The data provided here are raw telemetry packets extracted from the archive packet server at JPL. There are 3 levels of packet servers, 'real-time', 'bested', and 'archive'. IPF data files are created from the archive server but have an additional header not found in these files. The packet structure and contents are described by the documents listed below. These documents can be found on the archive volume in the directories below DOCUMENT/MAG, one document per directory. Software provided by the MAG team will read packet files and extract all MAG and AACS data into IGPP flatfiles (binary). Selected MAG and AACS parameters may be extracted using the same software into ASCII files. IGPP flatfiles can be converted to ASCII using the PDS supplied software FFEXTRACT. Both pieces of software are contained on the archive volume along with the packet data files. AACS data are provided as an ancillary data product necessary for the interpretation and processing of the raw magnetometer data.

GLL3-280 project document
SFDU packet format document

Mission description
Instrument Host description
MAG Instrument document
Data set description
MAG References
S/C Events that impact MAG

Trajectory Data
Geometry Information

  data file PDs label
AACS - Jupiter 0   AACS_J0.DAT AACS_J0.LBL
MAG - Jupiter 0   MAG_J0.DAT MAG_J0.LBL

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