NIR (Near Infrared camera) FILTER_NAME = "xx" Filter name. The filter names are assigned alpha letters to designate the filter position. The CENTER_FILTER_WAVELENGTH parameter defines the central wavelength of the filter. Values for each camera are shown, center wavelength and bandwidth are given in nanometers. Camera/Filter/Center/Bandwidth UVVIS A - 415 40 B - 750 10 C - 900 20 D - 950 30 E - 1000 30 F - 650 550 (BROADBAND FILTER) NIR A - 1100 60 B - 1250 60 C - 1500 60 D - 2000 60 E - 2600 60 F - 2780 60 HIRES A - 415 40 B - 560 50 C - 650 50 D - 750 50 E - 650 350 (BROADBAND FILTER) F - N/A N/A (OPAQUE FILTER) LWIR A - 8750 1500 A-STAR A - N/A N/A (BROADBAND, NO FILTER WHEEL) B-STAR A - N/A N/A (BROADBAND, NO FILTER WHEEL) CENTER_FILTER_WAVELENGTH = xxxx The center_filter_wavelength element provides the mid point wavelength value between the minimum and maximum instrument filter wavelength values. BANDWIDTH = xxxx The bandwidth element provides a measure of the spectral width of a filter (nanometers). For a root-mean-square detector this is the effective bandwidth of the filter i.e., the full width of an ideal square filter having a flat response over the bandwidth and zero response elsewhere. GAIN_MODE_ID = "xxx" Gain mode of the Camera. Mode that defines the sensitivity of the detector. MCP_GAIN_MODE_ID = "xxx" Micro Channel Plate (MCP) gain mode. This keyword is applicable only to the HIRES camera. OFFSET_MODE_ID = "xxx" Mode specifies the analog value that is subtracted from the video signal prior to the Analog/digital converters. EXPOSURE_DURATION = xxxx Exposure duration (integration time) of the image observation expressed in milliseconds. LENS_TEMPERATURE = xxx.xx Temperature of the camera lens in degrees Kelvin at the time the observation was made. This parameter is "N/A" for the HIRES camera because not temperature sensor was available at the lens. FOCAL_PLANE_TEMPERATURE = xxx.xx Temperature of the focal plane array in degrees Kelvin at the time the observation was made. CRYOCOOLER_TEMPERATURE = xxx.xx Temperature of the Cryocooler at time observation was made. This field applicable only to the NIR and LWIR cameras. CRYOCOOLER_DURATION = xxxx Time that has transpired since the cryocooler was turned on. This field applicable only to the NIR and LWIR cameras. RIGHT_ASCENSION = The right ascension of the camera boresight. The values are specified relative to the J2000 inertial reference frame. DECLINATION = The declination of the camera boresight. The values are specified relative to the J2000 inertial reference frame. TWIST_ANGLE = The element TWIST_ANGLE provides the angle of rotation about optical axis relative to celestial coordinates. The right ascension, declination, and twist angles define the pointing direction of the scan platform. RETICLE_POINT_RA = (xxxx.xx, xxxx.xx, xxxx.xx, xxxx.xx) RETICLE_POINT_DECLINATION = (xxxx.xx, xxxx.xx, xxxx.xx, xxxx.xx) These parameters refer to the right ascension and declination of the principle points of the camera. For the Clementine cameras the principle points are defined as the upper left pixel of the camera (line 1, sample 1), the upper right pixel (line 1 , last sample), lower left (last line, sample 1), and lower right(last line, last sample). The reticule point RA and DEC are expressed in degrees. SEQUENCE_TABLE_ID = "xxx" This parameter contains the image acquisition sequence code that specifies the camera/filter image sequencing