PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = STREAM OBJECT = TEXT PUBLICATION_DATE = 1998-10-17 NOTE = " Tables of MAG events extracted from various As-Run SEF files. All events that can impact MAG data quality or continuity are included. There are 7 columns to the data file. Event - Event name or type UTC - Time of the command (not necessarily the event, some commands are buffered and do not execute until the next RIM boundary. R - Range from the object (S3RH = Jupiter, SPRH = moon) LAT - Planetocentric latitude LON - Planetocentric east longitude Local-Hr - Local time, decimal hours CRDS - Coordinate system S3RH = System III, right handed SPRH = Satellite centered planetocentric, right-handed. Here we provide some basic terms and commands definitions. MRO = Memory Read-out - used to read out data from MAG memory, particularly Optimal Averager data. The value following MRO (i.e. 4700) is the MAG memory address at the start of the MRO. The MAG instrument status words fill 4700-4800, Optimal Averager or Snapshot data use 4800-4D00. MRO's that begin at 4700 continue through at least 4CF8, however, sometimes only the MAG data memory is readout (start at 4800). OPT_AVG - The optimal averager on command executes at the next RIM boundary but the first sample is taken when the RIM modulo the STEP equals 0. Usually, the first sample is badly under filtered and therefore disregarded. The time tag assigned to processed opT/AVG data is shifted back about 1/3 STEP in order to place the tag near the center of the data averaged. The exact shift was determined empirically. OPT/AVG and RTS are mutually exclusive data acquisition modes. SNAPSHOT - The snapshot mode allows MAG to acquire high time resolution data (30 samples/second) for 7 seconds. The data can either be returned by MRO or in the LPW data. When snapshots are being acquired, RTS data are badly corrupted. Both modes write data to addresses 4800-4806. However, they write their bits in the opposite direction. This looks like a big spike to the RTS filter and takes several samples (about 4) for the data to return to background. However, snapshots are taken every 3 RIMs (about 6 points) when the snapshot mode is on. RTS data are usually recovered by filtering the recorded data down to the RTS data resolution. DML = Direct Memory Load - Full instrument configurations (offsets, gains, matrix, despin constant and averager rates) are loaded into address 4E80 and then transferred down to their appropriate positions between 4700-47FF at the next RIM. Values loaded directly into the instrument status word area are used immediately by the instrument. Other useful addresses: 471A: First sensor offset, used to load an offset vector 4714: First sensor gain< used to load a gain vector 4720: Start address for rotation matrix (sensor -> rotor coordinates) 4766: Optimal averager filter constant 4768: Optimal averager step size In most instances, the data that was loaded into MAG memory is not included here. Please refer to the AR-SEF in the DOCUMENT/PROJECT/AR_SEF for the exact command and data loaded into the instrument. There is commonly data loss associated with both SITURNs and OTMs. In addition, there may be some boom wobble. SITURN = Science Turn - The spacecraft attitude is changed in order to remove the magnetometer boom from the remote sensing instruments field of view. OTM = Orbit Trim Maneuver - The spacecraft trajectory is modified by thruster firings designed to give a delta V. RTS = Real-Time Science - There are several telemetry formats in which MAG RTS can be brought down, if MAG is selected into RTS. FMT MAG Sample Rate (seconds/sample) ----------------------------------------- A-D 24 E 12 F 9 G 6 H 4 I 2.333 DMS = Digital Memory System (Tape) - There was a tape recorder anomaly just prior to Galileo arrival at Jupiter. As a result of this anomaly, data are no longer recorded all the way out to the end of the tape. When the tape goes through a track change, up a 2 RIMs of data can be lost. This file tracks DMS track changes sin they can result in data gaps. Basic MAG Operations There are two MAG sensor triads. The inboard sensor (INBRD) is located approximately 7m from the spin axis and the outboard (OUTBRD) is located at the end of the MAG boom, ~11m from the spin axis. Each sensor has two gain states. High Gain (HI) is used to measure low fields and low gain (LO) is used to measure high fields. HI LO INBRD +/- 512 nT +/- 16384 nT OUTBRD +/- 32 nT +/- 512 nT Each sensor triad has the ability to rotate (flip) about the boom axis. The two flip states are called RIGHT and LEFT. The flipper motor is a bimetalic spring that flips the sensor orientation when current is passed. While the flipper power is on (8-12 RIMs), the MAG data are corrupted. Each MAG sensor triad is controlled by completely separate electronics. When a sensor is powered on, it takes 20-30 minutes for the voltages to fully stabilize. The MAG team does not eliminate data from the archive while the sensor stabilizes. Data immediately following SENSOR_ON commands are suspect. There are two different types of onboard calibration coils for MAG. There is the MAG Internal Calibration (MAGICAL) coils that are wrapped around each sensor. These are used to determine gains and monitor gain drift. The MAGICAL is turned on and off for 1 RIM each, at least 2 cycles during a MAGICAL calibration and 4-6 RIMs of data are lost to this procedure. In addition, there is an external calibration coil (CAL-COIL) mounted on the Rotor, just beneath the MAG boom, that is used to monitor the boom geometry. The CAL-COIL is cycled on and off every minor frame (2/3 sec) for 50-75 cycles during a CAL-COIL calibration. At least 1 RIM of data is lost during these calibrations." END_OBJECT = TEXT END ***************************************************************************** MAG EVENT SCET (UT) R Lat Lon Local-Hr CRDS ***************************************************************************** GLLASRUN*SRUN.SEF/JAAGFAASRUN GLLASRUN*JAAGF.ORPRO/ASRUN-SEF2 (22 Apr_1996) ***************************************************************************** MRO:4700 1995-10-11/21:20:08 495.151 -5.285 167.495 6.117 S3RH OUTBRD_SENSOR_OFF 1995-10-11/21:48:26 495.005 -5.285 150.380 6.117 S3RH INBRD_SENSOR_ON 1995-10-11/21:48:26 495.005 -5.285 150.380 6.117 S3RH INBRD_SENSOR_HI 1995-10-11/21:48:26 495.005 -5.285 150.380 6.117 S3RH DML:4E80 1995-10-11/21:48:26 495.005 -5.285 150.380 6.117 S3RH FLIPPER_PWR_ON 1995-10-11/21:48:26 495.005 -5.285 150.380 6.117 S3RH FLIP:INBRD_LEFT 1995-10-11/21:48:26 495.005 -5.285 150.380 6.117 S3RH FLIPPER_PWR_OFF 1995-10-11/21:58:33 494.952 -5.285 144.268 6.117 S3RH INBRD_SENSOR_OFF 1995-10-11/22:01:35 494.937 -5.285 142.434 6.117 S3RH OUTBRD_SENSOR_ON 1995-10-11/22:01:35 494.937 -5.285 142.434 6.117 S3RH OUTBRD_SENSOR_LO 1995-10-11/22:01:35 494.937 -5.285 142.434 6.117 S3RH DML:4E80 1995-10-11/22:01:35 494.937 -5.285 142.434 6.117 S3RH FLIPPER_PWR_ON 1995-10-11/22:01:35 494.937 -5.285 142.434 6.117 