GALILEO EARTH/MOON SCIENCE ACTIVITIES RETURN OF VENUS/CRUISE SCIENCE DATA CALIBRATIONS AND CHECKOUTS OF INSTRUMENTS NEEDED FOR GASPRA,JUPITER FIRST COMPLETE CALIBRATION FOR MOST INSTRUMENTS PROVIDES HISTORY:4 DAY CHECK DEC 89 VENUS FEB 90 EARTH-1 DEC 90 FIRST CHARACTERIZATION OF POINTING CAPABILITY OF SPACECRAFT SCALPS - DONE AFTER ENCOUNTER (~1WEEK) LUNAR REMOTE SENSING MAGNETOSPHERIC STUDIES - UV SYSTEM SCANS EARTH ATMOSPHERIC STUDIES EXPLORATORY/JUPITER PREPARATION FEATURE TRACKS ON EARTH AUSTRALIA/ANTARCTICA NIMS MOSAICS SPIN "MOVIE" GALILEO LUNAR SCIENCE OBJECTIVES * MARE ORIENTALE: COMPOSITION AND MULTISPECTRAL CHARACTERIZATION SAMPLE DEEP LUNAR INTERIOR; IMPACT PROCESS STUDIES (NIMS, SSI, UVS, PPR) * LUNAR FARSIDE COVERAGE: MULTISPECTRAL CHARACTERIZATION; NEARSIDE/FARSIDE ASYMMETRIES IN THE LUNAR MARIA, HIGHLANDS AND PLAINS (NIMS, SSI, UVS, PPR) * SEARCH FOR EXTENDED H, OH EMISSION AROUND MOON (UVS) * SEARCH FOR HYDRATED MATERIAL ON THE MOON (NIMS) * RADIOMETRIC BRIGHTNESS vs WAVELENGtH AND POSITION ON LUNAR DISC FOR TOPOGRAPHIC CHARACTERIZATION AND CALIBRATION AGAINST SIMILAR OBSERVATIONS ON THE JOVIAN SATELLITES (PPR, NIMS) GALILEO EARTH SCIENCE OBJECTIVES * GLOBAL MAPPING OF MESOSPHERIC WATER AND MESOSPHERIC CARBON DIOXIDE (NIMS) * GLOBAL MAPPING OF METHANE AND OTHER "GREENHOUSE" GASES (NIMS) * CHARACTERIZE DYNAMICS OF THE PLASMA ENVIRONMENT IN THE EARTH;S MAGNETOSPHERE AND MAGNETOTAIL (F&P) * GROUND TRUTH SPATIAL RESOLUTION AND SPECTRAL MEASUREMENTS OF EARTH FEATURES FOR COMPARISON WITH OBSERVATIONS OF ASTEROIDS AND JOVIAN SATELLITES (SSI, NIMS) * CHARACTERIZE HYDROGEN GEOTAIL (UVS) * EARTH ATMOSPHERE AIRGLOW STUDIES (UVS) * MEASURE MASS OF THE EARTH (RS) GALILEO NEAR INFRARED MAPPING SPECTROMETER (NIMS) OBJECTIVES EARTH: * Mesospheric water content -- relation to potential methane increases and noctilucent cloud occurrences. * Geological and biological mapping of Australia and Antarctica -- New biological data in 3.5 hydrocarbon bands (C-H stretching) -- Antarctic snow reflectance data of climatology -- Geological remote sensing and ground truth * Global Mapping -- Spectral properties of vegetation -- Organic content of oceans and seas (phytoplankton) -- Global distribution of atmospheric methane and organics MOON: * Newly observed territory * Search for hydrated minerals * Extended phase angle coverage OPERATIONS HISTORY * Checked out in December 1989 * Successful Venus operation -- playback data looked good * Cooler performance better than expected INSTRUMENT HEALTH AND STATUS * Go for Venus OAPEL Dictionary Entries for NIMS Moon Observations MOON LONG MAP MOSAIC PHASE=148-144 DEG CALIN : Long map mosaic of the Moon's nearside from Mare SmythII and Mare Fecunditatis (408 wavelengths, gain state=1) in two strips and repeated for over a 1hr 45min in duration to increment signal to noise ratio. These observations will help determine instrument response. Boom obscuration period. Phase angles range from 148 to 144 degrees. Oapels include the first two NIMS observations of the Moon (E1LNCALIN-01,02). MOON FULL MAP MOSAIC PHASE=136-133 DEG LNFIN : Full map mosaic of the Moon's nearside Mare Fecunditis and Mare Tranquilitatis in two strips (204 wavelengths, gain state=1), over 1 hour in durations to increment signal to noise ratio during boom obscuration. Phase angles range from 136 to 133 degrees. Oapels include the third and fourth NIMS observations of the Moon (E1LNFIN-03*,04). SSI frames acquired in clear filter (*). MOON LONG MAP MOSAIC PHASE=101-86 DEG LNLTIN: Long map mosiac of the nearside of the Moon Rima Ariaddaeus and the Apollo 11 site (408 wavelengths, gain state=1) in two strips. Phase angle range from 101 to 86 degrees. Boom obscuration period. Oapels include the fifth and sixth observation (E1LNLTIN-05*,07*). SSI acquires frames in clear filter "on the fly". MOON LONG MAP MOSAIC PHASE= 82 DEG LNLMOD: Long map mosaic in two strips (408 wavelengths, gain state=1) of Simus MedII Murchinson crater in the sub-spacecraft point. Phase angle is approximately 82 degrees. Seventh NIMS Moon observation (E1LNLMOD-08*). SSI frames on clear filter. MOON LONG MAP MOSAIC PHASE= 69 DEG LNLSOD: Long map mosaic in two strips (408 wavelengths, gain state=1) of the Moon's Sammering crater area in the sub-spacecraft point. Phase angle is approximately 69 degrees. Eighth NIMS Moon observation (E1LNLSOD-09*). SSI frames on clear filter. MOON LONG MAP MOSAIC PHASE- 56 DEG LNLIOD: Long map mosaic in two strips (408 wavelengths, gain state=1) of Mare Insularum. Phase angle is 56 degrees. Best NIMS resolution of the Moon 173 km. Nineth NIMS Moon observation (E1LNLIOD-10*). SSI frames acquired on the fly in clear filter. MOON LONG MAP MOSAIC PHASE=49 DEG LNLEOD: Long map mosaic (408 wavelengths, gain state=1) of the Moon's Oceanus Procellarum Euclides crater. Phase angle is approximately 49 degrees. Tenth Moon Observation (E1LNLEOD-11). MOON LONG MAP MOSAIC PHASE=39 DEG LNLPOD: Long map mosaic (408 wavelengths, gain state=1) of the Moon's Oceanus Procellarum Hansteen and Billy craters. Phase angle is 39 degrees. Eleventh Nims Moon observation (E1LNLPOD-12). 