for a set of observations. The ID indicates the order in which cameras are shuttered and the order for which filters are used in the set of observations. The sequence tables will be defined in the ancillary CD-ROM data products that accompany the Clementine EDR archive. SC_TARGET_POSITION_VECTOR = (xxxxxxxx.xx, yyyyyyyyyy.yy, zzzzzzzz.zz) x-, y-, and z- components of the position vector from observer to target center expressed in J2000 coordinates, and corrected for light time and stellar aberration, evaluated at epoch at which image was taken. Units are expressed in kilometers. SC_TARGET_VELOCITY_VECTOR = (xxxxxxx.xx, yyyyyyyy.yy, zzzzzxxxz.zz) x-, y-, and z- components of velocity vector of target relative to observer, expressed in J2000 coordinates, and corrected for light time, evaluated at epoch at which image was taken. Units are expressed in kilometers/second. TARGET_CENTER_DISTANCE = The target_center_distance element provides the distance between the spacecraft and the center of the named target, expressed in kilometers. SLANT_DISTANCE = Distance from spacecraft to camera boresight intercept point on surface expressed in kilometers. CENTER_LATITUDE = CENTER_LONGITUDE = Planetocentric latitude and longitude of camera boresight intercept point. HORIZONTAL_PIXEL_SCALE = xxxxx.xxxx VERTICAL_PIXEL_SCALE = xxxxx.xxxx Distance, measured along horizontal and vertical directions, along target surface between intercept points defined by centers of left and right edges of pixel-sized region in FOV centered at camera boresight. Defined only when boresight intercepts surface. Units are in kilometers. SMEAR_MAGNITUDE = xxxx.xx Norm of velocity vector of camera boresight intercept point projected on target, multiplied by the exposure duration with the scale of the image factored to obtain the smear in pixels. Spacecraft rotation is taken into account. (Units are in pixels.) SMEAR_AZIMUTH = xxxxx.xx Azimuth of smear velocity vector. The reference line for the angle extends from the center of the image to the right edge of the image. The angle increases in the clock-wise direction. The angle is measured to the "image" of the smear velocity vector in the camera's focal plane. This image is computed by orthogonally projecting the smear vector onto the image plane and then applying whatever transformations are required to orient the result properly with respect to the image. The specific transformations to be performed are given by the camera's I-kernel. NORTH_AZIMUTH = Analogs to smear azimuth, but applies to the target north pole direction vector. RETICLE_POINT_LATITUDE = (xxxx.xx, xxxx.xx, xxxx.xx, xxxx.xx) RETICLE_POINT_LONGITUDE = (xxxx.xx, xxxx.xx, xxxx.xx, xxxx.xx) Latitudes and longitudes of the surface intercept points of the principle points of the camera. (see RETICLE_POINT_RA for definition of the reticule points for Clementine. The units are expressed in degrees. SUB_SPACECRAFT_LATITUDE = SUB_SPACECRAFT_LONGITUDE= Planetocentric latitude and longitude of spacecraft-to-centerbody- center surface intercept vector. These parameters and the SPACECRAFT_ALTITUDE, SUB_SPACECRAFT_AZIMUTH parameters described below are relative to the central body for which the spacecraft is orbiting and not the target of the observation. SPACECRAFT_ALTITUDE = Altitude of spacecraft above reference ellipsoid. Distance is measured to closest point on ellipsoid. SUB_SPACECRAFT_AZIMUTH = Azimuth angle of sub-spacecraft point