Chapter 1: INTRODUCTION TO THE REVISED EDITION This document was originally published by the NIMS team in December 1990 as a guide to the first Galileo Earth-Moon encounter (E1) and to the Venus data playback which preceded it. It has been revised and corrected for inclusion on the first CD-ROM of NIMS Experiment Data Records (EDRs). Some material in the original document has been omitted since it is available elsewhere on the CD. Other material of only historical interest has been relegated to an appendix. The aim of the revised guide is to provide detailed information on the various NIMS observations and calibrations. Also included is background information on the encounters. An overview of the guide is given below. Please refer to the beginning of each chapter for a detailed list of contents. Chapter 2 gives spacecraft cruise overviews for the three principal subsets of data included on the CD-ROM. Chapters 3, 4 and 5 contain comprehensive information on the NIMS science observations during EV6 (the Venus encounter), VE9 (the pre-Earth-encounter calibrations) and VE11 (the first Earth/Moon encounter) respectively. These chapters include detailed timelines, science observation descriptions and objectives, as well as Pointer plots (observation footprints). Chapter 5 also includes a spreadsheet presentation of all the observations in the E1 encounter. New in this edition of the guide are detailed Observation Catalogs (OBSCATs), tables containing spacecraft clock ranges, instrument modes and parameters for each observation described in the chapter. For information on the NIMS instrument, please see the preprint of the NIMS instrument paper provided elsewhere on the CD-ROM, or refer to the published version: R. W. Carlson, P. R. Weissman, W. D. Smythe, J. C. Mahoney, and the NIMS Science and Engineering Teams, "Near-infrared Mapping Spectrometer Experiment on Galileo", Space Science Reviews 60: 457-502, 1992. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The NIMS observations described in this Guide were designed by Kevin Baines (Venus and Earth), Adriana Ocampo (Moon) and Bill Smythe (Calibrations). Adriana Ocampo edited the original printed document. Marcia Segura subsequently retrieved most of the original material for the CD-ROM. Frank Leader edited the original Postscript files for consistency and clarity, and recovered missing material by scanning parts of the original printed document. Bob Mehlman rewrote the introduction.