CCSD3ZF0000100000001NJPL3IF0PDS200000001 = SFDU_LABEL RECORD_TYPE = STREAM SPACECRAFT_NAME = GALILEO_ORBITER INSTRUMENT_NAME = "NEAR INFRARED MAPPING SPECTROMETER" INSTRUMENT_ID = NIMS OBJECT = TEXT NOTE = "Introduction to the Galileo Near-Infrared Mapping Spectrometer (NIMS) Experiment Data Records (EDRs) CD-ROM." PUBLICATION_DATE = 1999-05-21 END_OBJECT = TEXT END Contributions by: Bob Mehlman , Frank Leader Institute of Geophysics and Planetary Physics University of California Los Angeles, CA 90095-1567 Bill Smythe, Valerie Henderson, Tyler Brown Jet Propulsion Laboratory 4800 Oak Grove Drive Oak Grove Drive Pasadena, CA 91109 Chris Isbell , Eric Eliason United States Geological Survey Branch of Astrogeology 2255 North Gemini Drive Flagstaff, AZ 86001 December 15, 1993 Version 1.0 March 15, 1995 Version 1.1 August 30, 1995 Version 1.2 June 1, 1998 Version 2.0 (Phase 2) May 21, 1999 Version 2.1 CONTENTS 1 - INTRODUCTION 2 - GALILEO MISSION 3 - NIMS INSTRUMENT 3A - PHASE 2 OPERATIONS 4 - NIMS EDR FILE 5 - DISK DIRECTORY STRUCTURE 6 - INDEX FILES 7 - CALIBRATION AND GEOMETRY FILES 8 - SOFTWARE 9 - KEYWORD DESCRIPTIONS 10 - DATA PROCESSING CONSIDERATIONS 11 - WHOM TO CONTACT FOR INFORMATION 12 - ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS 13 - REFERENCES 14 - NIMS PUBLICATIONS 1 - INTRODUCTION This CD-ROM contains the raw data collected by the Galileo NIMS experiment during its sixth through eleventh encounters with the Jupiter system, which occurred between February and November of 1997: the Europa 6 encounter (E6), the Ganymede 7 and 8 encounters (G7 and G8), the Callisto 9 and 10 encounters (C9 and C10) and the Europa 11 encounter (E11). Complete documentation is provided in this file, in the AAREADME.TXT file in the top level directory (which should be read first) and in other ancillary files referred to herein. 2 - GALILEO MISSION Galileo is a mission to Jupiter to perform long-term studies of the Jovian atmosphere and detailed studies of the Galilean satellites. The mission is divided into a launch/cruise phase and an orbital phase. The spacecraft trajectory required a deltaV Venus-Earth-Earth gravity assist (VEEGA). The cruise is divided into Earth-Venus (EV), Venus-Earth (VE), Earth-Earth (EE) and Earth-Jupiter segments -- with the initials used to associate observations with time. These cruise segments are further divided by spacecraft command loads, which are numbered, but not completely contiguously since some planned loads were later combined or eliminated. Important segments include VE6 (Venus encounter), EV9 and 11 (Earth 1 encounter), EE3 (Gaspra encounter) and EE9 and 11 (Earth 2 encounter). Jupiter operations are divided into encounters, named for the satellite which is the principal target. The primary missions consist of the Jupiter Orbit Insertion (JOI) phase and Io encounter (I0) followed by encounters with Ganymede (G), Callisto (C) and Europa (E) designated by principal target and orbit number: G1, G2, C3, E4, E6, G7, G8, C9, C10 and E11. Except for calibrations, data is not collected during the 5th encounter because Jupiter is behind the sun. [The Galileo Europa Mission (GEM) follows the Primary Mission. It will continue data collection in the Jupiter system, though primarily data from Europa and Io. There will be eight close encounters of Europa (E12, E14, E15, E16, E17, E18 and E19), four of Callisto (C20, C21, C22 and C23) and two of Io (I24 and I25) over a period of two years. Jupiter is behind the sun during the 13th encounter.] The spacecraft is a dual-spinner, with the fundamental coordinate system in EME-1950 (Right Ascension, Declination, and Twist) and a hardware coordinate system in cone and clock. The associated spacecraft geometry is available as SPICE kernels generated by the NAIF group at JPL. The fundamental unit of the spacecraft clock is the RIM ((Realtime Imaging count, 60 2/3 seconds). This is subdivided into 91 minor frames (2/3 seconds each) numbered from 0 to 90. Each minor frame is in turn subdivided into 10 RTIs (RealTime Interrupts), numbered 0 to 9. The spacecraft clock time is usually represented in the notation RIM:MF:RTI, where MF denotes the minor frame. Planned spacecraft events are described in the SSDF (Standard Sequence Data File). It is the source of several other files, including the ORPLN (ORbit PLaNning) file, the SEF (Spacecraft Event File) and the ISOE (Integrated Sequence Of Events) file. These are available through the Galileo Science Catalog. 