in image. Method of measurement is same as for smear azimuth (see above). SPACECRAFT_SOLAR_DISTANCE = xxxxxxxx.xxxx Analogous to "target center distance," but Sun replaces target body in computation. SC_SUN_POSITION_VECTOR = (xxxxxxx.xx, yyyyyy.yy, zzzzzzz.zz) x-, y-, and z- components of position vector from observer to sun, center expressed in J2000 coordinates, and corrected for light time and stellar aberration, evaluated at epoch at which image was taken. Units are kilometers. SC_SUN_VELOCITY_VECTOR = (xxxxxxxx.xx, yyyyyyy.yy, zzzzzzz.zz) x-, y-, and z- components of velocity vector of sun relative to observer, expressed in J2000 coordinates, and corrected for light time, evaluated at epoch at which image was taken. Units are kilometers/second. SOLAR_DISTANCE = xxxxxxxx.xx Distance from target body center to Sun. The Sun position used is that described above. SUB_SOLAR_AZIMUTH = xxxxx.xx Azimuth of the apparent sub-solar point, as seen by the spacecraft. This point is the surface intercept of the target-center-to-Sun vector, evaluated at the camera epoch minus one-way light time from target to spacecraft at that epoch spacecraft at that epoch. Azimuth is measured as described above. Target body position relative to the spacecraft is corrected for light-time and stellar aberration. Target body orientation is corrected for light-time. SUB_SOLAR_LATITUDE = xxxx.xx SUB_SOLAR_LONGITUDE = xxxx.xx Planetocentric latitude and longitude of the apparent sub-solar point. INCIDENCE_ANGLE = xxxx.xx PHASE_ANGLE = xxxx.xx EMISSION_ANGLE = xxxx.xx These angles are measured at the camera boresight intercept point. The target-Sun vector is the same as that used in the sub-solar point computation. The spacecraft-target vector is the same as that used in the camera boresight intercept computation. The INCIDENCE ANGLE is the angle between the target-Sun vector and the local vertical vector at the boresight intercept. The PHASE ANGLE is measured between the boresight intercept-to-Sun vector and the negative of the boresight vector. The EMISSION ANGLE is measured between the negative of the boresight vector and the local vertical vector at the boresight intercept. LOCAL_HOUR_ANGLE = xxxx.xx The angle from the negative of the target-body-to-Sun vector to the projection of the negative of the spacecraft-to-target vector onto the target's instantaneous orbital plane. Both vectors are computed as in the sub-spacecraft point computation. The angle is measured in a counterclockwise direction when viewed from North of the ecliptic plane. LIGHT_SOURCE_NAME = "xxxxx" Name of secondary light source. EARTH when making lunar observations MOON when making earth observations LIGHT_SOURCE_DISTANCE = Distance from target body center and secondary light source center. SUB_LIGHT_SOURCE_AZIMUTH = xxxx.xx Analogs to sub solar azimuth but using secondary light source instead of sun. SUB_LIGHT_SOURCE_LATITUDE = xxxx.xx SUB_LIGHT_SOURCE_LONGITUDE = xxxx.xx Analogs to sub solar latitude and longitude but using secondary light source instead of sun. LIGHT_SOURCE_INCIDENCE_ANGLE = xxxx.xx LIGHT_SOURCE_PHASE_ANGLE = xxxx.xx Analogs to incidence and phase angles but using secondary light source instead of sun. OBJECT = IMAGE_HISTOGRAM ITEMS = 256 DATA_TYPE = LSB_INTEGER ITEM_BYTES = 8 END_OBJECT These keywords describe the histogram object. OBJECT = BROWSE_IMAGE LINES = xxxx LINE_SAMPLES = xxxx SAMPLING_FACTOR = 8 SAMPLE_TYPE = UNSIGNED_INTEGER