109 MOON LONG MAP MOSAIC PHASE=29 DEG LNLROD: Long map mosaic (408 wavelengths, gain state=1) of the Moon's Rima Sirsalis. Phase angle is 29 degrees. Twelfth Nims Moon observation (E1LNLROD-13). MOON LONG AND FULL MAP MOSAIC PHASE=20 DEG LNLFOO: Long (408 wavelengths) and Full (204 wavelengths) map mosaic of the Moon's Lacus Veris in Mare Orientale. Phase angle is 20 degrees. Thirteenth Nims Moon observation (E1LNLFOO-14*). SSI frames acquired in clear filter. Approximate NIMS resolution of 317 km. This observation will calibrate the instrument response in two different modes at two different spectral resolution in the same gain state (gain state = 1). MOON'S ORIENTALE LONG MAP MOSAIC PHASE= 20-27 DEG LNLOOD: Long map (408 wavelengths, gain state=1) mosaic of Mare Orientale (farside coverage) in phase angles ranging from 20 to 27 degrees. One observation will acquire SSI frames in clear filter (E1LNLOOD-15*). These observations continue up to +1 day from closest approach, best NIMS resolution during this period is 340km. Oapels covering these observations include E1LNLOOD-15, 16, 18, and 19. 110 OAPEL Dictionary Entries for NIMS Earth Observations NANTAR: NIMS ANTARCTICA MAP Nyquist-sampled map of Antarctic ice and surrounding water used to calibrate NIMS longmap spectra as well as to obtain spatial distributions of methane, water, carbon dioxide, and other trace atmospheric species. Two maps acquired, the first concentrating on nearby oceans, the second on the Antarctic landmass. SSI acquires contiguous 3-color map "on the fly" during each observation. NAUSIE: NIMS AUSTRALIA MAP Nyquist-sampled map of Australia and surrounding water used to calibrate NIMS longmap spectra as to obtain spatial distributions of various mineralogical and vegetation types. Also used to obtain spatial distributions of atmospheric trace species such as water, methane, and carbon-dioxide. Two maps acquired, the first concentrating on the western half of Australia within approximately 30 degrees of the morning terminator, the second of the eastern half some 60 degrees from the terminator. Spatial resolution 35-50 km per nimsel. SSI acquires contiguous 4-color map "on the fly" during each observation. NGMOS: NIMS EARTH GLOBAL MOSAIC Nyquist-sampled, longmap global mosaic used to calibrate NIMS over various terrains and meteorological phenomena found on Earth. Also used to determine spatial distributions of methane, water, carbon-dioxide, and other trace atmospheric species on global scales. Comprised of 12 OAPELS over some 26 hours, some of which consist of multiple "images" of the full disk. NMESOD: NIMS MESOSPHERIC WATER - DAY SCANS Mesospheric water profile derived from dayside limb scans. Water observed in tell-tale emissions. One scan acquired near equator, one near 45 degrees South, and one near 65 degrees South, all over the Pacific Ocean. Approximately 5-10 km vertical resolution. NMESON: NIMS MESOSPHERIC WATER - NIGHT SCANS Mesospheric water profiles derived from nightside limb scans. Water observed in tell-tale emissions. One scan acquired near equator near Saudi Arabia, one near 70 N latitude near USSR/Scandinavia. SSI simultaneously acquires auroral imaging during 70 N latitude scan. Approximately 5-10 km vertical resolution. NDARK: NIMS DARK MEASUREMENT NIMS measurement of the dark sky out of the ecliptic for proper instrument calibration. 132 NIMS Earth Observation Log November 11, 1990 K. H. Baines Notes: START time is the groupstart of the TARGET END time is the groupend of the final CSMOS in the OAPEL ECA (Earth Closest Approach) relative times assume 90-242/20:34:10.000 as the absolute closest approach time START time for a PA listed in the PA SEQUENCE is the time by which the PA is guaranteed to be set up and ready to run. Set-up time is not included. (Exception: CMDRS commands are run after the Start time). SSI color filters: RED = 660 nm GRN = 560 nm VLT = 445 nm 727 nm, 756 nm, 968 nm, 889 nm 133 OAPEL NAME: E1WNMESON-01 TITLE: NIMS Mesospheric Water - Night Scans START: 90-342/20:03:10 (ECA-00:31:00) 610184:30 END: 90-342/20:48:21 (ECA+00:14:11) 610229:02 APPROXIMATE START GEOMETRY: Sub-spacecraft Latitude: 27.0 N Sub-spacecraft W. Longitude 313.2 Phase Angle: 166.6 NIMS INSTRUMENT MODE: Longspectrometer NIMS GAIN STATE: 4 (Most sensitive) AVERAGE NIMS SPATIAL RESOLUTION: 5-10 km SSI SUPPORT IMAGING: 12 CLR-filter images. PICNOS E1WOO70 - E1W0091 OBJECTIVE: NIMS stratospheric/mesospheric trace species distributions derived from two nightside limb scans, one positioned over the Equator over Indonesia/Indian Ocean, the other near 70 N over Russia/Scandinavia. Species include OH, CO2, NO, and 02. Nightside distributions, obtained here, compared to dayside distributions, obtained in E1WNMESOD-01 and E1WNMESOD201, to constrain global mesospheric water content. DESIGN: Limbscans in NIMS longspectrometer mode, on the nightside. Grating position 7. Two scans, one at the Equator over Indonesia/Indian Ocean and the other at 70 N, near the Soviet Union/Scandinavia cover the 70 km altitude mesospheric water region. Scans are intended to extend from about 250 km to 50 km below the limb surface. Scan rate, relative to the limb, is about 30-60 microradians/sec, to try to capture the limb at 5-10 km resolution per spectrum. However, due to the severe angular acceleration of the Earth's limb during this observation, neither the desired vertical coverage nor spatial resolution is assured. SSI support compressed 1-color imaging recorded continuously during 70 N observation for Aurorae. PA SEQUENCE: PA START TIME PA ID COMMENTS SCITLM 90-342/20:04:51.466 176OT HPW TARGET 20:05:52.133 165JJ CSMOS 20:05:52.133 117JI Dur: 00:11:54 Repeat count: 1 INITRS 20:05:52.133 128JI GTG-START: 7 Longspectrometer Gain-Bit: 1 SSI 20:13:57.466 147JG 20 frames, 2 colors, comp SCIREC 20:13:57.466 175JA R115; Dur: 34:27.9 SCITLM 20:13:57.466 176JK HPWHCM CSMOS 20:18:00.133 117NC Dur: 00:05:46 Repeat count:1 DATA MODES: MODE START TIME PA ID HPW 20:04:51.666 176OT HPWHCM 20:13:57.466 176JK 134 OAPEL NAME: E1WNMESOD-01 TITLE: NIMS Mesospheric Water - Day Scan #1 START: 90-342/20:38:08 (ECA+00:03:59) 610218:83 END: 90-342/21:16:37 (ECA+00:42:28) 610256:89 APPROXIMATE