3 - NIMS INSTRUMENT The Near-Infrared Mapping Spectrometer (NIMS) instrument is an imaging spectrometer covering the wavelength region 0.7 to 5.2 micrometers -- a region not studied by the Pioneer and Voyager spacecraft. Its spectral resolution is 0.025 micron beyond 1 micron, and 0.0125 microns below 1 micron, yielding 204 spectral elements in nominal mode. The nominal pixel size is a square 0.5 x 0.5 milliradians. The instrument acquires data in the order: (1) sampling of 17 detectors, (2) stepping of the scan mirror (20 elements in cross-cone), (3) stepping of the grating (nominally 12 steps per cycle). The nominal 204 wavelength cycle requires 4 1/3 seconds. The detectors (2 silicon, 15 Indium Antinomide) sample approximately uniformly across the spectrum. A detailed description of the instrument may be found in [1]. Earlier descriptions may be found in references [2,3]. An electronic version of a preprint of [1] is available in the [DOCUMENT.NIMSINST] directory of this CD-ROM. The raw instrument data is organized by spacecraft clock. With a knowledge of the start and stop time of a given observation, the data can be organized into a viewable object, normally known as a qube, stacked images with spatial coordinates on the front and spectral coordinates along the "back" axis. The timing of the instrument data acquisition, with 17 detectors at a grating position sampled at (nearly) the same time, results in slightly offset geometry for each grating step. This is normally adjusted by resampling the data. First results of NIMS observations during the Galileo Venus encounter may be found in [4]. 3A - PHASE 2 OPERATIONS The failure of the Galileo High Gain Antenna (HGA) to deploy completely during cruise necessitated major changes in plans for Jupiter operations. Data return via the Low Gain Antenna (LGA) had to be maximized by careful selection and by compression where possible. To counter the vast reduction in achievable data transmission rates, new code was prepared for the random access memory of the NIMS instrument computer which allowed selection of wavelengths and mirror positions. New formats were implemented for the Command Data System (CDS) to record edited NIMS data. A NIMS playback editor was written for CDS to perform additional wavelength editing and 8-option adaptive Rice compression of NIMS data before packetizing for transmission to the ground. An optional per-detector thresholding capability was added to lower the cost of returning repetetive off-limb data. Extensive re-programming of the ground system was needed to accomodate these changes, and the EDR format had to be revised. The NIMS instrument also suffered some damage during the course of Jupiter operations, presumably radiation-induced. Detector 8, covering the 2.4-2.6 micron wavelength range, failed during the C3 encounter. Detector 3, covering the 1.0-1.26 micron range, failed during the E6 encounter. DNs acquired after these failures will appear to be extremely noisy, often (depending on the gain state) alternating between very low and very high values. Our judgment is that they are scientifically unusable. [More on this topic in VOLINFO.TXT for the NIMS cube CD-ROM.] 4 - NIMS EDR FILE NIMS Experiment Data Record (EDR) files are generated by the Multimission Image Processing Subsystem (MIPS) at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL). During cruise, they were divided into files containing up to 100 RIMs of data. During Jupiter operations (phase 2) separate files are created for each planned observation. Each file contains the best data available from the several ground stations receiving Galileo telemetry. The files consist principally of 10-bit NIMS sensor values from the 17 detectors, but during cruise, they also contained NIMS background and housekeeping values, instrument temperatures and other engineering measurements. For Jupiter observations, only the sensor values are in the EDR. Those engineering values which are still being returned are collected into separate datasets. Data in cruise EDRs are organized into 1024-byte records, one for each minor frame (2/3 second) of spacecraft clock time. In that time, the NIMS instrument has collected sensor values for all 17 detectors over two scans (20 positions down and 20 positions up) of the secondary mirror. A detailed description of the structure of the cruise EDR may be found in the Galileo Software Interface Specification (SIS, [5]). The same information is available in both human and machine-readable form in the Planetary Data System (PDS) structure files EDRHDR.FMT and EDRDATA.FMT in the LABEL directory of the cruise CDs. For information on PDS standards see references [6,7,8,9]. For Jupiter (phase 2) operations, one record is written for each *half* minor frame of spacecraft clock time, except that no record is written for a half minor frame during which no data is selected. A valid-data mask in the binary header indicates which records in a RIM are actually present. A detailed description of the structure of the phase 2 EDR may be found in the Galileo Software Interface Specification (SIS, [10]). The same information is available in both human and machine-readable form in the Planetary Data System (PDS) structure files EDRHDR2.FMT and EDRDATA2.FMT in the LABEL directory of the phase 2 CDs. NIMS EDR data require considerable processing before they are readily amenable to science analysis. Normally, the EDRs are processed into spectral image cubes by one of several sets of software. (See section 10 of this document for further information on the software.) NIMS cubes of all observations are systematically generated in this way, and appear in a separate set of CD-ROMs. The EDR CD-ROMs are intended for experienced users of NIMS data who wish to generate their own cubes. As received from MIPS, each EDR file has a Vicar label preceding a PDS/ISIS label. The Vicar label has been removed from the EDRs on this CD-ROM, but it has been saved in a separate directory and software is available to re-attach it. The PDS/ISIS-labelled EDRs themselves are readily processable by software in the ISIS system, and by PDS utilities. For additional information on ISIS and Vicar system availability and related technical support, see "Whom to Contact for Information", section 11 of this document. Phase 2 EDRs have been renamed on this CD-ROM to conform to PDS 8.3 naming standards. The index file (EDRCAT.TAB in the [DOCUMENT] directory) can be used to translate between the 8.3 name and the original MIPS name. Details of the translation may be found in section 5 under target directories, and in section 6 in the description of the index file -- the EDR_FILENAME field contains the 8.3 CD name and the PRODUCT_ID field contains the original MIPS name. 5 - DISK DIRECTORY STRUCTURE The files on this CD-ROM are organized into several top-level directories with subdirectories where appropriate. The following table shows the structure and content of these directories. In the table, directory names are followed by a designation, upper-case letters indicate an actual directory or file name, and lower-case letters indicate the general form of directory names or file names. DIRECTORY or FILENAME CONTENTS Top-level or root directory |- AAREADME.TXT Introduction to the NIMS EDR CD-ROM. | |- AAREADME.VMS Basic introduction for VMS systems. | |- ERRATA.TXT Known errata for this and earlier volumes. | |- VOLDESC.CAT A description of the contents of this CD-ROM volume in a format readable by both humans and computers. CATALOG This directory contains copies of PDS catalog | files relevant to this CD-ROM. | |- CATINFO.TXT Description of files in directory. | |- MISSION.CAT A description of the Galileo Mission to Jupiter. | |- INSTHOST.CAT A description of the Galileo spacecraft and its | major components, including the orbiter and the | probe. | |- INST.CAT A description of the NIMS instrument and its | operating modes. | |- DATASET.CAT A description of the EDR dataset for the | Jupiter encounters. | |- REF.CAT Collected references for the above catalog files. DOCUMENT This directory contains document files | (extension name "TXT") describing products, | missions, organization, etc.. | |- DOCINFO.TXT Description of files in directory. | |- VOLINFO.TXT Contains detailed information about the | contents of this CD-ROM volume. | |- NIMSINST.TXT A brief description, with references, of the | Near Infrared Mapping Spectrometer (NIMS) | instrument. Each EDR has a label pointer to | this file. | |- SPECPROC.TXT A description of special processing performed | on EDRs containing anomalous data. Such EDRs | have label pointers to this file. (Present only | for orbits where special processing was done.) | |- eeNIMSGD Directory containing the "NIMS Guide to the 'ee' | | Orbit", where 'ee' is G1, G2, C3, E4, E6, G7, G8, | | C9, 10, 11, ... , 25. (Also, J0 refers to some | | brief calibration observations before G1, and X0 | | refers to the cancelled J0 encounter.) NIMS | | Guides for an orbit are on the volume containing | | that orbit's EDRs. | | | |- GDINFO.TXT Documentation describing the contents of the | | eeNIMSGD directory. | | | |- NIMSGD.LBL PDS label describing the NIMS Guide formats | | | | (PostScript Versions of the NIMS Guide) | | | |- NIMSGD0.PS Title Page, Foreword, Contents | | | |- NIMSGD1.PS Chapter 1: Introduction | | | |- NIMSGD2.PS Chapter 2: Orbit Overview | | | |- NIMSGD3.PS Chapter 3: Orbit Geometry | | | |- NIMSGD4.PS Chapter 4: Sequence Summary | | | |- NIMSGD5.PS Chapter 5: Detailed Observation Designs | | | |- NIMSGD6.PS Chapter 6: Wavelength Edit Tables | | | |- NIMSGD7.PS Chapter 7: Playback summary (data actually returned) | |- NIMSINST This directory contains a preprint of the NIMS | instrument paper. | |- INSTINFO.TXT Documentation describing the contents of the | NIMSINST directory. | |- INSTPUB.ASC ASCII version of the Text and Tables from the | Instrument paper. | |- INSTFGnn.PS PostScript files for Figures, nn = 01-14, from | the Instrument paper. | |- INSTPUB.LBL PDS label describing ASCII and