CCSD3ZF0000100000001NJPL3IF0PDS200000001 = SFDU_LABEL RECORD_TYPE = STREAM SPACECRAFT_NAME = GALILEO_ORBITER INSTRUMENT_NAME = "NEAR_INFRARED_IMAGING_SPECTROMETER" INSTRUMENT_ID = NIMS OBJECT = TEXT NOTE = "Description of software provided with the NIMS EDR CD-ROM set" PUBLICATION_DATE = 1993-12-15 END_OBJECT = TEXT END The 'software/sun' directory contains source code files for simple data manipulation and access functions for the NIMS Experiment Data Record (EDR) files contained on this CD-ROM. NOTE: For detailed analysis of NIMS data, the EDRs should be processed into spectral image cubes. This can be done with cube generation software available in either the ISIS or Vicar processing systems, which must be obtained independently. See 'volinfo.txt' for a description. There are two programs available in the 'software/sun' directory: 'addlab.out', and 'edrchk.out'. A description of each program is provided. To compile and link the programs on a SUN system, simply execute the script file '' EDRDMP ______ The 'edrdmp' program is not available on the sun system. EDRCHK ______ 'edrchk' provides a means for displaying quality information about a NIMS EDR, such as percent of valid data, amount of fill data and telemetry signal-to- noise ratios every minute, and for the whole file, as well as detailed validity maps at .007 second intervals. In addition, 'edrchk' will display various instrument housekeeping and engineering items every 2/3 second, as well as the PDS label of the file. This program may be executed directly from the CD-ROM, or may be copied to your local disk and executed from there. Execute the program by entering edrchk.out at the system prompt. You will be asked for the following input parameters: (1) Enter print option: 1: display header info only 2: display header info and grand totals 3: display header info, RIM totals every minute) and grand totals 4: display everything (data record info every 2/3 second) (2) Enter output list (report) filename, or ^D to exit (3) Enter EDR filename (loops on this request, ^D to terminate) Note: Be sure to wait for system prompts between entering each new parameters. ADDLAB ______ 'addlab.out' combines the VICAR label found in the VIC subdirectories and the PDS-labelled data files found in the EDR subdirectories. The program is used solely to create a file for the VICAR NIMS cube generation software, which requires VICAR-labelled EDRs. 'addlab.out' has two command-line arguments - the first parameter must contain the name of the PDS/EDR labeled file. Specify the complete pathname, including the directory specification. The program will determine the name of the VICAR label file. The second parameter is the output file. The commands to compile, link and run this program on SUN UNIX work station are below. SUN/UNIX ( command accomplishes this function): cc -o addlab.out addlab.c Will compile and link the program. To execute the program: addlab.out edrfile outfile Will run the program.