The GEOMETRY directory contains Galileo Orbiter (rotor) attitude (orientation) data and two data rotation matrices as a time-ordered ASCII table. The rotor attitude data are extracted from the Galileo Attitude and Articulation Control System (AACS) telemetry stream and converted into physical units (radians). Some obviously bad data points have been edited out of the data set. However, the data set is essentially raw data and should be used with caution. The files provided here were requested at the peer review of this volume and are provided as a convenience for the user.

The two rotation matrices that are included allow the user to rotate data from the spinning rotor coordinate system to various geophysical coordinate systems. The first transformation matrix provides the rotation from spinning rotor coordinates into inertial Earth Mean Equatorial coordinate system, epoch 1950.0 (EME-50). The second matrix allows a user to perform second transformation (from EME-50) into System III (1965.0) coordinates. Note that this is a left-handed coordinate system.

Spacecraft ephemeris data in tabular form can be found in the subdirectories of DATA/TRAJECT. Spacecraft ephemeris tables are available in both Jupiter and Io centered coordinates. These trajectory files are derived from SPICE kernels create by the project navigation team.

Lastly, SPICE kernels for the Galileo prime mission are included in both ASCII and binary formats in the EXTRAS/SPICE directory off the root of this volume. Once again, these files are provided as a convenience to the user. The official archive of the Galileo SPICE products is maintained by the Navigation and Ancillary Information Facility (NAIF) at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) in Pasadena CA. SPICE kernels can be obtained from the NAIF Node of the PDS for numerous platforms in addition to those provided here. There may be updates to the various SPICE kernels that will supersede the data provided here. In addition to being the PDS archive site for the SPICE kernels, NAIF provides and maintains a software toolkit (SPICELIB) for accessing the kernels. For more information about NAIF, SPICELIB, or to acquire kernels for platforms not support here, please visit the NAIF website.

   +- ROT_ATT.TAB (.LBL)  This file contains an ASCII table of rotor          
   |              pointing data and a matrix that allows a user to rotate     
   |              vectors between EME-50 and System III (1965.0) coordinates. 
   |              The label file describes how to get data from spacecraft    
   |              coordinates into EME-50 coordinates by using the rotor      
   |              pointing angles.                                            
   |               Attitude Data Set Description                                                            
   + TRAJECT                                                                  
       + IO_CRDS  Ascii table of spacecraft position vectors in two           
       |          Io centered coordinate systems that were used               
       |          extensively in the analysis of Io.                          
       + JUP_CRDS Ascii tables of spacecraft position vectors in three        
       |          Jupiter centered coordinate systems.                        
   + SPICE                                                                    
       +- ASCII      SPICE kernels in transfer form for PC, VAX, and other    
       |             platforms that use the Carriage Return, Linefeed         
       |              ASCII line termination characters.              
       +- BINARY     SPICE kernels in the forms usable by software on Unix or 
       |             other platforms that use IEEE (MSB) floating point and   
       |             ASCII with the linefeed line termination character.      
SPICE kernels:                                                                
PDS Name            File/Kernel Desc                                          
RTRJ0FIN.TC  (.BC)  Discrete value rotor pointing C-kernel, Jupiter orbit 0   
RTRJAFIN.TC  (.BC)  Discrete value rotor pointing C-kernel, Jupiter approach  
NAIF0007.TLS        Leap seconds kernel (through  Jan 1, 1999)                
MK98267A.TSC        Spacecraft clock kernel                                   
PCK00006.TPC        Planetary constants kernel                                
S980326B.TSP (.BSP) Spacecraft/Planetary Ephemeris kernel                     
SPICE kernel documentation can be found in the DOCUMENT/SPICE directory.

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