PostScript files | mentioned above. INDEX This directory contains various index table | and index label files. | |- INDXINFO.TXT Documentation describing the contents of the | INDEX directory. | |- BOOMCAT.TAB Boom Map index table. | |- BOOMCAT.LBL PDS label describing BOOMCAT.TAB content. | |- EDRCAT.TAB EDR information index table. | |- EDRCAT.LBL PDS label describing EDRCAT.TAB content. | |- CUMINDEX.TAB Cumulative EDR information index table. | |- CUMINDEX.LBL PDS label describing CUMINDEX.TAB. | |- CEDRCAT.TAB Corrupt EDR index table. | |- CEDRCAT.LBL PDS label describing CEDRCAT.TAB content. | |- CUMCINDX.TAB Cumulative corrupt EDR information index table. | |- CUMCINDX.LBL PDS label describing CUMCINDX.TAB. | |- OBSCAT.TAB Observation characteristics table. | |- OBSCAT.LBL PDS label describing OBSCAT.TAB content. | |- CUMOBSCT.TAB Cumulative observation characteristics table. | |- CUMOBSCT.LBL PDS label describing CUMOBSCT.TAB. LABEL This directory contains detached label files | showing the format for the EDR header and data | areas of the NIMS EDR files. | |- LABINFO.TXT Documentation describing the contents of the | LABEL directory. | |- EDRHDR2.FMT PDS label describing Phase 2 EDR header area. | |- EDRDATA2.FMT PDS label describing Phase 2 EDR Data area. CALIB This directory contains NIMS calibration data | or information about where it may be found. | |- CALINFO.TXT Documentation describing NIMS calibration data, | some of which will be included on a later CD-ROM. | |- NIMSENGR.TAB NIMS engineering, including temperatures, in | raw DNs (ASCII table) | |- NIMSTEMP.TAB NIMS temperatures, science units (ASCII table) | |- *.LBL Detached PDS labels for table files above GEOMETRY This directory contains NIMS geometry files. | |- GEOMINFO.TXT Documentation describing GEOMETRY data, some of | which will be included on a later CD-ROM. | |- BOOMV001.NIM NIMS boom file. | |- NIMSV05.TI NIMS I-kernel with embedded PDS label SOFTWARE During Galileo Cruise, this directory provide | source code for software used to display data | manipulate files on this CD. Software is no | longer included on this CD-ROM. | |- SOFTINFO.TXT Documentation describing how software for EDR data | display and file manipulation can be obtained. {target} A set of top-level directories for each target. | Target directories exist named JUPITER, IO, EUROPA, | GANYMEDE, CALLISTO, MISC (for ring and small | satellite data), FLTCAL (for calibration, dark | and star data) and CORRUPT (for data which was | returned but thought to be corrupted or otherwise | invalid, so as not to preclude the possibility | that someone, someday, may figure out how to | interpret them -- a CORRINFO.TXT file contains | details.) | |- EDR EDR subdirectory. | | | |- eetnnn.EDR NIMS EDR files with PDS label, where ee is the | orbit (G1, G2, C9, 10, 11, ... 25), t is the | target (J for Jupiter, I for Io, E for Europa, | G for Ganymede, C for Callisto, R for rings, | H for dark observations and N for flight | calibration), and nnn is a sequence number | for each encounter-target pair. | |- VIC VICAR label subdirectory. | | | |- eetnnn.VIC Detached VICAR labels from NIMS EDR files. | |- SPIKE Spike file subdirectory (for targets where they exist) | |- eetnnn.SPI NIMS spike files with embedded labels (for Europa, Ganymede and Callisto EDRs only) 6 - INDEX FILES Index files are located in the INDEX directory of this disk and have file names ending with the characters ".TAB". An index file is a 'table' arranged by rows (records) and columns (fields) and provides important information about the NIMS data. Some index files are formatted to allow automatic data entry programs to access the data for entry into an existing data base system. In these tables, non-numeric fields are enclosed by double-quote characters, all fields are delimited by commas, and the last two bytes in each record are carriage-control and line-feed characters. Other table files are designed for access by ISIS cube generation software, and lack the quotes, separators and terminators. Both kinds have accompanying PDS label files whose file names end with ".LBL". Each .LBL file is a PDS Object Description Language (ODL) description of the contents of the corresponding .TAB file. ODL documentation is available within the reference 6 document. The following are index files found in the INDEX directory on this CD. Index Description ---------- ----------------------------------------------------- BOOMCAT.TAB Points to appropriate boom file for given time period. OBSCAT.TAB Provides time range and status information about each observation. CUMOBSCT.TAB Cumulative version of OBSCAT.TAB. EDRCAT.TAB Provides selected information about each EDR file. CUMINDEX.TAB Cumulative version of EDRCAT.TAB. CEDRCAT.TAB Provides selected information about each "corrupt" EDR file. CUMCINDX.TAB Cumulative