START GEOMETRY: Sub-spacecraft Latitude: 12.1 N Sub-spacecraft W. Longitude 82.9 Phase Angle: 56.2 NIMS INSTRUMENT MODE: Longspectrometer NIMS GAIN STATE: 4 (Most sensitive) AVERAGE NIMS SPATIAL RESOLUTION: 5-10 km OBJECTIVE: NIMS stratospheric/mesospheric trace species distributions derived from a dayside equatorial limb scan over the Pacific Ocean. (Two subsequent scans are acquired in E1WNMESOD201). Species include OH, CO2, NO, and 02. Dayside distribution, obtained here, compared to other dayside and nightside distributions, obtained in E1WNMESOD201 and E1WNMESON-01 to constrain global mesospheric water content. DESIGN: Equatorial limbscan in NIMS longspectrometer mode, on the dayside, over the Pacific. Scan intended to cover the 70-km altitude mesospheric water region. Scan intended to extend from about 250 km to 50 km below the limb surface. Scan rate, relative to the limb, is about 30-60 microradians/sec, to try to capture the limb at 5-10 km resolution per spectrum. However, due to the severe angular deceleration of the Earth's limb during this observation, neither the desired vertical coverage nor spatial resolution is assured. PA SEQUENCE: PA START TIME PA ID COMMENTS TARGET 90-342/20:41:15.466 165JK CSMOS 20:41:15.466 117JJ Dur: 00:14:18.666 Repeat count: 1 DATA MODES: Mode Start Time PA ID Comments HRWNCG Previous to OAPEL 176KD LTampari/Paczkowski 136 OAPEL NAME: E1WNMESOD201 TITLE: NIMS Mesospheric Water - Day Scans #2 START: 90-342/20:56:31 (ECA+00:22:21) 610237:09 END: 90-342/21:16:10 (ECA+00:42:00) 610256:48 APPROXIMATE START GEOMETRY: Sub-spacecraft Latitude: 18.9 S Sub-spacecraft W. Longitude 131.3 Phase Angle: 4.1 NIMS INSTRUMENT MODE: Longspectrometer NIMS GAIN STATE: 4 (Most sensitive) AVERAGE NIMS SPATIAL RESOLUTION 5-10 km SSI SUPPORT IMAGING: 22 Frames. 20 RED, 1 968-nm, 1 889-nm. PICNOS E1WOO70 - E1WOO91 OBJECTIVE: NIMS stratospheric/mesospheric trace species distributions derived from dayside 45 S and 70 S latitude limb scans over the Pacific Ocean/Antarctica. Species include OH, CO2, NO, and 02. Dayside distribution, obtained here, compared to other dayside and nightside distributions, obtained in E1WNMESOD-01 and E1WNMESON-01 to constrain global mesospheric water content. DESIGN: 45 and 70 S latitude limbscans in NIMS longspectrometer mode, on the dayside, over, respectively, South America/South Pacific and the Antarctic. Scans intended to cover the 70-km altitude mesospheric water region. Scans intended to extend from about 250 km to 50 km below the limb surface. Scan rate, relative to the limb, is about 30-60 microradians/sec, to try to capture the limb at 5-10 km resolution per spectrum. However, due to the severe angular deceleration of the Earth's limb during this observation, neither the desired vertical coverage nor spatial resolution is assured. SSI coverage during part of 45 S scan, mostly in 1-color, compressed. PA SEQUENCE: PA START TIME PA ID COMMENTS TARGET 90-342/21:58:26.800 165NB CSMOS 20:58:26.800 117NY Dur:00:11:26 Repeat count: 1 SSI 21:05:31.466 176OQ 22 frames, 1 color comp. SCITLM 21:05:31.466 176OQ HCJ CSMOS 21:09:34.133 117NZ Dur: 05:39.333 Repeat count: 1 DATA MODES: Mode Start Time PA ID Comments HRWNCG Previously established 176KD Tampari/Paczkowski HCJ 21:05:31.466 176OQ 138 OAPEL NAME: E1WNAUSIE-01 TITLE: NIMS WESTERN AUSTRALIA MAP START: 90-342/22:16:10 (ECA+01:42:00) 610315:79 END: 90-342/23:02:10 (ECA+02:28:00) 610361:34 APPROXIMATE START GEOMETRY: Sub-spacecraft Latitude: 30.8 S Sub-spacecraft W. Longitude: 177 Phase Angle: 33 NIMS INSTRUMENT MODE: Longmap NIMS GAIN STATE: 1 (Least sensitive) AVERAGE NIMS FOV: 35 km SSI SUPPORT IMAGING: 88 FRAMES. 1 EACH 756-, 968-, 889-nm and CLR filters; 21 sets of GRN, RED, VLT and 727-nm filters. PICNOS E1WO150 - E1W0237 OBJECTIVE: NIMS Australia map, part 1 of 2. Map of Western Australia used to calibrate NIMS spectra as well as to obtain information on the distribution of minerals and optical/thermal properties of surface materials in remote regions (e.g., the Australian Outback). Also used to obtain spatial distributions of atmospheric trace species such as water, methane, and carbon dioxide. DESIGN: Western Australia observed about 10-40 degrees from terminator. Mean spatial resolution (1 NIMS FOV) of approximately 35 km. Longmap scanning at about 30 microradians per second (Nyquist spatial sampling). Due to spacecraft acceleration, two CSMOSAICS are invoked to keep the scan rate, relative to the Earth, near 30 microradians/sec. SSI simultaneously acquires contiguous 4-color compressed images "on the fly". Territory covered includes Alice Springs. This observation together with Part 2 (E1WNAUSIE-02) constitutes the full Australia map. PA SEQUENCE: PA START TIME PA ID COMMENTS TARGET 90-342/22:16:18.133 165JM CSMOS 22:16:18.133 117JL Dur: 00:17:52 Repeat count:1 SCITLM 22:16:18.133 176JN HCJ SSI 22:17:18.800 147JJ 88 frames, 4 colors, comp CSMOS 22:34:30.133 117NS Dur:0:27:10 Repeat count: 1 DATA MODES: Mode Start Time PA ID Comments HCJ 22:16:18.133 176JN HCJ 140 OAPEL NAME: E1WNAUSIE-02 TITLE: NIMS EASTERN AUSTRALIA MAP START: 90-342/23:05:15 (ECA+02:31:05) 610364:38 END: 90-342/23:33:07 (ECA+02:58:57) 610391:89 APPROXIMATE START GEOMETRY: Sub-spacecraft Latitude: 31.8 S Sub-spacecraft W. Longitude: 190 Phase Angle: 25.5 NIMS INSTRUMENT MODE: Longmap NIMS GAIN STATE: 1 (Least sensitive gainstate) AVERAGE NIMS FOV: 50 km SSI SUPPORT IMAGING: 52 frames. 1 each 756-, 968-, 889-, and CLR filters. 