SAMPLE_BITS = 8 END_OBJECT These keywords describe the browse image object. The browse image is an uncompressed subsampled version of the image. SAMPLING_FACTOR refers to the subsampling of every N-th pixel in the line and sample direction. The pixel values in the NxN array are averaged before subsampling. OBJECT = IMAGE ENCODING_TYPE = "CLEM-JPEG-0" ENCODING_COMPRESSION_RATIO = xxxx.xx LINES = xxxx LINE_SAMPLES = xxxx SAMPLE_TYPE = UNSIGNED_INTEGER SAMPLE_BITS = 8 MAXIMUM = xxx MINIMUM = xxx MEAN = xxx STANDARD_DEVIATION = CHECKSUM = xxxxxxxx END_OBJECT END These keywords describe the image object. Data are in a compressed form, the huffman table, and DCT coefficients are stored in the object. Access to this object is through the decompression software. MINIMUM, MAXIMUM, MEAN, and STANDARD_DEVIATION refers to the DN values of the image array. The CHECKSUM parameter refers to the sum of the bytes in the object in compressed form. The ENCODING_COMPRESSION_RATIO specifies the compression factor of the data. There are three permitted values for the ENCODING_TYPE: "N/A" indicates the image was not compressed on the spacecraft and so the data are not in a compressed format. "CLEM-JPEG-0" and "CLEM-JPEG-1" indicates the data were compressed onboard the spacecraft and the data are stored in a compressed form. See Appendix II for a description of the two data decompression forms. APPENDIX I - SPICE Kernel Files Used In Clementine Data Products The following SPICE kernel files were inputs to the Picture Geometry program (PICGEO) used to compute the geometric quantities found in the PDS image labels and the Image Index files (IMGINDX.TAB) archived in this volume set. Improvements to some of these fundamental ancillary data will be made as further analysis of Clementine data continues, so the geometric quantities found in the labels should not be used for precision science data analyses. clemdef.bsp: Clementine spacecraft trajectory file. The ephemeris in this file was produced by the Naval Research Laboratory, based on orbit solutions provided by the Goddard Space Flight Center Flight Dynamics Facility. The NRL data, given in the SERF form, were converted to the SPICE SPK format using the serf2spk utility provided by NAIF. de245.bsp: JPL planetary and lunar ephemeris file, in SPICE SPK format. clemdef.bck: Clementine spacecraft orientation file. The pointing in this file is discrete, stored every 5 seconds during periods of imaging and every 60 seconds during periods of non-imaging. There are gaps in coverage. The pointing data in this file were NOT corrected for known discrepancies between A- and B- star tracker alignment. The data are in SPICE CK format. dspse002.tsc: Clementine spacecraft clock coefficients file, in SPICE SCLK format. pck00003.tpc: Planetary constants kernel file, in the SPICE text-PcK format. This was used for modeling the size, shape and orientation of the earth, and the size and shape (not orientation) of the moon. de245l.bpc: Lunar orientation model using numerically integrated physical librations. This model uses the mean earth axes, not the principal axes used in the IAU publications from which the pck00003.tpc data were obtained. The difference between these two models is thought to be several hundred meters. naif0003.tls: NAIF leapseconds kernel file, used for converting between Universal Time Coordinated (UTC) and Barycentric Dynamical Time (TDB, also called Ephemeris