CCSD3ZF0000100000001NJPL3IF0PDS200000001 = SFDU_LABEL RECORD_TYPE = STREAM SPACECRAFT_NAME = GALILEO_ORBITER INSTRUMENT_NAME = "NEAR_INFRARED_MAPPING_SPECTROMETER" INSTRUMENT_ID = NIMS OBJECT = TEXT NOTE = "Description of the INDEX directory on the NIMS EDR CD-ROM set" PUBLICATION_DATE = 1993-12-15 END_OBJECT = TEXT END The INDEX directory contains various tables summarizing the data in the EDRs on this CDROM, and pointing to various ancillary files. Each table is accompanied by a detached PDS label with the same name and a .LBL extension, which contains a complete description of the structure of the table. Section 6, "Index Files" of the VOLINFO.TXT file found in the DOCUMENT directory provides complete documentation on the content of each of the index tables described below. It is expected that later volumes of NIMS EDRs will have the same tables, cumulatively larger to include all data published up to that time, which will supersede the tables on this CD. This will also allow for improved or corrected ancillary files to supersede older ones as appropriate for processing data on this CD. EDRCAT.TAB: The EDR CATalog table contains an entry for each EDR on the CD. Each entry contains various information including EDR, Vicar and Spike file name information, target and mission status descriptions and various NIMS instrument parameters. OBSCAT.TAB: The OBServation CATalog table contains an entry for each observation for which data is present on the CD. Each entry includes the observation name, spacecraft clock range, starting universal time, principal target and various NIMS instrument parameters. It is used by ISIS NIMS cube generation software to point to the EDRs containing data for an observation. RIMCAT.TAB: The RIM CATalog table contains an entry for each RIM (60 2/3 second interval) of data in the EDRs on the CD. Each entry contains the RIM count, name of the observation it belongs to, principal target, universal time, and various NIMS instrument parameters. DRKCAT.TAB: The DaRK CATalog table contains an entry for each Dark Current file in the CALIB directory on the CD. Each entry includes the filename and the time interval of its applicability. BOOMCAT.TAB: The BOOM CATalog table contains an entry for each boom obscuration file (currently just one) on the CD. Each entry includes the filename and the time interval of its applicability. (A CALCAT.TAB table, summarizing NIMS calibration files, will be added in later CDs when the calibration files themselves are included.)