12 sets of GRN, RED, VLT, and 727-nm filters. ICNOS E1WO260 - E1WO311 OBJECTIVE: NIMS Australia map, part 2 of 2. Map of Eastern Australia used to calibrate NIMS spectra as well as to obtain information on the distribution of minerals and optical/thermal properties of surface materials in remote/inaccessible regions (e. g., the Australian Outback). Also used to obtain spatial distributions of atmospheric trace species such as water, methane, and carbon dioxide. DESIGN: Eastern Australia observed 30-60 degrees from terminator. Longmap scanning at approximately 30 microradians/sec (Nyquist spatial sampling). SSI simultaneously acquires contiguous 4- color compressed images "on the fly". Territory covered includes Alice Springs. PA SEQUENCE: PA START TIME PA ID COMMENTS TARGET 90-342/23:05:50.800 165JN CSMOS 23:05:50.800 117JM Dur:26:21:33 Repeat count: 1 SSI 23:06:51.466 147JK 52 frames, 4 colors, comp. DATA MODES: MODE START TIME PA ID COMMENTS HCJ Previously established 176JN 142 OAPEL NAME: E1WNANTAR-01 TITLE: NIMS Antarctica Map #1 START: 90-343/00:59:09 (ECA+04:25:59) 610477:06 END: 90-343/01:50:12 (ECA+05:16:02) 610527:50 START GEOMETRY: Sub-spacecraft Latitude: 33.0 A Sub-spacecraft W. Longitude: 225.5 Phase Angle: 29.2 NIMS INSTRUMENT MODE: Longmap NIMS GAIN STATE: 1 (least sensitive) AVERAGE NIMS FOV: 85 km SSI SUPPORT IMAGING: 48 frames. 16 sets of GRN, RED, and VLT filters. PICNOS E1W0350 - E1W0397 OBJECTIVE: NIMS Antarctica Map, part 1 of 2. Antarctic ice/snow and surrounding water used to calibrate NIMS longmap spectra as well as to obtain information on the distribution and optical/microphysical properties of antarctic ice and snow. An additional objective is to investigate the spatial distributions of atmospheric trace gases such as water, methane, and carbon dioxide. Map concentrates on South Indian Ocean and parts of Antarctica. DESIGN: NIMS Antarctica map acquired in longmap at about 30 microradians/sec (i.e., Nyquist spatial sampling in the scan direction). This is part 1 of a 2-part map, with this one emphasizing surrounding water. SSI simultaneously acquires 3- color uncompressed imagery "on the fly". PA SEQUENCE: PA START TIME PA ID COMMENTS CMDRS 90-343/01:00:06.133 157TA UVS prep for ozone hole TARGET 01:01:06.800 165JP CSMOS 01:02:06.800 117JO Dur: 00:49:24.666 Repeat Count: 1 SSI 01:01:06.800 147JM 48 frames, 3 colors DATA MODES: MODE START TIME PA ID COMMENTS HIM Previously established 176IG Paczkowski 144 OAPEL NAME: E1WNANTAR-02 TITLE: NIMS Antarctica Map, #2 START: 90-343/01:56:10 (ECA+05:22:00) 610533:41 END: 90-343/02:40:10 (ECA+06:06:00) 610576:89 START GEOMETRY: Sub-spacecraft Latitude: 33.2 S Sub-spacecraft W. Longitude: 237.5 Phase Angle: 29.9 NIMS INSTRUMENT MODE: Longmap NIMS GAIN STATE: 1 (least sensitive) AVERAGE NIMS FOV: 100 km SSI SUPPORT IMAGING: 42 frames. 14 sets of GRN, RED, and VLT filters. PICNOS E1W0420 - E1W0461 OBJECTIVE: Antarctic ice/snow and surrounding water used to calibrate NIMS longmap spectra as well as to obtain information on the distribution and optical/microphysical properties of antarctic ice and snow. An additional objective is to investigate the spatial distributions of atmospheric trace species such as water, methane, and carbon dioxide. Map concentrates on the Antarctic landmass. DESIGN: NIMS Antarctica map acquired in longmap at 30 microradians/sec (near Nyquist spatial sampling in the scan direction). SSI acquires 3-color uncompressed imagery "on the fly". PA SEQUENCE: PA START TIME PA ID COMMENTS TARGET 90-343/01:56:43.466 165JQ CSMOS 01:56:43.466 117JP Dur: 00:42:57.333 Repeat count: 1 SSI 01:57:44.133 147JN 42 frames, 3 colors CMDRS 02:36:09.466 157TB UVS safe after ozone hole DATA MODES: MODE START TIME PA ID COMMENTS HIM Previously established 176ID Paczkowski 146 OAPEL NAME: E1WNGMOS-01 TITLE: NIMS Earth Global Mosaic, #1 START: 90-343/03:56:10 (ECA+07:22:00) 610652:12 END: 90-343/04:24:08 (ECA+07:49:58) 610679:72 APPROXIMATE START GEOMETRY: Sub-spacecraft Latitude: 33.4 S Sub-spacecraft W. Longitude: 271 Phase Angle: 30.8 NIMS INSTRUMENT MODE: Longmap NIMS GAIN STATE: 1 (least sensitive) AVERAGE NIMS FOV: 125 km SSI SUPPORT IMAGING: 1 RED filter image. PICNOS E1W0490 OBJECTIVE: NIMS Earth global mosaic, part 1 of 12. Global mosaic used to calibrate NIMS over various terrains and weather systems found on Earth. Also used to determine latitudinal/longitudinal distributions of methane, water, carbon dioxide, and other species in Earth's atmosphere on global scales. DESIGN: NIMS global mosaic obtained in longmap for best determination of distributions of gaseous species. Scan rate near 30 micro- radians/sec (i.e., Nyquist spatial sampling in the scan direction). Approximately 20% overlap between NIMS swaths. Scans concentrated near the terminator for best signal levels. In this case, terminator imaged from about 30 N to 30 S latitude over Africa. One SSI uncompressed support image acquired during observation. PA SEQUENCE: PA START TIME PA ID COMMENTS TARGET 90-343/03:57:02.800 165JS CSMOS 03:57:02.800 117JR Dur: 00:26:58 Repeat count: 1 SSI 04:19:17.466 147JP 1 Frame, 1 color SCITLM 04:19:17.466 176NW HIM DATA MODES: MODE START TIME PA ID COMMENTS HPWNCG Previously established 176MD Bolton HIM 04:19:17.466 176NW Baines HPWNCG 04:21:18.800 176MP Bolton 148 OAPEL NAME: E1WNGMOS-02 TITLE: NIMS Earth Global Mosaic, #2 START: 90-343/05:28:02 (ECA+08:53:52) 610743:00 END: 90-343/06:05:54 (ECA+09:31:44) 610780:41 APPROXIMATE START GEOMETRY: Sub-spacecraft Latitude: 33.5 S Sub-spacecraft Longitude: 294 Phase Angle: 31.3 NIMS INSTRUMENT MODE: Longmap NIMS GAIN STATE: 1 (least sensitive) AVERAGE NIMS FOV: 155 km SSI SUPPORT IMAGING: 1 RED filter image. PICNOS E1W0520 OBJECTIVE: NIMS Earth global mosaic, part 2 of 12. Global mosaic used to calibrate NIMS over various terrains and weather systems found on Earth. Also used