Time, or ET). The seven instrument kernel files below contain the instrument mounting alignment relative to the spacecraft, and the following instrument geometric parameters: focal length, focal plane dimension, pixel size, and the coefficient of radially symmetric optical distortion. ASTAR and BSTAR are the A- and B- star trackers that provided spacecraft attitude reference as well as scientific images. hires005.ti: HIRES instrument kernel file. uvvis005.ti: UVVIS instrument kernel file. lwir005.ti: LWIR instrument kernel file. nir005.ti: NIR instrument kernel file. lidar002.ti: LIDAR instrument kernel file. astar004.ti: ASTAR instrument kernel file. bstar004.ti: BSTAR instrument kernel file. APPENDIX II - Data Compression Coefficients The Clementine Data Handling Unit (DHU) permits 4 data compression parameter sets to be loaded at any given time, i.e. Sets 0-3. These data compression parameter sets are used to drive the MATRA compression chip. This chip permits the real time compression of images using a compression scheme that is similar to the JPEG standard but not identical. Each data compression parameter set is composed of: TabQ table - which contains 64 values Huffman Table - which contains the huffman encoding constants, TabF vector - which contains a vector with 16 possible scaling constants to use. During the Clementine mission: <> Set 0 corresponded to MATRA's default data compression parameter set. The ENCODING_TYPE = "CLEM-JPEG-0" signifies Set 0 parameters were used in the compression. <> Set 1 corresponded to a flat quantization table for all frequencies. This is the set that was primarily used during the whole mission. The ENCODING_TYPE = "CLEM-JPEG-1" signifies Set 1 parameters were used in the compression. <> Sets 2-3 were identical to Set 1. If needed they were going to be modified during flight. After a number of quick studies, using data from the first few orbits around the Moon, it was decided that this was not needed. BASIC DIFFERENCE BETWEEN STANDARD JPEG AND THE MATRA IMPLEMENTATION Standard JPEG Frequency Quantization Scheme In the standard JPEG algorithm the frequency coefficients X(u,v) [using here a notation similar to the one used in the English version of the MATRA chip manual] are transformed by the following equation before the frequency coefficients are Huffman encoded: Xq(u,v) = int9bit[X(u,v)/q(u,v)] (1) where, X(u,v) is a 12 bit signed number representing the DCT coefficient at the frequency indices (u,v). q(u,v) quantization table coefficient at the frequency index (u,v), this is an 8 bit positive number (1-255). In the decompression stage the value of X(u,v) is reconstructed from the following equation: Xr(u,v) = int9bit[X(u,v)/q(u,v)].q(u,v) Equation (1) is a lossy operation due to the integer truncation. For the set of lunar test images we have been working with a small value of q(u,v), say q(u,v)=1, results in compression ratios close to the original CLEMENTINE baseline requirement of 4 to 1. Hence we were particular interested in looking at what is the smaller value of q'(u,v) that can be represented by the MATRA chip hardware. MATRA's Implementations of the JPEG Frequency Quantization Scheme In the MATRA chip the desired quantization coefficient factor, q(u,v), is approximated in hardware using an effective q'(u,v), i.e. Xq'(u,v) = int9bit[X(u,v)/q'(u,v)] = int9bit[int8bit[ ((TABF*TABQ(u,v))/64))/4094)).X(u,v)] (2) where: TABF is an 8 bit positive