version of CEDRCAT.TAB. (CALCAT.TAB and DRKCAT.TAB tables, summarizing NIMS dark and calibration files, will be added in later CDs when the files themselves are included.) The following tables (Table 1 through Table 3) provide a detailed description of the contents of each of the index files. This includes the starting and ending byte positions of each field in the index. These byte positions specify the actual fields and do not include the double-quote marks and commas that may separate the fields. Table 1 - BOOMCAT.TAB -------------------------------------- Byte Positions Description ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 - 9 NATIVE_START_TIME_RIM : The spacecraft start clock count that indicates the starting period when the Boom Obscuration file is to be used. 16 - 23 NATIVE_STOP_TIME_RIM : The spacecraft stop clock count that indicates the ending period when the Boom Obscuration file is to be used. 30 - 36 BOOM_VOLUME_ID : The CD_ROM volume containing the Boom Obscuration files referenced in the table. BOOM_VOLUME_ID = "GO_1005" for all files on this CD-ROM. 40 - 59 BOOM_FILE_NAME : The name of the boom obscuration file to use for a NIMS data set for the indicated time periods (start and stop native time). BOOM_FILE_NAME = "[GEOMETRY]BOOMV001.NIM" for all files on this CD-ROM. Table 2 - OBSCAT.TAB -------------------------------------- 1 - 12 OAPEL_NAME : The Orbital Activity Profile ELement ID identifies a single planned observation. It is popularly known as the OAPEL name. 13 - 24 ALIAS_NAME : The Alias Name identifies the original name of another instrument's observation when NIMS is riding along (receiving data) for that observation. 25 - 25 OAPEL_EXTENSION : Identifies a part of an observation which has been separated for processing convenience. A, B, C... are used for playback segments; R, S, T... for realtime segments. The extension may be blank for a single unsplit playback observation, but must be R for an unsplit realtime observation. 26 - 27 PARAMETER_SET_ID : An identifier used in the uplink process. 28 - 40 NATIVE_START_TIME : The spacecraft clock count at the beginning of the observation segment. It is in the form RIM:MF:RTI where RIM is 8 characters, MF (minor frame) is 2 characters (0-90) and RTI (real time interrupt) is a single character (0-9). 41 - 53 NATIVE_STOP_TIME : The spacecraft clock count at the end of the observation segment. 54 - 54 PARTITION : The partition of the spacecraft clock; i.e. it begins at 1 and increments by 1 each time the clock is restarted. 55 - 63 SPARE : Reserved bytes. 64 - 71 TARGET_NAME : The primary target of the observation. Besides the various planets and satellites, this may be SKY (for dark calibrations), STAR (for boresight calibrations) or CAL (for optical and radiometric calibrations). 72 - 73 INSTRUMENT_MODE_ID : A number (0-15) which identifies the NIMS instrument mode during the observation segment: 0 Safe (fixed spectrometer) 1 Full map 2 Full spectrometer 3 Long map 4 Long spectrometer 5 Short map 6 Short spectrometer 7 Fixed map 8 Bandedge map 9 Bandedge spectrometer 10 Stop and slide map 11 Stop and slide spectrometer 12-15 Special sequences (programmable) (Modes 10-15 are not used during phase 2.) 74 - 74 GAIN_STATE_ID : Number (1-4) identifying the NIMS gain state, which governs the gains of the non-thermal detectors 1-14. Gain state 3 gains are about twice those of gain state 2. Gain state 4 gains are about twice those of gain state 3. Gain state 1 gains for detectors 1-10 are about the same as those for gain state 2, but differ for detectors 11-14. The thermal detectors (15-17) are automatically dual-gain and are not affected by the gain state. 75 - 75 CHOPPER_MODE_ID : Number (1-4) identifying the NIMS chopper mode. These are 1: reference mode, 2: 63 hertz mode, 3: free run, 4: off. 63 hertz mode was used for the two Earth/Moon encounters and the Gaspra encounter. Reference mode was used for the Venus and Ida encounters, and will be used for all Jupiter encounters. 76 - 76 OFFSET_GRATING_POSITION : Number (0-7) identifying the initial offset of the NIMS grating. This is a physical grating position. Logical grating positions are measured from this point. The default (and most common) value is 4. 77 - 100 NIMS_PARAMETER_TABLES : Contents of the NIMS Parameter Tables (PTABs), A and B, which control operation of the NIMS instrument. See the NIMS instrument paper for details. Each PTAB is represented here as 6 2-digit numbers. Columns 77 - 88 for PTAB A; 89 - 100 for PTAB B. Within each PTAB: 1 - 2 MODE_REPEAT_COUNT : Number of times the PTAB will be re-used before control is switched to the *other* PTAB. 3 - 4 MIRROR_OPERATION_FLAG : A non-zero value indicates the secondary mirror is moving (map mode); a zero value indicates that it is fixed at a position in the middle of the mirror scan (spectrometer mode). 