5�CCSD3ZF0000100000001NJPL3IF0PDS200000001 = SFDU_LABEL�'�RECORD_TYPE = STREAM�0�SPACECRAFT_NAME = GALILEO_ORBITERE�INSTRUMENT_NAME = "NEAR_INFRARED_IMAGING_SPECTROMETER"�%�INSTRUMENT_ID = NIMS�%�OBJECT = TEXT�G� NOTE = "Description of software provided with�:� the NIMS EDR CD-ROM set."+� PUBLICATION_DATE = 1993-12-15�%�END_OBJECT = TEXT��END���H�The SOFTWARE.VAXVMS directory contains source code files for simple dataE�manipulation and access functions for the NIMS Experiment Data Record�%�(EDR) files contained on this CD-ROM.���G�NOTE: For detailed analysis of NIMS data, the EDRs should be processed�A�into spectral image cubes. This can be done with cube generation�H�software available in either the ISIS or Vicar processing systems, whichC�must be obtained independently. See VOLINFO.TXT for a description.���F�There are three programs available in the software directory: ADDLAB,E�EDRDMP, and EDRCHK. There is also a CDCOPY command file to be used by�F�VAX/VMS systems for copying data files from CDROM media. A description1�of each program and the command file is provided.���B�To compile and link the three programs on a VAX/VMS system, simply2�execute the command file BUILD.COM ($@BUILD.COM).���EDRDMP�______��G�EDRDMP provides a means for displaying selected data values from a NIMS�<�EDR in various formats and increments, as well as associatedF�housekeeping, engineering and scan platform pointing information. ItsG�use does, however, require some familiarity with the design of the NIMS�C�instrument and the order in which NIMS data is transmitted from the�H�spacecraft. (See NIMSINST.TXT.) As noted above, science analysis shouldF�normally be done from NIMS cubes which may be generated from the EDRs.��G�To use EDRDMP, you must understand that the data is accessed by RIM and�G�minor frame, which together make up the Spacecraft Clock (SCLK). A RIM�G�is 60 2/3 seconds, and contains 91 minor frames (numbered 0 to 90). An�H�EDR may include as many as 100 RIMs. A minor frame is 2/3 of a second. H�Each EDR record contains the data acquired in one minor frame. You mustA�also understand the organization of NIMS data by detector, mirror�H�position and grating position. For this information, see chapters 3 and,�4 of VOLINFO.TXT, or the file NIMSINST.TXT. ���To run EDRDMP: $ RUN EDRDMP��=�Interactive parameter entry (Fortran formats in parentheses):���E�(1) Enter output mode and (optionally) output path & filename (I5,A)�<� Mode should be 0 for terminal output, 1 for file output��/�(2) Enter EDR type, EDR path & filename (I5,A)�1� For EDRs on the CD-ROM, the type should be 0�9� [EDR Header parameters will appear after this entry]���E�(3) Enter spacecraft clock interval to be dumped: RIM1,MF1,RIM2,MF2 �5� (4I10). The default is to dump the entire file���A�(4) Enter a RIM status type, and a Minor Frame status type (2I5)�A� RIM status type: 0 for none, 1 for RIM-level housekeeping & �� temperatures.>� Minor Frame status type: 0 for none, 1 for housekeeping,)� 2 for AACS pointing, 3 for both�G� [Status info, if requested, is interspersed with data in the dump,�,� unless ONLY status info is requested.]��2�(5) Enter dump type, optional minimum value (2I5)B� Dump type 1 (or 0) displays NIMS sensor data versus detector A� (across) and mirror position (down) for a range of grating �� positions.G� Dump type 2 displays NIMS sensor data versus detector (across) and�<� grating position (down) for a selected mirror positionB� Dump type 3 displays NIMS sensor data versus mirror position C� (across) and grating position (down) for a selected detector.�D� Dump type -1 displays NIMS background data versus detector and � grating position.�C� Dump type -2 suppresses all data display, leaving only status �H� information. If a minimum value > 0 is entered, lines of data all I� of whose values are less than that value are suppressed -- this is �G� useful for searching for stars in an observation which is mostly �#� dark sky, or for "hot spots".