to determine latitudinal/longitudinal distributions of methane, water, carbon dioxide, and other species in Earth's atmosphere on global scales. DESIGN: NIMS global mosaic obtained in longmap for best determination of distributions of gaseous species. Scan rate near 30 microradians/sec (i.e., Nyquist spatial sampling in the scan direction). Approximately 20% overlap between NIMS swaths. Scans concentrated near terminator for best signal levels. In this case, terminator imaged over Africa and surrounding oceans. One SSI support image acquired during observation. PA SEQUENCE: PA START TIME PA ID COMMENTS TARGET 90-343/05:28:02.800 165JU CSMOS 05:28:02.800 117JT Dur: 00:37:32 Repeat count: 1 SSI 05:59:23.466 147JQ 1 frame, 1 color SCITLM 05:59:23.466 176NX HIM DATA MODES: MODE START TIME PA ID COMMENTS HIMNCG Previously established 176IN Paczkowski HPWNCG 05:28:02.400 176NS Bolton HIM 05:59:23.466 176NX Baines HPWNCG 06:01:24.800 176MT Bolton 150 OAPEL NAME: E1WNGMOS-03 TITLE: NIMS Earth Global Mosaic, #3 START: 90-343/06:11:09 (ECA+09:36:59) 610785:58 END: 90-343/06:18:14 (ECA+09:44:04) 610792:58 APPROXIMATE START GEOMETRY: Sub-spacecraft Latitude: 33.6 S Sub-spacecraft W. Longitude 305.7 Phase Angle: 31.5 NIMS INSTRUMENT MODE: Longmap NIMS GAIN STATE: 1 (least sensitive AVERAGE NIMS FOV: 160 km SSI SUPPORT IMAGING: 1 RED filter image. PICNOS E1W0540. OBJECTIVE: NIMS Earth global mosaic, part 3 of 12. Global mosaic used to calibrate NIMS over various terrains and weather systems found on Earth. Also used to determine latitudinal/longitudinal distributions of methane, water, carbon dioxide, and other species in Earth's atmosphere on global scales. DESIGN: NIMS global mosaic obtained in longmap for best determination of distributions of gaseous species. Scan rate near 30 microradians/sec (i.e., Nyquist spatial sampling in the scan direction). Approximately 20% overlap between NIMS swaths. Scans concentrated near terminator for best signal levels. In this case (a relatively short observation), terminator imaged over western Africa. One SSI support image acquired during observation. PA SEQUENCE PA START TIME PA ID COMMENTS TARGET 90-343/06:12:32.133 165JV CSMOS 06:12:33.133 117JU Dur:00:05:03.333 Repeat count: 1 SSI 06:14:33.466 147JR 1 frame, 1 color DATA MODES: MODE START TIME PA ID COMMENTS HIMNCG Previously established 176ID Paczkowski HPWNCG 06:16:34.800 176MV Bolton 152 OAPEL NAME: E1WNGMOS-05 TITLE: NIMS Earth Global Mosaic, #4 START: 90-343/07:48:09 (ECA+11:13:59) 610881:52 END: 90-343/09:13:33 (ECA+12:39:23) 610966:03 APPROXIMATE START GEOMETRY: Sub-spacecraft Latitude: 33.7 S Sub-spacecraft W. Longitude: 330.5 Phase Angle: 31.8 NIMS INSTRUMENT MODE: Longmap NIMS GAIN STATE: 1 (least sensitive) AVERAGE NIMS FOV: 200 km SSI SUPPORT IMAGING: 1 RED filter image. PICNOS E1W0560. OBJECTIVE: NIMS Earth global mosaic, part 4 of 12. Global mosaic used to calibrate NIMS over various terrains and weather systems found on Earth. Also used to determine latitudinal/longitudinal distributions of methane, water, carbon dioxide, and other species in Earth's atmosphere on global scales. DESIGN: NIMS global mosaic obtained in longmap for best determination of distributions of gaseous species. Scan rate near 30 microradians/sec (i.e., Nyquist spatial sampling in the scan direction). Approximately 20% overlap between NIMS swaths. Scans concentrated near the terminator for best signal levels. In this case, approximately 3/4 of the disk is imaged, with the terminator cutting through the mid-Atlantic Ocean. One SSI support image acquired during observation. PA SEQUENCE: PA START TIME PA ID COMMENTS TARGET 90-343/07:51:37.466 165JX CSMOS 07:51:37.466 117JW Dur: 01:21:50.0 Repeat count: 1 SSI 09:06:26.800 147JS 1 frame, 1 color SCITLM 09:06:26.800 176NZ HIM DATA MODES: MODE START TIME PA ID COMMENTS HPWNCG Previously established 176MW Bolton HIM 09:06:26.800 176NZ Baines HPWNCG 09:08:28.133 176MX Bolton 154 OAPEL NAME: E1WNGMOS-07 TITLE: NIMS Earth Global Mosaic, #5 START: 90-343/10:01:40 (ECA+13:27:30) 611013:56 END: 90-343/11:03:35 (ECA+14:29:25) 611074:78 APPROXIMATE START GEOMETRY: Sub-spacecraft Latitude: 33.7 S Sub-spacecraft W. Longitude: 4.4 Phase Angle: 32.2 NIMS INSTRUMENT MODE: Longmap NIMS GAIN STATE: 1 (least sensitive) AVERAGE NIMS FOV: 235 km SSI SUPPORT IMAGING: 1 RED filter image. PICNOS E1W0570. OBJECTIVE: NIMS Earth global mosaic, part 5 of 12. Global mosaic used to calibrate NIMS over various terrains and weather systems found on Earth. Also used to determine latitudinal/longitudinal distributions of methane, water, carbon dioxide, and other species in Earth's atmosphere on global scales. DESIGN: NIMS global mosaic obtained in longmap for best determination of distributions of gaseous species. Scan rate near 30 microradians/sec (i.e., Nyquist spatial sampling in the scan direction). Approximately 20% overlap between NIMS swaths. Scans concentrated near the terminator for best signal levels. In this case, approximately 3/4 of the disk is imaged, with the terminator cutting through South America. One SSI uncompressed support image acquired during observation. PA SEQUENCE: PA START TIME PA ID COMMENTS TARGET 90-343/10:04:04.800 165JY CSMOS 10:04:04.800 117JX Dur: 00:58:56.666 Repeat count: 1 SSI 10:57:40.133 147JT 1 frame, 1 color SCITLM 10:57:40.133 176OA HIM DATA MODES: MODE START TIME PA ID COMMENTS HPWNCG Previously established 176MY Bolton HIM 10:57:40.133 176OA Baines HPWNCG 10:59:41.466 176MZ Bolton 156 OAPEL NAME: E1WNGMOS-09 TITLE: NIMS Earth Global Mosaic, #6 START: 90-343/11:41:09 (ECA+15:06:59) 611112:01 END: 90-343/12:16:37 (ECA+15:42:27) 611147:08 APPROXIMATE START GEOMETRY: