PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = STREAM SPACECRAFT_NAME = GALILEO_ORBITER INSTRUMENT_NAME = "NEAR INFRARED MAPPING SPECTROMETER" INSTRUMENT_ID = NIMS OBJECT = TEXT NOTE = "Errata for documentation on the Galileo NIMS Cube CD-ROM set" PUBLICATION_DATE = 1999-09-10 END_OBJECT = TEXT END This file contains errata regarding the contents of this CD-ROM volume and earlier volumes in the volume set. It also contains other information including general warnings and liens for future CD volumes. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- WARNING: Users of NIMS products from Galileo Jupiter operations are warned of (1) the imperfect nature of the calibration used to produce them, particularly the wavelength calibration, (2) the effect of pointing errors on their geometry and (3) the presence of radiation-induced noise in the data, and attempts to remove it in some products. [See sections 6A-C of VOLINFO.TXT for detailed discussions of these topics.] Also, an unusual instrument anomaly during part of the G1 orbit required special processing of the affected data. [See SPECPROC.TXT.] Users are encouraged to examine the readable labels and histories which begin each g-cube and tube for information on the data and its processing. UPDATES ON THE NIMS CALIBRATION WILL BE POSTED ON THE NIMS WEB SITE: http://jumpy.igpp.ucla.edu/~nims. WARNING ON USE OF NIMS MASKS: Users should understand that NIMS masks (browse products) are not intended as products for scientific analysis. They serve only as a guide to the spatial and spectral contents of the tube or mosaic. Browse the masks to discover which observations are of interest, then display and analyze the tubes and mosaics. (Just as a lower resolution image serves as a browse product for a higher resolution one, the NIMS mask serves as a browse product for a spectral image cube.) The NIMS mask (composite summary image and selected spectral plots) is a somewhat nonstandard choice for a browse product, which is usually a lower resolution image or table. But the NIMS team feels that the mask is an appropriate browse product for a spectral image cube. (See warning about its use above.) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- General ERRATA for NIMS cube CD-ROMs of data from Jupiter operations -- There is an incorrect comment in labels of cubes generated before 04apr99: /* 'Radiance factor' = Radiance / ( PI * Solar_Flux ) */ The correct comment would be: /* 'Radiance factor' = ( PI * Radiance) / Solar_Flux */ On NIMS masks (browse products), the latitude in the annotation is always planetocentric, even if the grid isn't. Tubes of observations in "spectrometer" modes (other than fixed spectrometer) made before February 10, 1999 do not have alternate mirror positions reversed, unlike those made later. Deboomed products generated before August 6, 1998 may be missing small amounts of data behind the formerly deployed LGA2, which was reportedly stowed just after the E2 encounter (source: Ken Klaasen). A new boom map was created on the above date. Labels of cubes and tubes generated before 98jun22 lack the following statements, which are needed only by users trying to back-compute thermal upper-range DNs from radiances: /* The above formula for DN also does not hold for the higher */ /* intensity regime in the thermal detectors (15-17), for which the */ /* following formula applies: */ /* DN = thermal_offset + sensitivity * radiance / sens_ratio */ /* where 'thermal_offset' and 'sens_ratio' for detectors 15, 16, and 17 */ /* are given by the following arrays: */ THERMAL_DETECTOR_OFFSET = (515.50,516.03,514.03) THERMAL_DETECTOR_SENS_RATIO = (47.56,47.34,48.29) /* The radiances for which the above formula applies, are those lying above: */ /* Cutoff_radiance = thermal_offset / sensitivity */ The six values provided above should apply to all Jupiter tour data. The description of the HISTOGRAM_IMAGE in the labels of both radiance and I/F cubes give LINE_NAME = RADIANCE. Actually, there is a dual meaning to the ordinate: below a breakpoint wavelength, it is the radiance factor (I/F), above that breakpoint it is pure radiance. The breakpoint wavelength is usually in the label as BDRF_RAD_TRANSITION_WAVELENGTH, but that statement is in the SAMPLE_SPECTRUM_QUBE object description, and then only if 1 or