���H�(n) Succeeding requests ask for the range of detector, mirror position E� and/or grating position, or for the selected detector or mirror �G� position, depending on the dump type. For type 2, there are also �C� options to display the average over mirror positions, and the �� standard deviation.��?� The grating position at which a line of data was taken is �F� displayed, but it depends on the instrument mode. The latter is I� usually determined automatically from housekeeping data in the EDR, �D� but there is an option to enter the mode if that determination E� fails. Enter 1 for full grating cycle modes, 3 for long, 5 for �� short and 7 for fixed.������EDRCHK�______����G�EDRCHK provides a means for displaying quality information about a NIMS�E�EDR, such as percent of valid data, amount of fill data and telemetry�H�signal-to- noise ratios every minute, and for the whole file, as well asE�detailed validity maps at .007 second intervals. In addition, EDRCHK�H�will display various instrument housekeeping and engineering items every1�2/3 second, as well as the PDS label of the file.����To run EDRCHK: $ RUN EDRCHK���Interactive parameter entry:��4�(1) Enter print option: 1 display header info only+� 2: display header info and grand totals�&� 3: display header info, RIM totals&� every minute) and grand totals'� 4: display everything (data record �� info every 2/3 second)��(�(2) Enter output report path & filename��H�(3) Enter EDR path & filename (loops on this request, EOF to terminate)�����ADDLAB�______��G�ADDLAB combines the VICAR label found in the VIC subdirectories and the�G�PDS-labelled data files found in the EDR subdirectories. The program is�?�used solely to create a file for the VICAR NIMS cube generation�-�software, which requires VICAR-labelled EDRs.���H�ADDLAB has two command-line arguments - the first parameter must containE�the name of the PDS/EDR labeled file. Specify the complete pathname,�F�including the directory specification. The program will determine theG�name of the VICAR label file. The second parameter is the output file.���E�Note that to run a C program with command-line arguments on a VAX the�/�program must be installed as a foreign command.���C�To define foreign command: $ addlab=="$disk:[directory]addlab.exe"�4�To run program: $ addlab pdsfile outfile�� �CDCOPY.COM �__________<�The CDCOPY command file is to be used by VAX/VMS systems for?�copying data files from CDROM media to VMS magnetic disk media.�?�This command file is used in conjunction with the VFS-ISO 9660�>�MOUNT field test kit which allows VMS interface with the CDROM"�ISO volume and directory standard.��<�The current VMS interface to CDROMs (VFS field test kit) has=�problems with files that have extended attribute records with�;�a print control value of 0. The dcl COPY command, and other�>�DCL commands, generates an error message when trying to access;�these kinds of files. The dcl CONVERT utility will properly�;�copy these files to the VMS environment. The CDCOPY command�<�file will create an appropriate FDL file for the given input0�CDROM file and then execute the CONVERT utility.��2�The CDCOPY command file will convert fixed-length,:�variable-length, and stream record files. If a file on the=�CDROM does not contain an extended attribute record, then the�9�command file assumes the file is a stream record file and��convert it accordingly.����HOW TO RUN THE COMMAND FILE:��?�You can run the CDCOPY command file with the following command:����$@CDCOPY in-spec out-spec��>�where 'in-spec' is the input file specification and 'out-spec'?�is the output file specification. Wild card file specifications�<�are permitted. Shown below are a few examples of how to run@�the command file (the CDROM device name is assumed to be DUD7:):��#�$@CDCOPY DUD7:[INDEX]IMGINDEX.TAB *��$@CDCOPY DUD7:[MG05NXXX]*.IMG *�1�$@CDCOPY DUD7:[GAZETTER]GAZETTER.TAB OUT:TEST.TAB