quantity used for scaling purposes, TABQ (u,v) is a derived 8 bit positive number defined by TABQ=int8bit[255*10/q(u,v)] In other words, in the MATRA chip a desired JPEG quantization coefficient value, q(u,v), is implemented as an effective q'(u,v) value of: q'(u,v)= 4094/(int8bit[TABF.TABQ/64]) = 4094/(int8bit[(TABF/64).int8bit[(255*10)/q(u,v)]) >= 4 Notice that since TABF and TABQ are 8 bit positive numbers it follows that 4 <= q'(u,v). Hence, the minimum effective quantization table coefficient value achievable in the MATRA chip is four. The following Table summarizes the data compression parameter sets loaded to the Clementine Spacecraft during Mission Operations. Note that only set 0 and 1 are distinct. TabF Set0 Set1 Set2 Set3 TABF(00) FFh FFh FFh FFh TABF(01) FFh FFh FFh FFh TABF(02) FFh FFh FFh FFh TABF(03) FFh FFh FFh FFh TABF(04) BDh BDh BDh BDh TABF(05) 8dh 8dh 8dh 8dh TABF(06) 6Fh 6Fh 6Fh 6Fh TABF(07) 59h 59h 59h 59h TABF(08) 4Bh 4Bh 4Bh 4Bh TABF(09) 3fh 3fh 3fh 3fh TABF(10) 37h 37h 37h 37h TABF(11) 30h 30h 30h 30h TABF(12) 2Bh 2Bh 2Bh 2Bh TABF(13) 2bh 2bh 2bh 2bh TABF(14) 26h 26h 26h 26h TABF(15) 23h 23h 23h 23h TabQ Value Q Set0 S1 S2 S3 Q(0,0) 9Fh FF FF FF Q(0,1) D4h FF FF FF Q(0,2) B6h FF FF FF Q(0,3) B6h FF FF FF Q(0,4) 8Eh FF FF FF Q(0,5) 6Ah FF FF FF Q(0,6) 34h FF FF FF Q(0,7) 23h FF FF FF Q(1,0) E8h FF FF FF Q(1,1) D4h FF FF FF Q(1,2) C4h FF FF FF Q(1,3) 96h FF FF FF Q(1,4) 74h FF FF FF Q(1,5) 49h FF FF FF Q(1,6) 28h FF FF FF Q(1,7) 1Ch FF FF FF Q(2,0) FFh FF FF FF Q(2,1) B6h FF FF FF Q(2,2) 9Fh FF FF FF Q(2,3) 74h FF FF FF Q(2,4) 45h FF FF FF Q(2,5) 2Eh FF FF FF Q(2,6) 21h FF FF FF Q(2,7) 1Bh FF FF FF Q(3,0) 9Fh FF FF FF Q(3,1) 86h FF FF FF Q(3,2) 6Ah FF FF FF Q(3,3) 58h FF FF FF Q(3,4) 2Eh FF FF FF Q(3,5) 28h FF FF FF Q(3,6) 1Dh FF FF FF Q(3,7) 1Ah FF FF FF Q(4,0) 6Ah FF FF FF Q(4,1) 62h FF FF FF Q(4,2) 40h FF FF FF Q(4,3) 32h FF FF FF Q(4,4) 26h FF FF FF Q(4,5) 1Fh FF FF FF Q(4,6) 19h FF FF FF Q(4,7) 17h FF FF FF Q(5,0) 40h FF FF FF Q(5,1) 2Ch FF FF FF Q(5,2) 2Dh FF FF FF Q(5,3) 1Dh FF FF FF Q(5,4) 17h FF FF FF Q(5,5) 19h FF FF FF Q(5,6) 15h FF FF FF Q(5,7) 1Ah FF FF FF Q(6,0) 32h FF FF FF Q(6,1) 2Ah FF FF FF Q(6,2) 25h FF FF FF Q(6,3) 20h FF FF FF Q(6,4) 19h FF FF FF Q(6,5) 17h FF FF FF Q(6,6) 15h FF FF FF Q(6,7) 19h FF FF FF Q(7,0) 2Ah FF FF FF Q(7,1) 2Eh FF FF FF Q(7,2) 2Eh FF FF FF Q(7,3) 29h FF FF FF Q(7,4) 21h FF FF FF Q(7,5) 1Ch FF FF FF Q(7,6) 19h FF FF FF Q(7,7) 1Ah FF FF FF Huf Tab Set0 Set1 Set2 Set3 VLC(00) 04h 04h 04h 04h VLC(01) 05h 05h 05h 05h VLC(02) 00h 00h 00h 00h VLC(03) 00h 00h 00h 00h VLC(04) 00h 00h 00h 00h VLC(05) 00h 00h 00h 00h VLC(06) 00h 00h 00h 00h VLC(07) 00h 00h 00h 00h VLC(08) 00h 00h 00h 00h VLC(09) 00h 00h 00h 00h VLC(10) 00h 00h 00h 00h VLC(11) 00h 00h 00h 00h VLC(12) 00h 00h 00h 00h VLC(13) 00h 00h 00h 00h VLC(14) 00h 00h 00h 00h VLC(15) 00h 00h 00h 00h VLC(16) 00h 00h 00h 00h VLC(17) 00h 00h 00h 00h VLC(18) 00h 00h 00h 00h VLC(19) 00h 00h 00h 00h VLC(20) 00h 00h 00h 00h VLC(21) 00h 00h 00h 00h VLC(22) 00h 00h 00h 00h VLC(23) 00h 00h 00h 00h VLC(24) 00h 00h 00h 00h VLC(25) 00h 00h 00h 00h VLC(26) 00h 00h 00h 00h VLC(27) 00h 00h 00h 00h VLC(28) 00h 00h 00h 00h VLC(29) 00h 00h 00h 00h VLC(30) 10h 10h 10h 10h VLC(31) 2Fh 2Fh 2Fh 2Fh VLC(32) 02h 02h 02h 02h VLC(33) 00h 00h 00h 00h VLC(34) 04h 04h 04h 04h VLC(35) 03h 03h 03h 03h VLC(36) 05h 05h 05h 05h VLC(37) 1Bh 1Bh 1Bh 1Bh VLC(38) 06h 06h 06h 06h VLC(39) 17h 17h 17h 17h VLC(40) 06h 06h 06h 06h