S3RH FLIP:OUTBRD_RIGHT 1995-10-11/22:01:35 494.937 -5.285 142.434 6.117 S3RH FLIPPER_PWR_OFF 1995-10-11/22:11:42 494.884 -5.285 136.322 6.117 S3RH OPT_AVE_ON 1995-10-11/22:12:42 494.879 -5.285 135.711 6.117 S3RH ***************************************************************************** GLLASRUN*SRUN.SEF/JAAPRIMASRUN (1 May 1996) ***************************************************************************** THRUSTER 1995-10-24/20:31:18 397.575 -5.286 40.606 6.085 S3RH MRO:4700 1995-10-26/11:55:16 385.043 -5.286 51.582 6.082 S3RH DML:MRO_RATE=32RIMS 1995-10-26/12:22:34 384.898 -5.286 35.079 6.082 S3RH OPT_AVE_ON 1995-10-26/12:22:34 384.898 -5.286 35.079 6.082 S3RH THRUSTER 1995-10-26/21:02:17 382.136 -5.286 80.914 6.082 S3RH THRUSTER 1995-10-26/21:14:25 382.072 -5.286 73.580 6.082 S3RH THRUSTER 1995-10-26/21:52:50 381.867 -5.286 50.354 6.082 S3RH THRUSTER 1995-10-26/22:00:56 381.824 -5.286 45.464 6.082 S3RH THRUSTER 1995-10-26/22:35:18 381.642 -5.286 24.683 6.082 S3RH MRO:4700 1995-10-28/19:40:01 367.227 -5.286 189.688 6.079 S3RH DML:MRO_RATE=32RIMS 1995-10-28/19:57:13 367.135 -5.286 179.297 6.079 S3RH OPT_AVE_ON 1995-10-28/19:57:13 367.135 -5.286 179.297 6.079 S3RH MRO:4700 1995-10-31/23:20:55 342.871 -5.286 324.751 6.077 S3RH DML:MRO_RATE=32RIMS 1995-10-31/23:47:13 342.730 -5.286 308.860 6.077 S3RH OPT_AVE_ON 1995-10-31/23:47:13 342.730 -5.286 308.860 6.077 S3RH MRO:4700 1995-11-04/04:40:54 317.752 -5.286 39.950 6.076 S3RH DML:MRO_RATE=32RIMS 1995-11-04/04:57:05 317.664 -5.286 30.171 6.076 S3RH OPT_AVE_ON 1995-11-04/04:58:06 317.659 -5.286 29.560 6.076 S3RH ***************************************************************************** GLLASRUN*JAM.SEF/JABIAASRUN (5 Jun 1996) ***************************************************************************** MRO:4700 1995-11-07/01:35:20 295.146 -5.286 60.785 6.078 S3RH OPT_AVE_ON 1995-11-07/01:54:33 295.041 -5.286 49.173 6.078 S3RH THRUSTER 1995-11-08/21:32:19 280.606 -5.286 266.818 6.081 S3RH THRUSTER 1995-11-08/21:41:25 280.555 -5.286 261.318 6.081 S3RH THRUSTER 1995-11-08/22:14:47 280.371 -5.286 241.149 6.081 S3RH MRO:4700 1995-11-10/01:25:42 271.321 -5.286 335.320 6.083 S3RH DML:MRO_RATE=32RIMS 1995-11-10/01:42:53 271.225 -5.286 324.930 6.083 S3RH OPT_AVE_ON 1995-11-10/01:42:53 271.225 -5.286 324.930 6.083 S3RH MRO:4700 1995-11-14/08:30:40 236.575 -5.285 196.836 6.098 S3RH DML:MRO_RATE=32RIMS 1995-11-14/08:57:58 236.420 -5.285 180.335 6.098 S3RH OPT_AVE_ON 1995-11-14/08:57:58 236.420 -5.285 180.335 6.098 S3RH BEGIN SITURN 1995-11-16/20:20:06 216.043 -5.284 187.293 6.112 S3RH THRUSTER 1995-11-16/20:51:27 215.862 -5.284 168.348 6.112 S3RH S/C_TURN_START 1995-11-16/21:00:33 215.809 -5.284 162.848 6.112 S3RH S/C_TURN_COMPLETE 1995-11-16/21:06:37 215.774 -5.284 159.181 6.112 S3RH THRUSTER 1995-11-16/21:14:42 215.728 -5.284 154.292 6.112 S3RH THRUSTER 1995-11-16/21:48:04 215.535 -5.284 134.125 6.112 S3RH END SITURN 1995-11-16/22:24:28 215.325 -5.284 112.124 6.113 S3RH THRUSTER 1995-11-16/23:31:12 214.940 -5.284 71.790 6.113 S3RH MRO:4700 1995-11-17/15:05:28 209.538 -5.284 227.112 6.118 S3RH DML:MRO_RATE=8RIMS 1995-11-17/15:15:35 209.480 -5.284 221.001 6.118 S3RH OPT_AVE_ON 1995-11-17/15:15:35 209.480 -5.284 221.001 6.118 S3RH MRO:4700 1995-11-18/05:15:49 204.600 -5.284 73.163 6.122 S3RH DML:MRO_RATE=8RIMS 1995-11-18/05:25:56 204.542 -5.284 67.052 6.122 S3RH OPT_AVE_ON 1995-11-18/05:25:56 204.542 -5.284 67.052 6.122 S3RH MRO:4700 1995-11-19/01:30:10 197.512 -5.283 59.222 6.130 S3RH DML:MRO_RATE=4RIMS 1995-11-19/01:40:16 