more spectra have been selected. The label comment describing binning parameters in *tubes* generated before 09jun98 is misleading. It should actually read: /* SPATIAL_BINNING_TYPE, FOOTPRINT_GRID_SIZE, THRESHOLD_WEIGHT, and */ /* (for certain projections) MAXIMUM_PIXEL_DISTORTION, are parameters */ /* that are not relevant to the Tube core data, but can be used in */ /* subsequent ISIS processing to generate a projected cube from a */ /* tube file with program NIMSGEOMF. Note that the value: */ /* SPATIAL_BINNING_TYPE = FOOTPRINT_AVERAGE */ /* does trigger the addition of two extra backplanes per grating */ /* position: the RIGHT_EDGE_PROJ_LINE/SAMPLE backplanes. */ BOOMV001.NIM in the GEOMETRY directory has a maximum line length of 100 characters, exceeding the PDS recommended maximum for ASCII files. This format is required by NIMS cube generation software. The information file in the BROWSE directory was named BRWSINFO.TXT on volumes GO_1104 to GO_1110. It is named BROWINFO.TXT on subsequent volumes to conform to PDS standards. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ERRATA specific to the GO_1106 volume In VOLDESC.CAT, the START_TIME and NATIVE_START_TIME values are incorrect. (Values from the second observation of the encounter were mistakenly used.) START_TIME should be 1996-309T06:06:06 and START_NATIVE_TIME should be 3682730:00. The latter is correct on the CD-ROM liner. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ERRATA specific to the GO_1104 volume (corrected in subsequent volumes) -- In VOLINFO.TXT, section 8, table 4, the OBSCAT0 description has a number of factual errors about column locations. The OBSCAT0.LBL file has the correct information. DOCINFO.TXT's reference to INDEX.HTM should be to WELCOME.HTM. HTMLINFO.TXT lacks an initial PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 statement. NIMSCOOK.HTM has several lines exceeding PDS's recommended line length limit of 78 characters. JUPITER.HTM's link to G1J501.LBL mistakenly points to G1J502.LBL. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ERRATA for NIMS cube CD-ROMs generated prior to Jupiter orbit insertion -- volumes GO_1101, GO_1102 and GO_1103 (and corrected in GO_1104 et seq): The keywords MIN_ and MAX_TARGET_CENTER_DISTANCE in cube and tube labels should really be MIN_ and MAX_SLANT_DISTANCE, to correctly describe their values. In VOLDESC.CAT, the value of ^DATA_SET_CATALOG is incorrect. In GO_1101 it should be: {"VENUSMDS.CAT", "VENUSTDS.CAT"}. In GO_1102 and GO_1103 it should be: {"EARTHMDS.CAT","EARTHTDS.CAT","MOONMDS.CAT","MOONTDS.CAT"} In [DOCUMENT.NIMSINST]INSTPUB.LBL (document/nimsinst/instpub.lbl), the length of the value of DOCUMENT_NAME (in two places) exceeds the 60-character PDS standard. In [DOCUMENT.NIMSGD]NIMSGD.LBL (document/nimsgd/nimsgd.lbl), there is a missing close-quote at the end of the DESCRIPTION field, which causes PDS label parsing software to miss the END_OBJECT keyword. (On GO_1101 only.) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- LIENS (items to be included in later volumes in the set) Dark and calibration files are used by ISIS and Vicar cube generation programs to convert raw phase 2 data numbers (DNs) to radiances. They will be included in later volumes of this CD-ROM set, or on a separate volume. Provisional versions of these files may be obtained from the NIMS team. Other than the I-kernel, SPICE files are not present on this volume of NIMS cubes, but will be included on later volumes, or on a separate CD-ROM. S, P and C kernels may presently be obtained from the Galileo Science Data Team. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- SOFTWARE NASAVIEW, a multi-platform image display program developed by PDS, has been extended to display images from ISIS spectral image cubes. It soon will be able to display spectra at any line and sample of the images as well. It is available from the PDS web site: http://www.pds-image.jpl.nasa.gov/PDS/public/software/software.html -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ADVERTISEMENT Up-to-date information about NIMS may be found in its homepage on the World Wide Web. The current URL is http://jumpy.igpp.ucla.edu/~nims. There is also a link to it from the Galileo homepage (http://www.jpl.nasa.gov/galileo) which will be updated if the homepage is moved.