VLC(41) 37h 37h 37h 37h VLC(42) 07h 07h 07h 07h VLC(43) 2Fh 2Fh 2Fh 2Fh VLC(44) 07h 07h 07h 07h VLC(45) 6Fh 6Fh 6Fh 6Fh VLC(46) 08h 08h 08h 08h VLC(47) 9Fh 9Fh 9Fh 9Fh VLC(48) 08h 08h 08h 08h VLC(49) 5Fh 5Fh 5Fh 5Fh VLC(50) 09h 09h 09h 09h VLC(51) 1Fh 1Fh 1Fh 1Fh VLC(52) 09h 09h 09h 09h VLC(53) 9Fh 9Fh 9Fh 9Fh VLC(54) 09h 09h 09h 09h VLC(55) 5Fh 5Fh 5Fh 5Fh VLC(56) 0Ah 0Ah 0Ah 0Ah VLC(57) 5Fh 5Fh 5Fh 5Fh VLC(58) 0Bh 0Bh 0Bh 0Bh VLC(59) 5Fh 5Fh 5Fh 5Fh VLC(60) 0Fh 0Fh 0Fh 0Fh VLC(61) 03h 03h 03h 03h VLC(62) 10h 10h 10h 10h VLC(63) AFh AFh AFh AFh VLC(64) 02h 02h 02h 02h VLC(65) 02h 02h 02h 02h VLC(66) 06h 06h 06h 06h VLC(67) 27h 27h 27h 27h VLC(68) 08h 08h 08h 08h VLC(69) 1Fh 1Fh 1Fh 1Fh VLC(70) 09h 09h 09h 09h VLC(71) EFh EFh EFh EFh VLC(72) 0Ah 0Ah 0Ah 0Ah VLC(73) 1Fh 1Fh 1Fh 1Fh VLC(74) 0Ah 0Ah 0Ah 0Ah VLC(75) 9Fh 9Fh 9Fh 9Fh VLC(76) 0Bh 0Bh 0Bh 0Bh VLC(77) 1Fh 1Fh 1Fh 1Fh VLC(78) 0Bh 0Bh 0Bh 0Bh VLC(79) 9Fh 9Fh 9Fh 9Fh VLC(80) 0Ch 0Ch 0Ch 0Ch VLC(81) EFh EFh EFh EFh VLC(82) 10h 10h 10h 10h VLC(83) 7Dh 7Dh 7Dh 7Dh VLC(84) 10h 10h 10h 10h VLC(85) E3h E3h E3h E3h VLC(86) 10h 10h 10h 10h VLC(87) 0Bh 0Bh 0Bh 0Bh VLC(88) 10h 10h 10h 10h VLC(89) 9Bh 9Bh 9Bh 9Bh VLC(90) 10h 10h 10h 10h VLC(91) 47h 47h 47h 47h VLC(92) 10h 10h 10h 10h VLC(93) D7h D7h D7h D7h VLC(94) 10h 10h 10h 10h VLC(95) 6Fh 6Fh 6Fh 6Fh VLC(96) 03h 03h 03h 03h VLC(97) 01h 01h 01h 01h VLC(98) 07h 07h 07h 07h VLC(99) 4Fh 4Fh 4Fh 4Fh VLC(100) 0Ah 0Ah 0Ah 0Ah VLC(101) EFh EFh EFh EFh VLC(102) 0Bh 0Bh 0Bh 0Bh VLC(103) EFh EFh EFh EFh VLC(104) 10h 10h 10h 10h VLC(105) 69h 69h 69h 69h VLC(106) 10h 10h 10h 10h VLC(107) 79h 79h 79h 79h VLC(108) 10h 10h 10h 10h VLC(109) 65h 65h 65h 65h VLC(110) 10h 10h 10h 10h VLC(111) 75h 75h 75h 75h VLC(112) 10h 10h 10h 10h VLC(113) 6Dh 6Dh 6Dh 6Dh VLC(114) 10h 10h 10h 10h VLC(115) FDh FDh FDh FDh VLC(116) 10h 10h 10h 10h VLC(117) 13h 13h 13h 13h VLC(118) 10h 10h 10h 10h VLC(119) 8Bh 8Bh 8Bh 8Bh VLC(120) 10h 10h 10h 10h VLC(121) 5Bh 5Bh 5Bh 5Bh VLC(122) 10h 10h 10h 10h VLC(123) C7h C7h C7h C7h VLC(124) 10h 10h 10h 10h VLC(125) 37h 37h 37h 37h VLC(126) 10h 10h 10h 10h VLC(127) EFh EFh EFh EFh VLC(128) 04h 04h 04h 04h VLC(129) 0Dh 0Dh 0Dh 0Dh VLC(130) 09h 09h 09h 09h VLC(131) 6Fh 6Fh 6Fh 6Fh VLC(132) 0Ch 0Ch 0Ch 0Ch VLC(133) 6Fh 6Fh 6Fh 6Fh VLC(134) 10h 10h 10h 10h VLC(135) F1h F1h F1h F1h VLC(136) 10h 10h 10h 10h VLC(137) E9h E9h E9h E9h VLC(138) 10h 10h 10h 10h VLC(139) F9h F9h F9h F9h VLC(140) 10h 10h 10h 10h VLC(141) E5h E5h E5h E5h VLC(142) 10h 10h 10h 10h VLC(143) F5h F5h F5h F5h VLC(144) 10h 10h 10h 10h VLC(145) EDh EDh EDh EDh VLC(146) 10h 10h 10h 10h VLC(147) 03h 03h 03h 03h VLC(148) 10h 10h 10h 10h VLC(149) 93h 93h 93h 93h VLC(150) 10h 10h 10h 10h VLC(151) 4Bh 4Bh 4Bh 4Bh VLC(152) 10h 10h 10h 10h VLC(153) DBh DBh DBh DBh VLC(154) 10h 10h 10h 10h VLC(155) 27h 27h 27h 27h VLC(156) 10h 10h 10h 10h VLC(157) B7h B7h B7h B7h VLC(158) 10h 10h 10h 10h VLC(159) 1Fh 1Fh 1Fh 1Fh VLC(160) 05h 05h 05h 05h VLC(161) 0Bh 0Bh 0Bh 0Bh VLC(162) 0Bh 0Bh 0Bh 0Bh VLC(163) 6Fh 6Fh 6Fh 6Fh VLC(164) 10h 10h 10h 10h VLC(165) 91h 91h 91h 91h VLC(166) 10h 10h 10h 10h VLC(167) 09h 09h 09h 09h VLC(168) 10h 10h 10h 10h VLC(169) 19h 19h 19h 19h VLC(170) 10h 10h 10h 10h VLC(171) 05h 05h 05h 05h VLC(172) 10h 10h 10h 10h VLC(173) 15h 15h 15h 15h VLC(174) 10h 10h 10h 10h VLC(175) 0Dh 0Dh 0Dh 0Dh VLC(176) 10h 10h 10h 10h VLC(177) 1Dh 1Dh 1Dh 1Dh VLC(178) 10h 10h 10h 10h VLC(179) 83h 83h 83h 83h VLC(180) 10h 10h 10h 10h VLC(181) 53h 53h 