197.453 -5.283 53.111 6.130 S3RH OPT_AVE_ON 1995-11-19/01:40:16 197.453 -5.283 53.111 6.130 S3RH MRO:4700 1995-11-19/12:00:05 193.818 -5.283 38.507 6.134 S3RH DML:MRO_RATE=2RIMS 1995-11-19/12:10:12 193.758 -5.283 32.396 6.134 S3RH OPT_AVE_ON 1995-11-19/12:10:12 193.758 -5.283 32.396 6.134 S3RH MRO:4700 1995-11-19/17:09:29 191.998 -5.283 211.512 6.136 S3RH DML:MRO_RATE=4RIMS 1995-11-19/17:19:36 191.939 -5.283 205.401 6.136 S3RH OPT_AVE_ON 1995-11-19/17:19:36 191.939 -5.283 205.401 6.136 S3RH MRO:4700 1995-11-20/02:10:26 188.810 -5.283 244.578 6.140 S3RH DML:MRO_RATE=4RIMS 1995-11-20/02:16:30 188.774 -5.283 240.911 6.140 S3RH OPT_AVE_ON 1995-11-20/02:16:30 188.774 -5.283 240.911 6.140 S3RH MRO:4700 1995-11-20/11:39:41 185.443 -5.282 260.537 6.144 S3RH DML:MRO_RATE=4RIMS 1995-11-20/11:49:48 185.384 -5.282 254.426 6.144 S3RH OPT_AVE_ON 1995-11-20/11:49:48 185.384 -5.282 254.426 6.144 S3RH MRO:4700 1995-11-21/00:15:59 180.955 -5.283 163.450 6.150 S3RH DML:MRO_RATE=8RIMS 1995-11-21/00:21:03 180.925 -5.283 160.395 6.150 S3RH OPT_AVE_ON 1995-11-21/00:21:03 180.925 -5.283 160.395 6.150 S3RH MRO:4700 1995-11-22/01:18:30 171.974 -5.282 335.409 6.163 S3RH DML:MRO_RATE=8RIMS 1995-11-22/01:28:37 171.914 -5.282 329.298 6.163 S3RH OPT_AVE_ON 1995-11-22/01:28:37 171.914 -5.282 329.298 6.163 S3RH MRO:4700 1995-11-23/02:28:05 162.860 -5.281 143.122 6.179 S3RH DML:MRO_RATE=8RIMS 1995-11-23/02:38:12 162.799 -5.281 137.012 6.179 S3RH OPT_AVE_ON 1995-11-23/02:38:12 162.799 -5.281 137.012 6.179 S3RH MRO:4700 1995-11-24/05:23:51 152.989 -5.279 246.718 6.198 S3RH DML:MRO_RATE=8RIMS 1995-11-24/05:29:55 152.952 -5.279 243.052 6.198 S3RH OPT_AVE_ON 1995-11-24/05:29:55 152.952 -5.279 243.052 6.198 S3RH MRO:4700 1995-11-25/05:08:30 144.177 -5.277 105.839 6.218 S3RH DML:MRO_RATE=8RIMS 1995-11-25/05:14:34 144.140 -5.277 102.174 6.218 S3RH OPT_AVE_ON 1995-11-25/05:14:34 144.140 -5.277 102.174 6.218 S3RH MRO:4700 1995-11-26/00:40:23 136.843 -5.275 117.744 6.237 S3RH DML:MRO_RATE=8RIMS 1995-11-26/00:50:29 136.779 -5.275 111.635 6.237 S3RH OPT_AVE_ON 1995-11-26/00:50:29 136.779 -5.275 111.635 6.237 S3RH MRO:4700 1995-11-27/03:00:44 126.814 -5.271 242.888 6.267 S3RH DML:MRO_RATE=8RIMS 1995-11-27/03:10:51 126.749 -5.271 236.779 6.267 S3RH OPT_AVE_ON 1995-11-27/03:10:51 126.749 -5.271 236.779 6.267 S3RH MRO:4700 1995-11-28/05:40:19 116.478 -5.266 356.518 6.304 S3RH DML:MRO_RATE=8RIMS 1995-11-28/05:50:26 116.412 -5.266 350.410 6.304 S3RH OPT_AVE_ON 1995-11-28/05:50:26 116.412 -5.266 350.410 6.304 S3RH MRO:4700 1995-11-29/00:00:24 109.246 -5.262 51.982 6.333 S3RH DML:MRO_RATE=8RIMS 1995-11-29/00:10:31 109.179 -5.262 45.874 6.334 S3RH OPT_AVE_ON 1995-11-29/00:10:31 109.179 -5.262 45.874 6.334 S3RH MRO:4700 1995-11-29/23:50:07 99.669 -5.254 268.440 6.380 S3RH DML:MRO_RATE=8RIMS 1995-11-29/23:56:11 99.628 -5.254 264.776 6.380 S3RH OPT_AVE_ON 1995-11-29/23:56:11 99.628 -5.254 264.776 6.380 S3RH MRO:4700 1995-12-01/01:35:06 89.052 -5.243 55.467 6.442 S3RH DML:MRO_RATE=8RIMS 1995-12-01/01:41:10 89.009 -5.243 51.804 6.443 S3RH OPT_AVE_ON 1995-12-01/01:41:10 89.009 -5.243 51.804 6.443 S3RH MRO:4700 1995-12-02/03:30:11 78.018 -5.226 196.675 6.524 S3RH DML:MRO_RATE=4RIMS 1995-12-02/03:36:15 77.974 -5.226 193.014 6.525 S3RH OPT_AVE_ON 1995-12-02/03:36:15 77.974 -5.226 193.014 6.525 S3RH MRO:4700 1995-12-02/14:20:20 73.280 -5.216 164.308 6.567 S3RH DML:MRO_RATE=8RIMS 1995-12-02/14:30:26 73.205 -5.216 158.207 6.567 S3RH OPT_AVE_ON 1995-12-02/14:30:26 73.205 -5.216 158.207 6.567 S3RH OUTBRD_SENSOR_OFF 