
*_Title ADDLAB - Combine VICAR label and PDS label/edr data file


*_Descr ADDLAB combines the VICAR label and the PDS label/edr data files

*       that were created for CDROM into the original NIMS edr file format 

*       of 1024 byte records.  ADDLAB is used solely to create a file for

* 	the VICAR/NIMS software systems which reqire a VICAR formatted

*	file.


*       ADDLAB has two command-line arguments - the first parameter must

*	contain the name of the PDS/EDR labeled file.  Specify the complete

*	pathname, including the directory specification.  The program will

*	determine the name of the VICAR label file.  The second parameter

*	is the output file.


*	The commands to compile, link and run this program on a DEC VAX

*   	and a SUN UNIX workstation are below.


*	VAX:

*		cc addlab

*	        link addlab

*          To run a C program with command-line arguments on a VAX the

*          program must be installed as a foreign command:

*            eg:   addf=="$disk:[directory]addlab.exe"    

*	   To run:

*            eg:   addf pdsfile outfile        




*		cc -o addlab.exe addlab.c          will compile and link

*						     the program.

*		addlab pdsfile outfile             will run the program.


*_Hist   Nov 18 1992  Tracie Stoewe, PDS Imaging Node, USGS, Flagstaff Az




#include <stdio.h>

#include <stdlib.h>

#include <string.h>

#define IREC_LEN1 1024

#define IREC_LEN2 512

#define	OREC_LEN 1024

#define VIC "VIC"

#define vic "vic"

int vicname();

main(argc, argv)

	int argc;

	char *argv[];


	static char vicfile[81];	/* Name of VICAR label file */

	static char pdsfile[81];	/* Name of PDS file */

	static char outfile[81];	/* Name of out file(VICAR label + PDS file) */

	char ibuf[OREC_LEN];

	int ierr;

	FILE *fpi1;

	FILE *fpi2;

	FILE *fpo;

	if (argc != 3)


	  printf("You must specify the PDS image filename in 1st argument\n");

	  printf("You must specify output filename in 2nd argument\n");





*  The VICAR label file is constructed from the PDS filename




	ierr = vicname(vicfile,pdsfile);

	if (ierr != 0) exit;


* Open input files


	if ( (fpi1 = fopen(vicfile,"rb")) == NULL )


	  printf(" *** ERROR *** Can't open VICAR label file %s\n",vicfile);



	if ( (fpi2 = fopen(pdsfile,"rb")) == NULL )


	  printf(" *** ERROR *** Can't open PDS image file %s\n",pdsfile);




* Open output file ( VICAR label + PDS edr file including PDS labels


#	ifdef vax

	  fpo = fopen(outfile,"wb","rfm=fix","fop=cbt","mrs=1024");

#	else

	  fpo = fopen(outfile,"wb");

#	endif


	if (fpo == NULL)


	  printf(" *** ERROR *** Can't open outpuf image file %s\n",outfile);




* Read VICAR label and write to ouput


	fread(ibuf, IREC_LEN1, 1, fpi1);

	fwrite(ibuf, OREC_LEN, 1, fpo);



*  Read PDS labels and image and write to output- input has 512 byte records,

*  output has 1024 byte records


	while (!feof(fpi2)) 


	  fread(ibuf,IREC_LEN2, 1, fpi2);


	  if (!feof(fpi2)) fwrite(ibuf, OREC_LEN, 1, fpo);





int vicname(vicfile, pdsfile)

	char *vicfile;

	char *pdsfile;


*  vicname creates the VICAR label filename from the PDS edr filename 

*  which is input



	char *i;

	strcpy(vicfile, pdsfile);

	i = strstr(vicfile, "EDR");

	if (i == NULL) 	i = strstr(vicfile, "edr");

	if (i == NULL) goto err;

	if (*i == 'E') strncpy(i,VIC,3);

	if (*i == 'e') strncpy(i,vic,3);



	i = strrchr(vicfile,']');

        if (i == NULL)  i = strrchr(vicfile,'/');

        if (i == NULL)  i = strrchr(vicfile,'\\');

        if (i == NULL)  i = strrchr(vicfile,':');

	if (i == NULL) goto err;

	if ( (toupper(*(++i))) != 'E') goto err;

	*i = (*i == 'E')?'V':'v';

	return 0;

 err: printf("*** ERROR *** Can not build VICAR file name\n");

      printf("from the PDS file name: %s\n",pdsfile);

      printf("You must include the full directory name");

      return -1;