5 - 6 AUTOBIAS_FLAG : A non-zero value indicates the autobias mechanism is off; a zero value indicates it is in use. The autobias is turned off only when the NIMS instrument is at room temperature, during testing. The flag is normally NOT set, implying that the thermal detectors (15-17) have different gains in each half of the DN range. 7 - 8 START_GRATING_POSITION : When added to the OFFSET_ GRATING_POSITION, this item determines the physical grating position at which the grating cycle begins. It is usually zero, but sometimes 1 in full grating modes, or 1-3 in short grating modes. 9 - 10 GRATING_INCREMENT : The increment in physical grating position between grating steps. It is 1 in long grating modes, 2 in full grating modes and 4 in short grating modes. It is 0 in fixed grating modes. 11 - 12 GRATING_POSITIONS : Number of actual grating steps in a grating cycle. It is 24 for long grating modes, 12 for full and fixed grating modes and 6 for short grating modes. (Full and fixed modes are distinguished by the GRATING_INCREMENT.) 101 - 101 ELECTRONIC_CALIBRATION_FLAG : A '1' indicates that an electronic calibration was commanded during the first RIM of the observation; a '0' indicates it was not. 102 - 102 OPTICAL_CALIBRATION_FLAG : A '1' indicates that an optical calibration was commanded during the first RIM of the observation; a '0' indicates it was not. 103 - 103 REAL_TIME_FLAG : A '1' indicates that the observation was returned in real time; a '0' indicates it was not. 104 - 104 RECORD_FLAG : A '1' indicates that the observation was recorded and played back later; a '0' indicates it was not. 105 - 105 THRESHOLDING_FLAG : A non-zero value (1-3) indicates that the recorded observation was thresholded during playback. The per-detector threshold values selected are included later in this table. A zero indicates no thresholding was done. 106 - 106 SPARE : Spare byte. 107 - 111 RTI_SELECT_DOWN_MASK : Ones (select) or zeros (deselect) for each of the 5 RTIs (Real Time Interrupts) during a downscan of the NIMS mirror. Four mirror positions are traversed during each RTI. 112 - 116 RTI_SELECT_UP_MASK : Ones (select) or zeros (deselect) for each of the 5 RTIs (Real Time Interrupts) during an upscan of the NIMS mirror. Four mirror positions are traversed during each RTI. 117 - 117 SPARE : Spare byte. 118 - 118 COMPRESSION_FLAG : Flag governing compression of recorded NIMS data by CDS before transmission to the ground. A 0 indicates no compression. A 1 indicates Rice compression with reference values saved for each detector before each mirror scan. 119 - 119 SPARE : Spare byte. 120 - 122 ESTIMATED_COMPRESSION : Estimated Rice compression ratio (0.0 to 9.9) for the observation. 123 - 125 EST_COMPRESSION_ERROR : Estimated error in Rice compression ratio for the observation. 126 - 130 RATE_CONTROL_LOWER_LIMIT : Lower limit (in 16-bit words per RIM) of the Rate Control option. The number of mirror positions played back is increased if this limit is reached. Zero if rate control not selected. 131 - 135 RATE_CONTROL_UPPER_LIMIT : Upper limit (in 16-bit words per RIM) of the Rate Control option. The number of mirror positions played back is reduced if this limit is reached. Zero if rate control not selected. 136 - 152 SPARE : Spare bytes. 153 - 155 WAVELENGTHS : Number of wavelengths selected (1-408) for this observation. 156 - 158 TELEMETRY_FORMAT_ID : Telemetry format: playback modes are MPW, LPU and LNR; realtime transmission is represented by RT. 159 - 179 UTC_START_TIME : Expected start time of observation in UTC. Non-ISO format is yyyy-ddd/hh:mm:ss.mmm. 180 - 200 UTC_STOP_TIME : Expected stop time of observation in UTC. Non-ISO format is yyyy-ddd/hh:mm:ss.mmm. 201 - 267 SPARE : Spare bytes. 268 - 318 THRESHOLD : Per-detector threshold values used for playback of this observation. DNs which are less than these values are not returned. A zero value indicates no thresholding for that detector. 319 - 328 WET_GROUP_ID : A 10-digit ID for Wavelength Edit Table selection group. Format is mmeelllnnn where mm is instrument mode (0-15), ee is number of entries in group, lll is number of wavelengths and nnn is a sequence number. 329 - 330 WET_GROUP_ENTRIES : Number of entries in Wavelength Edit Table selection group. 331 - 512 WET_GROUP : Wavelength Edit Table group, consisting of as many as 26 entries. Each entry consists of a count and a detector mask. As the NIMS instrument executes a grating cycle, these detector masks govern wavelength selection, each applied the specified number of times. Each entry consists of 2 items in 7 columns: 1 - 2 WET_ENTRY_COUNT : Number of consecutive grating steps associated detector mask is applicable. 