53h 53h VLC(182) 10h 10h 10h 10h VLC(183) CBh CBh CBh CBh VLC(184) 10h 10h 10h 10h VLC(185) 3Bh 3Bh 3Bh 3Bh VLC(186) 10h 10h 10h 10h VLC(187) A7h A7h A7h A7h VLC(188) 10h 10h 10h 10h VLC(189) 77h 77h 77h 77h VLC(190) 10h 10h 10h 10h VLC(191) 9Fh 9Fh 9Fh 9Fh VLC(192) 06h 06h 06h 06h VLC(193) 07h 07h 07h 07h VLC(194) 10h 10h 10h 10h VLC(195) 21h 21h 21h 21h VLC(196) 10h 10h 10h 10h VLC(197) 51h 51h 51h 51h VLC(198) 10h 10h 10h 10h VLC(199) 89h 89h 89h 89h VLC(200) 10h 10h 10h 10h VLC(201) 99h 99h 99h 99h VLC(202) 10h 10h 10h 10h VLC(203) 85h 85h 85h 85h VLC(204) 10h 10h 10h 10h VLC(205) 95h 95h 95h 95h VLC(206) 10h 10h 10h 10h VLC(207) 8Dh 8Dh 8Dh 8Dh VLC(208) 10h 10h 10h 10h VLC(209) 9Dh 9Dh 9Dh 9Dh VLC(210) 10h 10h 10h 10h VLC(211) 43h 43h 43h 43h VLC(212) 10h 10h 10h 10h VLC(213) D3h D3h D3h D3h VLC(214) 10h 10h 10h 10h VLC(215) 2Bh 2Bh 2Bh 2Bh VLC(216) 10h 10h 10h 10h VLC(217) BBh BBh BBh BBh VLC(218) 10h 10h 10h 10h VLC(219) 67h 67h 67h 67h VLC(220) 10h 10h 10h 10h VLC(221) F7h F7h F7h F7h VLC(222) 10h 10h 10h 10h VLC(223) 5Fh 5Fh 5Fh 5Fh VLC(224) 07h 07h 07h 07h VLC(225) 0Fh 0Fh 0Fh 0Fh VLC(226) 10h 10h 10h 10h VLC(227) A1h A1h A1h A1h VLC(228) 10h 10h 10h 10h VLC(229) D1h D1h D1h D1h VLC(230) 10h 10h 10h 10h VLC(231) 49h 49h 49h 49h VLC(232) 10h 10h 10h 10h VLC(233) 59h 59h 59h 59h VLC(234) 10h 10h 10h 10h VLC(235) 45h 45h 45h 45h VLC(236) 10h 10h 10h 10h VLC(237) 55h 55h 55h 55h VLC(238) 10h 10h 10h 10h VLC(239) 4Dh 4Dh 4Dh 4Dh VLC(240) 10h 10h 10h 10h VLC(241) 5Dh 5Dh 5Dh 5Dh VLC(242) 10h 10h 10h 10h VLC(243) C3h C3h C3h C3h VLC(244) 10h 10h 10h 10h VLC(245) 33h 33h 33h 33h VLC(246) 10h 10h 10h 10h VLC(247) ABh ABh ABh ABh VLC(248) 10h 10h 10h 10h VLC(249) 7Bh 7Bh 7Bh 7Bh VLC(250) 10h 10h 10h 10h VLC(251) E7h E7h E7h E7h VLC(252) 10h 10h 10h 10h VLC(253) 0Fh 0Fh 0Fh 0Fh VLC(254) 10h 10h 10h 10h VLC(255) DFh DFh DFh DFh VLC(256) 0Ah 0Ah 0Ah 0Ah VLC(257) 6Fh 6Fh 6Fh 6Fh VLC(258) 10h 10h 10h 10h VLC(259) 61h 61h 61h 61h VLC(260) 10h 10h 10h 10h VLC(261) 31h 31h 31h 31h VLC(262) 10h 10h 10h 10h VLC(263) C9h C9h C9h C9h VLC(264) 10h 10h 10h 10h VLC(265) D9h D9h D9h D9h VLC(266) 10h 10h 10h 10h VLC(267) C5h C5h C5h C5h VLC(268) 10h 10h 10h 10h VLC(269) D5h D5h D5h D5h VLC(270) 10h 10h 10h 10h VLC(271) CDh CDh CDh CDh VLC(272) 10h 10h 10h 10h VLC(273) DDh DDh DDh DDh VLC(274) 10h 10h 10h 10h VLC(275) 23h 23h 23h 23h VLC(276) 10h 10h 10h 10h VLC(277) B3h B3h B3h B3h VLC(278) 10h 10h 10h 10h VLC(279) 6Bh 6Bh 6Bh 6Bh VLC(280) 10h 10h 10h 10h VLC(281) FBh FBh FBh FBh VLC(282) 10h 10h 10h 10h VLC(283) 17h 17h 17h 17h VLC(284) 10h 10h 10h 10h VLC(285) 8Fh 8Fh 8Fh 8Fh VLC(286) 10h 10h 10h 10h VLC(287) 3Fh 3Fh 3Fh 3Fh VLC(288) 03h 03h 03h 03h VLC(289) 02h 02h 02h 02h VLC(290) 03h 03h 03h 03h VLC(291) 06h 06h 06h 06h VLC(292) 03h 03h 03h 03h VLC(293) 01h 01h 01h 01h VLC(294) 02h 02h 02h 02h VLC(295) 00h 00h 00h 00h VLC(296) 03h 03h 03h 03h VLC(297) 05h 05h 05h 05h VLC(298) 03h 03h 03h 03h VLC(299) 03h 03h 03h 03h VLC(300) 04h 04h 04h 04h VLC(301) 07h 07h 07h 07h VLC(302) 05h 05h 05h 05h VLC(303) 0Fh 0Fh 0Fh 0Fh VLC(304) 06h 06h 06h 06h VLC(305) 1Fh 1Fh 1Fh 1Fh VLC(306) 07h 07h 07h 07h VLC(307) 3Fh 3Fh 3Fh 3Fh VLC(308) 00h 00h 00h 00h VLC(309) 00h 00h 00h 00h VLC(310) 00h 00h 00h 00h VLC(311) 00h 00h 00h 00h VLC(312) 00h 00h 00h 00h VLC(313) 00h 00h 00h 00h VLC(314) 00h 00h 00h 00h VLC(315) 00h 00h 00h 00h VLC(316) 00h 00h 00h 00h VLC(317) 00h 00h 00h 00h VLC(318) 00h 00h 00h 00h VLC(319) 00h 00h 00h 00h