1995-12-02/14:32:28 73.190 -5.216 156.987 6.568 S3RH INBRD_SENSOR_ON 1995-12-02/14:32:28 73.190 -5.216 156.987 6.568 S3RH DML:4E80 1995-12-02/14:32:28 73.190 -5.216 156.987 6.568 S3RH THRUSTER 1995-12-03/08:52:33 64.965 -5.194 213.303 6.654 S3RH THRUSTER 1995-12-03/09:05:41 64.865 -5.194 205.375 6.656 S3RH THRUSTER 1995-12-03/09:43:06 64.580 -5.193 182.812 6.659 S3RH THRUSTER 1995-12-03/10:07:22 64.395 -5.192 168.176 6.661 S3RH ***************************************************************************** GLLASRUN*SRUN5.SEF/J0EA-ARFUL (10 Dec 1996) ***************************************************************************** MRO:4700 1995-12-03/14:32:17 62.365 -5.186 8.416 6.686 S3RH DML:MRO_RATE=8RIMS 1995-12-03/14:42:23 62.287 -5.185 2.319 6.687 S3RH OPT_AVE_ON 1995-12-03/14:42:23 62.287 -5.185 2.319 6.687 S3RH MRO:4700 1995-12-04/05:00:49 55.565 -5.157 204.824 6.781 S3RH DML:MRO_RATE=8RIMS 1995-12-04/05:06:53 55.517 -5.157 201.168 6.782 S3RH OPT_AVE_ON 1995-12-04/05:06:53 55.517 -5.157 201.168 6.782 S3RH MRO:4700 1995-12-05/05:15:49 43.555 -5.076 48.758 7.011 S3RH DML:MRO_RATE=8RIMS 1995-12-05/05:25:55 43.468 -5.075 42.677 7.013 S3RH OPT_AVE_ON 1995-12-05/05:25:55 43.468 -5.075 42.677 7.013 S3RH MRO:4700 1995-12-06/02:00:29 32.383 -4.922 21.477 7.352 S3RH DML:MRO_RATE=16RIMS 1995-12-06/02:10:36 32.288 -4.920 15.421 7.355 S3RH OPT_AVE_ON 1995-12-06/02:10:36 32.288 -4.920 15.421 7.355 S3RH ***************************************************************************** GLLASRUN*JAM.SEF/J0EB-ASRUN (2 Aug 1996) ***************************************************************************** OUTBRD_SENSOR_OFF 1995-12-07/13:30:54 9.151 -2.574 212.973 9.971 S3RH INBRD_SENSOR_ON 1995-12-07/13:30:54 9.151 -2.574 212.973 9.971 S3RH INBRD_SENSOR_HI 1995-12-07/13:30:54 9.151 -2.574 212.973 9.971 S3RH DML:4E80 1995-12-07/13:30:54 9.151 -2.574 212.973 9.971 S3RH OPT_AVE_ON 1995-12-07/13:31:55 9.138 -2.569 212.432 9.976 S3RH DML:MRO_RATE=1RIMS 1995-12-07/16:25:49 6.880 -1.160 123.513 11.056 S3RH DML:MRO_RATE=1RIMS 1995-12-07/18:16:02 5.529 0.433 73.830 12.185 S3RH DML:MRO_RATE=1RIMS 1995-12-07/18:16:02 5.529 0.433 73.830 12.185 S3RH DML:MRO_RATE=1RIMS 1995-12-07/18:16:02 14.866 6.647 338.357 - SSPRH THRUSTER 1995-12-07/23:24:25 4.320 5.476 341.277 18.443 S3RH THRUSTER 1995-12-07/23:25:26 4.327 5.472 340.981 18.464 S3RH OPT_AVE_ON 1995-12-08/02:20:21 6.078 3.717 274.563 21.085 S3RH BEGIN SUN OCCULTATION 1995-12-08/10:34:47 12.010 0.412 13.679 23.618 S3RH END SUN OCCULTATION 1995-12-08/14:41:30 14.747 -0.342 232.356 0.139 S3RH ***************************************************************************** PSDT*TDAY.SEF/J0ECHL-ARF (9 Aug 1996) ***************************************************************************** THRUSTER 1995-12-08/19:13:29 17.575 -0.907 73.825 0.531 S3RH THRUSTER 1995-12-08/19:29:40 17.737 -0.935 64.337 0.550 S3RH THRUSTER 1995-12-08/19:44:50 17.889 -0.961 55.437 0.568 S3RH THRUSTER 1995-12-09/06:35:59 23.995 -1.754 30.279 1.132 S3RH THRUSTER 1995-12-09/11:02:55 26.303 -1.970 231.289 1.289 S3RH THRUSTER 1995-12-09/11:03:56 26.312 -1.971 230.686 1.290 S3RH THRUSTER 1995-12-09/11:14:02 26.397 -1.978 224.655 1.295 S3RH MRO:4700 1995-12-28/09:20:26 143.578 -4.304 343.440 3.213 S3RH MRO:4700 1995-12-28/12:00:11 144.025 -4.306 246.905 3.215 S3RH OPT_AVE_OFF 1995-12-28/12:34:34 144.120 -4.307 226.132 3.216 S3RH THRUSTER 1995-12-29/17:11:26 148.822 -4.334 268.671 3.239 S3RH ***************************************************************************** PSDT*J0CA.SEF/J0CAFC