Sub-spacecraft Latitude: 33.8 S Sub-spacecraft W. Longitude: 29.7 Phase Angle: 32.4 NIMS INSTRUMENT MODE: Longmap NIMS GAIN STATE: 1 (least sensitive) AVERAGE NIMS FOV: 260 km SSI SUPPORT IMAGING: 1 RED filter image. PICNOS E1W0580. OBJECTIVE: NIMS Earth global mosaic, part 6 of 12. Global mosaic used to calibrate NIMS over various terrains and weather systems found on Earth. Also used to determine latitudinal/longitudinal distributions of methane, water, carbon dioxide, and other species in Earth's atmosphere on global scales. DESIGN: NIMS global mosaic obtained in longmap for best determination of distributions of gaseous species. Scan rate near 30 microradians/sec (i.e., Nyquist spatial sampling in the scan direction). Approximately 20% overlap between NIMS swaths. Scans concentrated near the terminator for best signal levels. In this case, approximately 1/3 of the disk is imaged, with the terminator cutting through Central America. One uncompressed SSI support image acquired during the observation. PA SEQUENCE: PA START TIME PA ID COMMENTS TARGET 90-343/11:45:11.466 165NA CSMOS 11:45:11.466 117JZ Dur: 00:31:49.333 SSI 12:13:30.133 147JU 1 frame, 1 color SCITLM 12:13:30.133 176OB HIM DATA MODES: MODE START TIME PA ID COMMENTS HPWNCG Previously established 176MZ Bolton HIM 12:13:30.133 176OB Baines HPWNCG 12:15:31.466 176SA Bolton 158 OAPEL NAME: E1WNGMOS-10 TITLE: NIMS Earth Global Mosaic, #7 START: 90-343/13:35:09 (ECA+17:00:59) 611247:46 END: 90-343/17:24:49 (ECA+20:50:39) 611451:82 APPROXIMATE START GEOMETRY: Sub-spacecraft Latitude: 33.8 S Sub-spacecraft Longitude: 53.1 Phase Angle: 32.6 NIMS INSTRUMENT MODE: Longmap NIMS GAIN STATE: 1 (least sensitive) AVERAGE NIMS FOV: 315 km SSI SUPPORT IMAGING: 1 RED filter image. PICNOS E1W0590. OBJECTIVE: NIM Earth global mosaic, part 7 of 12. Global mosaic used to calibrate NIMS over various terrains and weather systems found on Earth. Also used to determine latitudinal/longitudinal distributions of methane, water, carbon dioxide, and other species in Earth's atmosphere on global scales. DESIGN: NIMS global mosaic obtained in longmap for best determination of distributions of gaseous species. Scan rate near 30 microradians/sec (i.e., Nyquist spatial sampling in the scan direction). Approximately 20% overlap between NIMS swaths. Scans concentrated near the terminator for best signal levels. In this case, spanning almost 4 hours, the full-disk is imaged three times, with the terminator cutting through the eastern Pacific Ocean. One SSI support image acquired during the observation. PA SEQUENCE: PA START TIME PA ID COMMENTS TARGET 90-343/14:01:41.400 165JA CSMOS 14:01:41.400 117JA Dur: 03:21:56.666 SCITLM 16:48:31.400 176OC HIM SSI 17:15:49.400 147JA 1 frame, 1 color DATA MODES: MODE START TIME PA ID COMMENTS HIMNCG Previously established 176IS Paczkowski Playback, Previously established 424A Driver HPJ HIM 16:48:31.400 176OC Baines HPWNCG 17:17:50.733 176SC Bolton 160 OAPEL NAME: E1WNGMOS-14 TITLE: NIMS Earth Global Mosaic, #8 START: 90-343/18:40:14 (ECA+22:06:04) 611526:45 END: 90-343/20:34:21 (ECA+11:00:11) 611639:32 APPROXIMATE START GEOMETRY: Sub-spacecraft Latitude: 33.9 S Sub-spacecraft W. Longitude 134.7 Phase Angle: 33.0 NIMS INSTRUMENT MODE: Longmap NIMS GAIN STATE: 1 (least sensitive) AVERAGE NIMS FOV: 380 km SSI SUPPORT IMAGING: 1 RED filter image. PICNOS E1W0600. OBJECTIVE: NIMS Earth global mosaic, part 8 of 12. Global mosaic used to calibrate NIMS over various terrains and weather systems found on Earth. Also used to determine latitudinal/longitudinal distributions of methane, water, carbon dioxide, and other species in Earth's atmosphere on global scales. DESIGN: NIMS global mosaic obtained in longmap for best determimation of distributions of gaseous species. Scan rate near 30 microradians/sec (i.e., Nyquist spatial sampling in the scan direction). Approximately 20% overlap between NIMS swaths. Scans concentrated near terminator for best signal levels. In this case, the full disk is imaged twice, with the terminator cutting through the western Pacific Ocean. One SSI support image acquired during the observation. PA SEQUENCE: PA START TIME PA ID COMMENTS TARGET 90-343/18:42:46.733 165NC CSMOS 18:42:46.733 117JB Dur: 01:5056.666 Repeat count: 2 SSI 20:24:54.066 147JB 1 frame, 1 color SCITLM 20:24:54.066 176OD HIM DATA MODES: MODE START TIME PA ID COMMENTS HPWNCG Previously established 176SG Bolton HIM 20:24:54.066 176OD Baines HPWNCG 20:26:55.400 176SH Bolton 162 OAPEL NAME: E1WNGMOS-16 TITLE: NIMS Earth Global Mosaic, #9 START: 90-343/21:24:09 (ECA+1/00:49:59) 611688:55 END: 90-343/23:48:28 (ECA+1/03:14:18) 611831:30 APPROXIMATE START GEOMETRY: Sub-spacecraft Latitude: 33.9 S Sub-spacecraft W. Longitude: 176.1 Phase Angle: 33.2 NIMS INSTRUMENT MODE: Longmap NIMS GAIN STATE: 1 (least sensitive) AVERAGE NIMS FOV: 415 km SSI SUPPORT IMAGING: 1 RED image. PICNOS E1W0650. OBJECTIVE: NIMS Earth global mosaic, part 9 of 12. Global mosaic used to calibrate NIMS over various terrains and weather systems found on Earth. Also used to determine latitudinal/longitudinal distributions of methane, water, carbon dioxide, and other species in Earth's atmosphere on global scales. DESIGN: NIMS global mosaic obtained in longmap for best determination of distributions of gaseous species. Scan rate near 30 microradians/sec (i.e., Nyquist spatial sampling in the scan direction). Approximately 20% overlap between NIMS swaths. Scans concentrated near the terminator for best signal levels. In this case, the full disk is imaged three times, with Eastern Australia near the terminator. One SSI support image acquired during the observation. PA SEQUENCE: PA START