PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = STREAM OBJECT = TEXT NOTE = "AAREADME file for SL9 Data Set Collection Volume" PUBLICATION_DATE = 1996-12-31 END_OBJECT = TEXT END ***** File AAREADME.TXT This data set collection contains CASPIR, EMMI, IRSPEC, and SUSI data. Two groups of submitted data are described from the SL9 data set collection. These are: MSSSO CASPIR - Calibration data to support the Jupiter data ESO EMMI - Broad band images for SL9 IRSPEC - IR spectra for Jupiter/SL9 SUSI - Narrow band images for Jupiter The Jupiter/SL9 data from July 01, 1994 to July 30, 1994 are on this volume. The data files were submitted in the FITS form with documentation. In this case, a FITS to PDS translator program (F2P) has been used to create the detached PDS labels for each corresponding FITS file. The data were checked by manipulating the data with IDL routines developed at the Small Bodies Node (PDSREAD). A complementary PDS to FITS translator program is also included for completeness. Examples on the use of these routines and the source code are posted on the Small Bodies Node home page under Software Archives; also located at this address is the Quick Start Archiving guide. In the DOCUMENT directory are explanatory text files as well as digitized versions of the manuals that are in Postscript form with figures as TIFF files. All document files and most labels contain an 80-byte fixed length record, with a carriage return (ASCII 13) and line feed (ASCII 10) as the 79th and 80th byte respectively. All the tabular files in the INDEX and DOCUMENT directory are formatted according to PDS standards. It should be noted that the index tables are formatted so that they may be read directly into many database management systems. All fields are separated by commas, and character fields are inclosed in double quotes ("). An outline of the CD-ROM is shown in the table below: AAREADME.TXT Short introduction to CDROM contents VOLDESC.CAT Description of files on volume /CATALOG/*.CAT Mission, host, instrument, data set, & ref **************************************************************************** A list of PDS specific files is listed below: DSCOLL - Data Set Collection catalog file *HOST - spacecraft or observatory (institution) that supports a mission *MSN - abbreviation for mission, used in filename for catalog *DS - abbreviation for data set, used in filename for catalog *INST (INS, IN) - abbreviations for instrument, used in filename for catalog ***************************************************************************** /DOCUMENT/*.ASC,*.PS.*.TIF Explanation for CASPIR, ACRONYM list /DOCUMENT/*.ASC,.TEX Explanation for EMMI/SUSI documents /DOCUMENT/*.PS Explanation for IRSPEC documents /INDEX/*.TAB Indexes by object(s) and volume /MSSSO/CASPIR/1994MMDD/*.FIT Near-IR FITS images of "standard stars" from July 17-22; each image is a true difference of measurements designated by ddnnnmmm.fit, where dd is the day number, and the nnn is a running number of the added image and mmm is the running number of the subtracted image. /ESO/EMMI/*.FIT Broad Band FITS images from July 01-02 /ESO/IRSPEC/1994MMDD/*.FIT IR 2-d spectra of Jupiter and standards from July 16-30 where a filename (flxddnnn) gives the date(dd) and daily running number (nnn). /ESO/SUSI/*.FIT Narrow band FITS images of Jupiter from July 23-24. Small Bodies Node, Planetary Data System Department of Astronomy, University of Maryland College Park, MD 20742-2421 e-mail to pdssbn.astro.umd.edu; URL-http://pdssbn.astro.umd.edu