remainder (13 Dec_1995) ***************************************************************************** BEGIN SITURN 1996-01-05/21:15:52 174.064 -4.462 149.372 3.349 S3RH THRUSTER 1996-01-05/21:46:12 174.132 -4.462 131.040 3.350 S3RH S/C_TURN_START 1996-01-05/21:55:18 174.152 -4.462 125.541 3.350 S3RH S/C_TURN_COMPLETE 1996-01-05/22:03:23 174.170 -4.462 120.652 3.350 S3RH THRUSTER 1996-01-05/22:11:29 174.188 -4.462 115.763 3.350 S3RH THRUSTER 1996-01-05/22:45:51 174.264 -4.463 94.987 3.350 S3RH END SITURN 1996-01-05/23:21:15 174.342 -4.463 73.600 3.350 S3RH ***************************************************************************** GLLASRUN*JAM.SEF/J0CAP-ASRUN (10 Oct 1996) ***************************************************************************** BEGIN SITURN 1996-01-09/16:02:43 185.600 -4.514 97.483 3.392 S3RH THRUSTER 1996-01-09/16:11:49 185.619 -4.514 91.983 3.392 S3RH S/C_TURN_START 1996-01-09/16:20:55 185.637 -4.514 86.483 3.392 S3RH S/C_TURN_COMPLETE 1996-01-09/16:28:00 185.651 -4.514 82.206 3.392 S3RH THRUSTER 1996-01-09/16:36:05 185.668 -4.514 77.317 3.392 S3RH THRUSTER 1996-01-09/17:10:28 185.737 -4.515 56.540 3.392 S3RH END SITURN 1996-01-09/17:46:52 185.811 -4.515 34.541 3.393 S3RH THRUSTER 1996-01-19/19:41:21 211.750 -4.623 262.015 3.475 S3RH ***************************************************************************** PSDT*TDAY.SEF/J0CB1-ARF (11 Oct 1996) ***************************************************************************** BEGIN SITURN 1996-02-09/18:25:49 248.475 -4.772 29.535 3.568 S3RH THRUSTER 1996-02-09/18:56:09 248.502 -4.772 11.200 3.569 S3RH S/C_TURN_START 1996-02-09/19:05:15 248.511 -4.772 5.699 3.569 S3RH S/C_TURN_COMPLETE 1996-02-09/19:14:21 248.519 -4.772 0.199 3.569 S3RH THRUSTER 1996-02-09/19:22:26 248.526 -4.773 355.309 3.569 S3RH THRUSTER 1996-02-09/19:56:49 248.557 -4.773 334.530 3.569 S3RH END SITURN 1996-02-09/20:32:12 248.588 -4.773 313.139 3.569 S3RH THRUSTER 1996-02-09/21:01:31 248.614 -4.773 295.415 3.569 S3RH ***************************************************************************** PSDT*TDAY.SEF/J0CB2-ARF (15 Oct 1996) ***************************************************************************** THRUSTER 1996-02-27/20:00:40 265.425 -4.862 144.640 3.610 S3RH THRUSTER 1996-03-12/13:00:35 270.392 -4.917 92.533 3.632 S3RH ***************************************************************************** PSDT*TDAY.SEF/SAW7-ARF (16 Oct 1996) ***************************************************************************** BEGIN SITURN 1996-03-13/18:05:46 270.517 -4.922 117.629 3.633 S3RH THRUSTER 1996-03-13/18:36:06 270.518 -4.922 99.293 3.633 S3RH S/C_TURN_START 1996-03-13/18:45:12 270.519 -4.922 93.793 3.633 S3RH S/C_TURN_COMPLETE 1996-03-13/19:11:29 270.520 -4.922 77.902 3.633 S3RH THRUSTER 1996-03-13/19:19:34 270.521 -4.922 73.013 3.633 S3RH THRUSTER 1996-03-13/19:53:57 270.523 -4.922 52.232 3.633 S3RH END SITURN 1996-03-13/20:29:20 270.525 -4.922 30.841 3.633 S3RH THRUSTER 1996-03-13/22:49:53 270.532 -4.922 305.886 3.633 S3RH THRUSTER 1996-03-15/20:38:05 270.617 -4.937 84.789 3.643 S3RH THRUSTER 1996-03-15/20:58:18 270.617 -4.937 72.567 3.643 S3RH THRUSTER 1996-03-15/21:14:29 270.617 -4.937 62.789 3.643 S3RH BEGIN SITURN 1996-03-15/21:50:53 270.617 -4.938 40.789 3.643 S3RH THRUSTER 1996-03-15/22:21:13 270.617 -4.938 22.455 3.643 S3RH S/C_TURN_START 1996-03-15/22:30:19 270.617 -4.938 16.955 3.643 S3RH S/C_TURN_COMPLETE 1996-03-15/23:00:39 270.618 -4.938 358.621 3.644 S3RH THRUSTER 1996-03-15/23:08:44 