TIME PA ID COMMENTS TARGET 90-343/21:25:34.066 165JD CSMOS 21:25:34.066 117JC Dur: 02:22:58 Repeat count:3 SSI 23:39:02.066 147JC 1 Frame, 1 color SCITLM 23:39:02.066 176OE HIM DATA MODES: MODE START TIME PA ID COMMENTS HIMNCG Previously established 176LC Martin HPWNCG 21:25:34.066 176SI Bolton HIM 23:39:02.066 176OE Baines HPWNCG 23:41:03.400 176OJ Bolton 164 OAPEL NAME: E1WNGMOS-21 TITLE: NIMS Earth Global Mosaic, #10 START: 90-344/00:04:08 (ECA+1/03:29:58) 611846:76 END: 90-344/00:44:08 (ECA+1/04:10:58) 611886:36 APPROXIMATE START GEOMETRY: Sub-spacecraft Latitude: 33.9 S Sub-spacecraft W. Longitude 218.4 Phase Angle: 33.4 NIMS INSTRUMENT MODE: Longmap NIMS GAIN STATE: 1 (least sensitive) AVERAGE NIMS FOV: 460 km SSI SUPPORT IMAGING: 1 RED image. PICNOS E1WO660 OBJECTIVE: NIMS Earth global mosaic, part 10 of 12. Global mosaic used to calibrate NIMS over various terrains and weather systems found on Earth. Also used to determine latitudinal/longitudinal distributions of methane, water, carbon dioxide, and other species in Earth's atmosphere on global scales. DESIGN: NIMS global mosaic obtained in longmap for best determination of distributions of gaseous species. Scan rate near 30 microradians/sec (i.e., Nyquist spatial sampling in the scan direction). Approximately 20% overlap between NIMS swaths. Scans concentrated near the terminator for best signal levels. In this case, the full disk is imaged once, with South-East Asia near the terminator. One SSI support image acquired during the observation. PA SEQUENCE: PA START TIME PA ID COMMENTS TARGET 90-344/00:07:20.733 165JE CSMOS 00:07:20.733 117JD Dur: 00:35:56.666 Repeat count: 1 SSI 00:37:40.733 147JD 1 frame, 1 color SCITLM 00:37:40.733 175OF HIM DATA MODES: MODE START TIME PA ID COMMENTS HPWNCG Previously established 176JK Bolton HIM 00:37:40.733 176OF Baines HPWNCG 00:39:42.066 175SJ Bolton 166 OAPEL NAME: E1WNGMOS-24 TITLE: NIMS Earth Global Mosaic, #11 START: 90-344/01:19:10 (ECA+1/04:45:00) 611921:04 END: 90-344/04:17:13 (ECA+1/07:43:03) 612097:12 APPROXIMATE START GEOMETRY: Sub-spacecraft Latitude: 33.9 S Sub-spacecraft W. Longitude 227.3 Phase Angle: 33.4 NIMS INSTRUMENT MODE: Longmap NIMS GAIN STATE: 1 (least sensitive) AVERAGE NIMS FOV: 495 km SSI SUPPORT IMAGING: 1 RED image. PICNOS E1W0680 OBJECTIVE: NIMS Earth global mosaic, part 11 of 12. Global mosaic used to calibrate NIMS over various terrains and weather systems found on Earth. Also used to determine latitudinal/longitudinal distributions of methane, water, carbon dioxide, and other species in Earth's atmosphere on global scales. DESIGN: NIMS global mosaic obtained in longmap for best determination of distributions of gaseous species. Scan rate near 30 microradians/sec (i.e., Nyquist spatial sampling in the scan direction). Approximately 20% overlap between NIMS swaths. Scans concentrated near the terminator for best signal levels. In this case, the full disk is imaged five times, with western Africa near the terminator. One SSI support image acquired during the observation. PA SEQUENCE: PA START TIME PA ID COMMENTS TARGET 90-344/01:21:09.400 165JF CSMOS 01:21:09.400 117JE Dur: 02:57:56.666 Repeat count: 5 SSI 04:12:02.066 147JE 1 frame, 1 color SCITLM 04:12:02.066 176OG HIM DATA MODES: MODE START TIME PA ID COMMENTS HPWNCG 01:20:08.733 176SM Bolton HIM 04:12:02.066 176OG Baines HPWNCG 04:14:03.400 176SN Bolton 168 OAPEL NAME: E1WNGMOS-30 TITLE: NIMS Earth Global Mosaic, #12 START: 90-344/04:47:09 (ECA+1/08:12:59) 612126:67 END: 90-344/05:18:51 (ECA+1/08:44:41) 612158:08 APPROXIMATE START GEOMETRY: Sub-spacecraft Latitude: 34.0 S Sub-spacecraft Longitude: 287.6 Phase Angle: 33.6 NIMS INSTRUMENT MODE: Longmap NIMS GAIN STATE: 1 (least sensitive) AVERAGE NIMS FOV: 535 km SSI SUPPORT IMAGING: 1 RED image. PICNOS E1W0690 OBJECTIVE: NIMS Earth global mosaic, part 12 of 12. Global mosaic used to calibrate NIMS over various terrains and weather systems found on Earth. Also used to determine latitudinal/longitudinal distributions of methane, water, carbon dioxide, and other species in Earth's atmosphere on global scales. DESIGN: NIMS global mosaic obtained in longmap for best determination of distributions of gaseous species. Scan rate near 30 microradians/sec (i.e., Nyquist spatial sampling in the scan direction). Approximately 20% overlap between NIMS swaths. Scans concentrated near terminator for best signal levels. In this case, the full disk is imaged once, with Spain near the terminator. One SSI support image acquired during the observation. PA SEQUENCE: PA START TIME PA ID COMMENTS TARGET 90-344/04:50:27.400 165JH CSMOS 04:50:27.400 117JF Dur: 00:27:56.667 Repeat count: 1 SSI 05:13:42.733 147JF 1 frame, 1 color SCITLM 05:13:42:733 176OH HIM DATA MODES: MODE START TIME PA ID COMMENTS HPWNCG Previously established 176SN Bolton HIM 05:13:42.73 176OH Baines HPWNCG 05:15:4.066 176SO Bolton 170 OAPEL NAME: E1HNDARK-01 TITLE: NIMS dark calibration START: 90-342/03:33:53 609205:84 END: 90-342/03:38:13 609210:19 APPROXIMATE START GEOMETRY: N/A NIMS INSTRUMENT MODES AND GAIN STATES: 00609194:84:0 90-342/03:22:46.200 CMD,37IOP,157LD156A121A4A,PRI,90-342/03:22:46.200,1,0; << INSTRUMENT OPERATION >> NIMS NOT SAFED; -->full map 00609195:84:0 90-342/03:23:46.866 CMD,37IST,157LD156A121B4A,PRI,90-342/03:23:46.866,1,0,1,ON,0,1,3; << INST STATUS >>; -->chopper 63hz, electronics cal, gs 1 (least sensitive) 00609205:84:0 90-342/03:33:53.533 CMD,37IOP,128NS149A131A4A,PRI,90-342/03:33:53.533,3,0; << INSTRUMENT OPERATION >>; -->long map 00609205:84:0 90-342/03:33:53.533 MISC,NOTE,128NS130A99A,,90-342/03:33:53.533,RSST, TRANSACT COMMAND(S) TO , INITIALIZE NIMS SUBSYSTEM; << Comment 082288 105101 >>; 00609206:84:0 90-342/03:34:54.200 CMD,37IST,128NS149A131B4A,PRI,90-342/03:34:54.200,1,0,1,ON,0,0,3; << INST STATUS >>; -->chopper 63hz, electronics cal 00609207:84:0 90-342/03:35:54.866 CMD,37IST,128NS149A131C4A,PRI,90-342/03:35:54.866,0,0,0,OFF,0,1,3; << INST STATUS >>; --> gain state 1 AVERAGE NIMS SPATIAL RESOLUTION: N/A SSI SUPPORT IMAGING: None OBJECTIVE: E1HNDARK-01 provides the dark level calibrations for NIMS modes used for E1 Lunar observations prior to closest approach. NOTE: No dark gs=4 taken for limb measurements. Use off-limb data for dark value. 