3 - 7 DETECTOR_MASK : Hexadecimal representation of 17-bit detector mask, in form BHHHH, where B is 0 or 1 and H has range 0-F in hexadecimal. Each of the 17 1's and 0's represent selection (1) or absence (0) of a detector while this WET group entry is active. Detector 1 is represented by the first (left hand) bit. Table 3 - EDRCAT.TAB -------------------------------------- Byte Positions Description ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 - 8 CD_VOLUME_ID : The CD_ROM volume containing the EDR and VICAR files referenced in the table. 12 - 37 VICAR_FILENAME : The CD_ROM directory (in VMS format) and file name for the VICAR label. The naming convention is: Directory name : [target.VIC] File name : eetnnn.VIC where : (See EDR_FILENAME description for filename interpretation) 41 - 66 EDR_FILENAME : The CD_ROM directory (in VMS format) and file name for the PDS/ISIS-labelled EDR on this CD. (See PRODUCT_ID below for the original MIPS EDR name.) The naming convention is: Directory name : [target.EDR] File name : eetnnn.EDR target = 2-8 character target of observation: JUPITER, IO, EUROPA, GANYMEDE, CALLISTO, MISC (for rings and small satellites) or FLTCAL (for dark and calibration) ee = 2 character designation of encounter: G1, G2, ... C9, 10, 11, ... 25 t = 1 character symbol for target: (J, I, E, G, C, R for rings, S for small satellites, N for flight calibration, dark and star data) nnn = 3-digit sequential numeric ID for a particular encounter and target 70 - 97 SPIKE_FILENAME : The CD_ROM directory and file name for the Spike file (if it exists) or N/A (if it does not). Spike files have been made for most Europa, Ganymede and Callisto observations, but not for Io, Jupiter and calibration observations. Directory name : [target.SPIKE] File name : eetnnn.SPI (See EDR_FILENAME description for filename interpretation) 101 - 107 SPIKE_CD_VOLUME_ID : The CD_ROM volume which contains the most up to date spike information for the current observation (or N/A if there is no spike file) 111 - 145 MISSION_PHASE_NAME : Defines the mission phase during native data acquisition. 149 - 168 PRIMARY_TARGET_NAME: Primary target of observation 172 - 191 SECONDARY_TARGET_NAME : Secondary target of observation, if any; otherwise N/A. 195 - 219 DATA_SET_ID : The unique alphanumeric identifier for this data set, constructed according to PDS naming conventions. 223 - 247 SPACECRAFT_NAME : The name of the spacecraft which hosts the instrument referenced in INSTRUMENT_ID object. 251 - 275 INSTRUMENT_ID : The abbreviated name or acronym which identifies the instrument. 279 - 289 NATIVE_START_TIME : The spacecraft start clock count for the EDR data, in the form where rrrrrrrr is the RIM count and mm is the minor frame count. 293 - 303 NATIVE_STOP_TIME : The spacecraft stop clock count for the EDR data, in the form where rrrrrrrr is the RIM count and mm is the minor frame count. 306 - 310 DATA_RECORDS: The number of non-empty data records in the EDR, a rough indication of the volume of actual data. 312 - 314 WAVELENGTHS: The number of wavelengths selected and returned for this observation. 316 - 319 WAVELENGTH_SET_ID: An integer assigned to each unique set of returned wavelengths, with the same instrument mode, start grating position and offset grating position. 321 - 322 INSTRUMENT_MODE_ID: An integer identifying the NIMS instrument mode (0-9): 0 fixed spectrometer, 1 full map, 2 full spectrometer, 3 long map, 4 long spectrometer, 5 short map, 6 short spectrometer, 7 fixed map, 8 bandedge map, bandedge spectrometer. 324 - 324 GAIN_MODE_ID: An integer identifying the NIMS gain state (1-4) which governs detectors 1-14. Gain state 3 is about twice the gain of gain state 2. Gain state 4 is about 4 times the gain of gain state 2. Gain state 1 is about the same as gain state 2 for detectors 1-10, but differs for detectors 11-14. The thermal detectors (15-17) are not affected by the gain state. 326 - 326 THRESHOLDING_ID: An integer identifying the threshold values (one per detector) applied during data playback: (0) no thresholding, (1) thresholding of data below the average dark value plus 3 DNs for all detectors, (2) same as 1 except detector 4 is not thresholded and (4) thresholding below a DN of 200 for all detectors. 329 - 331 TELEMETRY_MODE_ID: A string identifying the telemetry mode used to record or play back the data. The 3 record modes are MPW (all NIMS data, phase 0 format), LPU (~60% of NIMS data) and LNR (~25% of NIMS data). RT identifies realtime transmission. 335 - 354 EARTH_RECEIVED_START_TIME : The Universal Time Coordinated(UTC) at which spacecraft telemetry acquisition starts on Earth. 358 - 377 EARTH_RECEIVED_STOP_TIME : The Universal Time Coordinated(UTC) at which spacecraft telemetry acquisition stops on Earth. 381 - 400 PRODUCT_CREATION_TIME : The Universal Time Coordinated(UTC) at which the NIMS EDR product is generated. 