270.618 -4.938 353.733 3.644 S3RH THRUSTER 1996-03-15/23:42:06 270.618 -4.939 333.566 3.644 S3RH END SITURN 1996-03-16/00:18:30 270.618 -4.939 311.566 3.644 S3RH ***************************************************************************** PSDT*TDAY.SEF/J0CC-ARF (17 Oct 1996) ***************************************************************************** MRO:4700 1996-03-27/04:30:19 268.700 -5.057 305.645 3.730 S3RH INBRD_SENSOR_OFF 1996-03-27/04:58:38 268.693 -5.057 288.534 3.731 S3RH OUTBRD_SENSOR_ON 1996-03-27/04:58:38 268.693 -5.057 288.534 3.731 S3RH OUTBRD_SENSOR_LO 1996-03-27/04:58:38 268.693 -5.057 288.534 3.731 S3RH DML:4E80 1996-03-27/04:58:38 268.693 -5.057 288.534 3.731 S3RH OPT_AVE_ON 1996-03-27/04:59:39 268.693 -5.057 287.923 3.731 S3RH THRUSTER 1996-03-28/16:00:44 268.144 -5.072 98.024 3.742 S3RH MRO:4700 1996-03-29/16:00:33 267.728 -5.082 307.796 3.750 S3RH DML:MRO_RATE=32RIMS 1996-03-29/16:27:51 267.720 -5.082 291.296 3.750 S3RH OPT_AVE_ON 1996-03-29/16:27:51 267.720 -5.082 291.296 3.750 S3RH MRO:4700 1996-04-01/04:00:07 266.539 -5.107 292.229 3.770 S3RH DML:MRO_RATE=1RIMS 1996-04-01/04:27:25 266.529 -5.107 275.729 3.770 S3RH OPT_AVE_ON 1996-04-01/04:27:25 266.529 -5.107 275.729 3.770 S3RH MRO:4700 1996-04-01/07:15:15 266.469 -5.108 174.284 3.771 S3RH DML:MRO_RATE=32RIMS 1996-04-01/07:42:33 266.459 -5.109 157.784 3.771 S3RH OPT_AVE_ON 1996-04-01/07:42:33 266.459 -5.109 157.784 3.771 S3RH MRO:4700 1996-04-04/16:00:30 264.524 -5.142 125.829 3.798 S3RH DML:MRO_RATE=32RIMS 1996-04-04/16:27:48 264.512 -5.142 109.329 3.798 S3RH OPT_AVE_ON 1996-04-04/16:27:48 264.512 -5.142 109.329 3.798 S3RH MRO:4700 1996-04-08/05:00:32 262.069 -5.177 283.384 3.827 S3RH DML:MRO_RATE=8RIMS 1996-04-08/05:27:50 262.055 -5.177 266.884 3.827 S3RH OPT_AVE_ON 1996-04-08/05:27:50 262.055 -5.177 266.884 3.827 S3RH MRO:4700 1996-04-09/07:00:41 261.232 -5.187 60.442 3.836 S3RH DML:MRO_RATE=32RIMS 1996-04-09/07:27:59 261.217 -5.187 43.942 3.836 S3RH OPT_AVE_ON 1996-04-09/07:27:59 261.217 -5.187 43.942 3.836 S3RH MRO:4700 1996-04-11/16:00:15 259.255 -5.210 153.673 3.856 S3RH DML:MRO_RATE=32RIMS 1996-04-11/16:27:33 259.238 -5.210 137.173 3.857 S3RH OPT_AVE_ON 1996-04-11/16:27:33 259.238 -5.210 137.173 3.857 S3RH MRO:4700 1996-04-15/12:00:55 255.647 -5.247 57.039 3.890 S3RH DML:MRO_RATE=2RIMS 1996-04-15/12:27:12 255.628 -5.247 41.150 3.890 S3RH OPT_AVE_ON 1996-04-15/12:27:12 255.628 -5.247 41.150 3.890 S3RH MRO:4700 1996-04-15/18:30:12 255.372 -5.250 181.764 3.893 S3RH DML:MRO_RATE=32RIMS 1996-04-15/18:57:30 255.353 -5.250 165.264 3.893 S3RH OPT_AVE_ON 1996-04-15/18:57:30 255.353 -5.250 165.264 3.893 S3RH MRO:4700 1996-04-18/06:00:26 252.728 -5.274 183.964 3.915 S3RH DML:MRO_RATE=32RIMS 1996-04-18/06:27:44 252.707 -5.274 167.465 3.916 S3RH OPT_AVE_ON 1996-04-18/06:27:44 252.707 -5.274 167.465 3.916 S3RH THRUSTER 1996-04-18/16:01:02 252.262 -5.278 180.971 3.919 S3RH MRO:4700 1996-04-22/04:00:24 248.093 -5.311 15.262 3.953 S3RH DML:MRO_RATE=4RIMS 1996-04-22/04:27:42 248.069 -5.311 358.763 3.953 S3RH OPT_AVE_ON 1996-04-22/04:27:42 248.069 -5.311 358.763 3.953 S3RH MRO:4700 1996-04-22/17:00:59 247.405 -5.316 263.498 3.958 S3RH DML:MRO_RATE=32RIMS 1996-04-22/17:27:16 247.382 -5.317 247.609 3.958 S3RH OPT_AVE_ON 1996-04-22/17:27:16 247.382 -5.317 247.609 3.958 S3RH MRO:4700 1996-04-25/16:00:47 243.452 -5.345 208.969 3.988 S3RH DML:MRO_RATE=32RIMS 1996-04-25/16:27:05 243.427 -5.345 193.081 3.988 S3RH OPT_AVE_ON 1996-04-25/16:28:05 243.426 -5.345 192.469 3.988 S3RH MRO:4700 