172 DESIGN: Point to dark sky (69.90 Dec, 120.9 RA), calibrate modes. PA SEQUENCE: INITRS 128NS 90-342/03:35:59.333 TARGET 165NL 90-342/03:38:00.866 DATA MODES: HRWNCG 90-342/03:15:02 260ME476A6A 173 OAPEL NAME: E1HNDARK-02 TITLE: NIMS dark calibration START: 90-343/17:25:10 611452:22 END: 90-343/17:34:10 611461:14 APPROXIMATE START GEOMETRY: N/A NIMS INSTRUMENT MODES AND GAIN STATES: 00611458:84:0 90-343/17:31:55.400 CMD,37IOP,157NV156A121A4A,PRI,90-343/17:31:55.400,1,0; << INSTRUMENT OPERATION >>; -->Full map AVERAGE NIMS SPATIAL RESOLUTION: N/A SSI SUPPORT IMAGING: None OBJECTIVE: E1HNDARK-02 provides NIMS dark-level calibrations for E1 observations near and past closest approach. Note: No dark gs=4 calibration for mesospheric water. Use off-limb data. DESIGN: Point to dark sky (69.9 DEC, 120.9 RA). Calibrate modes. PA SEQUENCE: TARGET 165JB90-343/17:27:57 CMDRS 157NV90-343/17:31:15 DATA MODES: HPWNCG 90-343/17:17:50 176SC6A HIMNCG 90-343/17:35:02 176IT6A 174 OAPEL NAME: E1HNDARK-03 TITLE: NIMS dark calibration START: 90-344/04:19:09 612099:04 END: 90-344/04:29:10 612108:87 APPROXIMATE START GEOMETRY: N/A NIMS INSTRUMENT MODES AND GAIN STATES: (Long map, gs 1) AVERAGE NIMS SPATIAL RESOLUTION: N/A SSI SUPPORT IMAGING: None OBJECTIVE: E1HNDARK-03 provides NIMS dark level calibrations for the latter part of the E1 observation sequences. DESIGN: Move to dark sky (69.9 DEC, 120.9 RA). Calibrate mode. PA SEQUENCE: TARGET 165JG 90-344/04:23:09 DATA MODES: HPWNCG 90-344/04:14:03 176SN6A 175 OAPEL NAME: E1NRCALA-02 TITLE: NIMS radiometric calibration (booms) START: 90-346/21:01:46 615939:00 END: 90-347/00:04:49 616120:03 APPROXIMATE START GEOMETRY: N/A NIMS INSTRUMENT MODES AND GAIN STATES: 00615942:84:0 90-346/21:05:44.600 CMD,37IOP,157NN156A121A4A,PRI,90-346/21:05:44.600,7,16; << INSTRUMENT OPERATION >>; -->Fixed map, logical grating 16 00615943:84:0 90-346/21:06:45.266 CMD,37IST,157NN156A121B4A,PRI,90-346/21:06:45.266,1,2,1,ON,0,1,2; << INST STATUS >>; -->chopper reference, electronics cal, gainstate 3 00616114:84:0 90-346/23:59:39.266 CMD,37IOP,157NN156A121C4A,PRI,90-346/23:59:39.266,0,0; << INSTRUMENT OPERATION >> NIMS SAFED; AVERAGE NIMS SPATIAL RESOLUTION: N/A SSI SUPPORT IMAGING: None OBJECTIVE: E1NRCALA-02 uses NIMS to measure the temperature of the spacecraft booms near suspected thermal source. DESIGN: Move to 45 cone Slew to 29 cone @ 30 microrad/second in 168 rims Move to 153 cone, (0 clock - not unstow position) PA SEQUENCE: SCITLM 176NO 90-346/21:01:47 ALSPINSP 192JC90-346/21:04:49 CMDRS 157NN90-346/21:04:49 DATA MODES: MPW 90-346/21:01:46 176NO6A 176 OAPEL NAME: E1NRCALA-03, E1NRHTR01 TITLE: NIMS radiometric calibration START: 90-347/09:02:18 (RCT on) END: 90-347/16:08:23 (RCT off) START: 90-347/15:59:16 (Commands) 617064:00 END: 90-347/16:42:45 (Commands) 617107:00 APPROXIMATE START GEOMETRY: N/A NIMS INSTRUMENT MODES AND GAIN STATES: 00616173:00:0 90-347/00:58:22.533 CMD,40HRP,185JA10A3A,PRI,90-347/00:58:22.533,1; << NIMS RADI CAL TAR HTR ON >> NIMS RADIOMETRIC CAL TRGT HTR,ON; 00617064:84:0 90-347/16:00:12.533 CMD,37IOP,157NW156A121A4A,PRI,90-347/16:00:12.533,3,0; << INSTRUMENT OPERATION >> NIMS NOT SAFED; -->Long map 00617065:84:0 90-347/16:01:13.200 CMD,37IST,157NW156A121B4A,PRI,90-347/16:01:13.200,1,0,1,ON,0,1,3; << INST STATUS >>; -->chopper 63 hz, electronics cal, gainstate 1 00617068:84:0 90-347/16:04:15.200 CMD,37IST,157NW156A121C4A,PRI,90-347/16:04:15.200,0,0,0,OFF,0,1,2; << INST STATUS >>; -->gainstate 3 00617069:84:0 90-347/16:05:15.866 CMD,37IOP,157NW156A121D4A,PRI,90-347/16:05:15.866,7,16; << INSTRUMENT OPERATION >>; -->Fixed map, grating 16 00617070:84:0 90-347/16:06:16.533 CMD,37IST,157NW156A121E4A,PRI,90-347/16:06:16.533,1,2,0,OFF,0,1,3; << INST STATUS >>; -->chopper reference, gs 1 00617073:00:0 90-347/16:08:22.533 CMD,40HRPR,185JA10B3A,PRI,90-347/16:08:22.533,1; << NIMS RADI CAL TAR HTR OF >> NIMS RADIOMETRIC CAL TRGT HTR,OFF; 00617093:84:0 90-347/16:29:31.866 CMD,37IST,157NW156A121F4A,PRI,90-347/16:29:31.866,1,0,1,ON,0,1,2; << INST STATUS >>; -->chopper 63 hz, electronics cal, gainstate 3 00617096:84:0 90-347/16:32:33.866 CMD,37IOP,157NW156A121G4A,PRI,90-347/16:32:33.866,3,0; << INSTRUMENT OPERATION >>; --> long map 177 00617097:84:0 90-347/16:33:34.533 CMD,37IST,157NW156A121H4A,PRI,90-347/16:33:34.533,0,0,1,ON,0,1,3; << INST STATUS >>; -->electronics calibration, gainstate 1 00617104:25:0 90-347/16:39:59.866 CMD,37IOP,20YU4A,,90-347/16:39:59.866,0,0; << INSTRUMENT OPERATION >> NIMS SAFED; AVERAGE NIMS SPATIAL RESOLUTION: N/A SSI SUPPORT IMAGING: None OBJECTIVE: E1NRCALA-03 uses the RCT to calibrate NIMS thermal channels in various modes. DESIGN: Move to RCT Long map, 63hz, gs 1, electronics cal Long map, 63hz, gs 3 Fixed map, grating 16 Fixed map, chopper ref, gainstate 1 Move to dark space Fixed map, chopper ref, gainstate 1 Fixed map, 63 hz, gainstate 3 Long map Long map, electronics cal, gainstate 1 PA SEQUENCE: RADHTR 185JA 90-347/09:02:18.533 CMDRS 157NW90-347/15:59:59.866 ALSPINSP 192KC 90-347/16:00:17.866 TARGET 165NW 90-347/16:09:23.866 DATA MODES: LRSHIM 90-347/00:22:59 176QA6A 178