ORIGINAL INTRODUCTION Welcome to Galileo's first Earth-Moon encounter. This will be a particularly exciting and busy time for us, as we will have data from the Venus fly-by (EV6), played back recently during VE9, and data from the Earth-Moon encounter being received during VE11. The aim of this guide is to provide detailed information on the various NIMS observations and calibrations, and timelines showing when these will occur (or, in the case of VE9 observations, when the observations data were played back). We have also included background information on EV6, VE9, VE11, the asteroid encounters, and the instrument. An overview of the guide is given below (please refer to the beginning of each section for a detailed list of contents). Timeline summaries in both tabulated and graphic forms (pages 6 - 8) are included in this first section. The timelines give an overall view of the Galileo activities during November and December, and show major meetings and events to help you schedule your time. Section 2 gives spacecraft cruise overviews for EV6, VE9 and VE11. Sections 3, 4 and 5 are the major sections of this guide, containing comprehensive information on the NIMS science observations and calibrations during VE9 (including the EV6 playback) and VE11. These sections include detailed timelines, science observations descriptions and objectives, as well as pointer plots. Section 3 refers to EV6, and includes the Venus observation log. These data were played back during VE9, which is the subject of Section 4 . NIMS calibrations taking place during VE9 are also described in Section 4. Section 5 refers to VE11, which will start on Friday, December 7, at 16:00 GMT (08:00 PST). The NIMS observations will begin with a NIMS calibration on Saturday, December 8, at 03:34:09 GMT (December 7 at 17:34:09 PST). Six Moon observations will follow, the last ending at 19:39:04 GMT (11:39:04 PST). The first Earth observation will start at 20:03:10 GMT (12:03:10 PST), shortly before the spacecraft's closest approach to the Earth at 20:34:11 GMT (12:34:11 PST). Other Earth and Moon observations will take place during the rest of the day and on December 9. The last Earth observation (WNGMOS-30) will be on Monday, December 10, from 04:47:09 GMT (December 9 at 20:47:09 PST) to 05:18:51 GMT (21:18:51 PST). The last Moon observation will follow on December 10 at 19:25:38 GMT (11:25:51 PST), ending at 19:37:32 GMT (11:37:32 PST). Three NIMS calibrations will occur on December 12 and 13. NIMS will be turned off on December 13 at 16:40:00 GMT (08:40:00 PST) and VE11 will end on December 16. Section 6 provides basic NIMS instrument information. Section 7 contains background information on the 1991 asteroid fly-by (Gaspra). Further details about the Gaspra encounter will be available prior to the December 6 meeting (the Gaspra fly-by range decision meeting). Section 8 is a reference phone and office location directory of NIMS personnel, and it also includes organizational charts. A folded timeline of NIMS activities during VE11 is placed on the back cover of this guide. We look forward to a successful and exciting encounter. The NIMS Science Coordinators Timeline Summary The list below and the timeline overleaf feature the major encounter events and meetings, based on the information we have so far. For further details of meeting times and locations, please contact Adriana Ocampo on (818) 393-1080, or one of the other NIMS science coordinators listed in the Personnel Directory. 11/5 VE9 starts (DOY 309) 11/19 to 21 VE9 Venus data playback (DOY 323 to 325) 11/26, 27 and 29 VE9 NIMS calibrations (DOY 330, 331, 332) 11/26 and 27 Pre-Press Conference meeting 11/29 Press Conference (Von Karman Auditorium) 12/6 Gaspra fly-by distant decision meeting (1:30 PM) 12/7 VE9 ends, VE11 starts (DOY 341) 12/8 NIMS calibration, Moon and Earth observations 12/8 Closest approach at 20:34:11 GMT (12:34:11 PST) (DOY 342) 12/7 and 8 NIMS Science Team meeting (183-415) (DOY 341 and 342) 12/8 Press Conference (Von Karman Auditorium) 12/9 and 10 NIMS calibration, Earth and Moon observations (DOY 343 and 344) 12/10 and 11 PSG meeting (167 Conference Room) 12/12 and 13 NIMS calibrations (DOY 346 and 347) 12/13 NIMS safe and off at 16:41 GMT (08:41 PST) (DOY 347) 12/16 VE11 ends, VE12 starts (DOY 350) 12/17 and 18 Pre-Press Conference meeting 12/19 Press Conference (Von Karman Auditorium)