1996-04-29/02:30:10 238.428 -5.378 97.705 4.025 S3RH DML:MRO_RATE=2RIMS 1996-04-29/02:57:28 238.399 -5.378 81.206 4.025 S3RH OPT_AVE_ON 1996-04-29/02:57:28 238.399 -5.378 81.206 4.025 S3RH MRO:4700 1996-04-29/09:00:28 238.011 -5.380 221.828 4.028 S3RH DML:MRO_RATE=32RIMS 1996-04-29/09:27:46 237.982 -5.380 205.328 4.028 S3RH OPT_AVE_ON 1996-04-29/09:27:46 237.982 -5.380 205.328 4.028 S3RH MRO:4700 1996-05-02/09:00:56 233.189 -5.409 130.691 4.062 S3RH DML:MRO_RATE=16RIMS 1996-05-02/09:27:13 233.158 -5.409 114.803 4.062 S3RH OPT_AVE_ON 1996-05-02/09:27:13 233.158 -5.409 114.803 4.062 S3RH THRUSTER 1996-05-03/16:17:33 230.976 -5.422 76.540 4.077 S3RH THRUSTER 1996-05-03/16:28:41 230.963 -5.422 69.818 4.077 S3RH THRUSTER 1996-05-03/17:36:25 230.881 -5.422 28.876 4.078 S3RH THRUSTER 1996-05-03/18:09:47 230.841 -5.422 8.711 4.078 S3RH THRUSTER 1996-05-03/18:33:03 230.813 -5.422 354.656 4.078 S3RH THRUSTER 1996-05-03/19:27:39 230.748 -5.423 321.658 4.079 S3RH THRUSTER 1996-05-03/19:50:54 230.720 -5.423 307.604 4.079 S3RH THRUSTER 1996-05-03/20:45:30 230.654 -5.423 274.606 4.079 S3RH THRUSTER 1996-05-03/21:08:45 230.626 -5.423 260.551 4.080 S3RH MRO:4700 1996-05-04/04:30:37 230.091 -5.426 353.514 4.083 S3RH DML:MRO_RATE=4RIMS 1996-05-04/04:57:55 230.058 -5.427 337.015 4.084 S3RH OPT_AVE_ON 1996-05-04/04:57:55 230.058 -5.427 337.015 4.084 S3RH THRUSTER 1996-05-04/15:00:32 229.322 -5.431 332.818 4.089 S3RH THRUSTER 1996-05-04/15:01:33 229.321 -5.431 332.207 4.089 S3RH ***************************************************************************** PSDT*TDAY.SEF/J0CDH-ARF (19 Jul 1996) ***************************************************************************** MAG_RTS_FMT:A(2bps) 1996-06-03/16:02:55 151.569 -5.734 110.492 4.688 S3RH THRUSTER 1996-06-12/14:46:29 114.440 -5.806 248.940 5.110 S3RH THRUSTER 1996-06-12/15:27:57 114.303 -5.806 223.909 5.112 S3RH THRUSTER 1996-06-12/15:51:12 114.226 -5.806 209.868 5.113 S3RH THRUSTER 1996-06-12/16:43:47 114.053 -5.807 178.121 5.115 S3RH THRUSTER 1996-06-12/17:07:02 113.976 -5.807 164.079 5.116 S3RH INBRD_SENSOR_OFF 1996-06-17/00:30:12 91.808 -5.800 19.698 5.471 S3RH OUTBRD_SENSOR_ON 1996-06-17/00:30:12 91.808 -5.800 19.698 5.471 S3RH OUTBRD_SENSOR_LO 1996-06-17/00:30:12 91.808 -5.800 19.698 5.471 S3RH DML:4E80 1996-06-17/00:30:12 91.808 -5.800 19.698 5.471 S3RH OPT_AVE_ON 1996-06-17/00:30:12 91.808 -5.800 19.698 5.471 S3RH DML:471A 1996-06-17/00:31:12 91.804 -5.799 19.088 5.471 S3RH DML:MRO_RATE=1RIMS 1996-06-17/14:10:12 88.589 -5.793 244.940 5.532 S3RH BEGIN SITURN 1996-06-17/14:24:22 88.532 -5.792 236.400 5.533 S3RH THRUSTER 1996-06-17/14:53:41 88.416 -5.792 218.709 5.536 S3RH S/C_TURN_START 1996-06-17/15:02:47 88.380 -5.792 213.219 5.536 S3RH S/C_TURN_COMPLETE 1996-06-17/15:07:50 88.359 -5.792 210.169 5.537 S3RH THRUSTER 1996-06-17/15:14:55 88.331 -5.792 205.899 5.537 S3RH THRUSTER 1996-06-17/15:49:18 88.194 -5.792 185.159 5.540 S3RH THRUSTER 1996-06-17/16:25:42 88.049 -5.791 163.199 5.543 S3RH RTS DESELECT 1996-06-18/10:48:49 83.573 -5.778 217.761 5.635 S3RH DMS_TRACK_TURNAROUND 1996-06-21/07:18:59 65.353 -5.655 260.207 6.099 S3RH DMS_TRACK_TURNAROUND 1996-06-21/14:56:00 63.148 -5.630 344.985 6.168 S3RH OUTBRD_SENSOR_OFF 1996-06-22/01:50:11 59.919 -5.586 311.164 6.277 S3RH INBRD_SENSOR_ON 1996-06-22/01:50:11 59.919 -5.586 311.164 6.277 S3RH INBRD_SENSOR_LO 1996-06-22/01:50:11 59.919 -5.586 311.164 6.277 S3RH DML:4E80 1996-06-22/01:50:11 59.919 -5.586 311.164 6.277 S3RH DML:471A 1996-06-22/01:51:12 59.914 -5.585 310.556 6.277 S3RH