404 - 419 PRODUCT_ID : The original MIPS name for the EDR file: obsname.ext, where obsname is the observation name (13 characters) and ext is numeric (1 or 2 digits) and is the MIPS version number. This corresponds to the final EDR generated by MIPS for an observation. 7 - CALIBRATION AND GEOMETRY FILES The CALIB directory contains files required for non-geometric processing of NIMS data (or pointers to them) and tables of engineering data not included in the phase 2 EDRs themselves. DARK files (.DRK) are average dark current files derived from "heaven dark" or other special observations at different times during the mission, and from off-limb data taken during ordinary targeted observations. They contain the average dark current values as tables in detector, mirror position and mirror direction, for each of four gain states. CALIBRATION files (.CAL) contain NIMS sensitivities for each detector and grating position in each of four gain states. These sensitivities are based on ground calibration data but are corrected to account for changes in the instrument during flight, as shown by periodic NIMS observations of the Photometric Calibration Target (PCT) and Radiometric Calibration Target (RCT), and by special Optical Calibration (OPCAL) and Electronic Calibration (ECAL) observations. Different calibration files may be needed for different periods of time during the mission. Dark and calibration files are used by ISIS and Vicar cube generation programs to convert raw phase 2 data numbers (DNs) to radiances. They will be included in later volumes of this CD-ROM set. Provisional versions of these files may be obtained from the NIMS team. NIMSENGR.TAB is a table of raw engineering DN values returned in phase 2 engineering packets for the period covered by the EDRs on this CD-ROM. The table includes NIMS instrument temperatures, resistances and currents, a hardware status word and some SCLK values and checksums used to track the condition of the NIMS software. The table is described by NIMSENGR.LBL. NIMSTEMP.TAB is a table of a subset of the raw engineering DNs (from NIMSENGR.TAB) converted to engineering units. These are all temperatures and are expressed in degrees. This table is described by NIMSTEMP.LBL. The GEOMETRY directory contains files required for geometric processing of NIMS data, or pointers to them NIMSV05.TI is the current NIMS I-kernel. It is in NAIF format and includes SPICE-kernel-style documentation and an embedded PDS label. Other than the I-kernel, SPICE files are not present on this volume of NIMS EDRs, but will be placed in this directory on later volumes, or on a separate CD-ROM. S, P and C kernels may presently be obtained from the Galileo Science Data Team. BOOMV001.NIM is the map of Galileo boom obscurations (provided by Kay Edwards of the USGS) as a function of scan platform cone and clock angles. It is used by ISIS and Vicar cube generation software to remove pixels judged to be contaminated by the boom. 8 - SOFTWARE Source code for software which performs simple data manipulation and access functions for the NIMS Phase 2 Experiment Data Record (EDR) files contained on this CD-ROM is available at the NIMS web site: A brief description of this software may be found in the SOFTINFO.TXT file in the SOFTWARE directory. Detailed instructions on its use accompany the source files. 8.1 - SOFTWARE DISCLAIMER Although the software described here has been used and tested, no warranty, expressed or implied, is made by NASA, the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL), the University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA) or the United States Geological Survey (USGS) as to the accuracy and functioning of the software and related materials, and no responsibility is assumed by NASA, JPL, UCLA or the USGS. 9 - KEYWORD DESCRIPTIONS Keyword Descriptions for the NIMS EDR files. -------------------------------------------- CCSD3ZF0000100000001NJPL3IF0PDS200000001 = SFDU_LABEL This keyword provides a mechanism for files on this CDROM to conform to the SFDU (Standard Formatted Data Unit) convention. The first 20 bytes identify the file as a CCSDS SFDU entity. The next 20 bytes identify the file as a registered product of the JPL SFDU control authority. The components of both SFDU labels are the control authority identifier (characters 1-4), the version identifier (character 5), the class identifier (character 6), a spare field (characters 7-8), a format identifier (characters 9-12), and a length field indicator (characters 13-20). The version identifier indicates a "Version-3" label, which allows files to be delimited by an end-of-file marker, rather than requiring a byte count to be embedded in the label. The keyword conforms to standard PDS keyword syntax and the value associated with this keyword will always be SFDU_LABEL. RECORD_TYPE = FIXED_LENGTH This keyword defines the record structure of the file. The NIMS EDR files are always fixed-length record files. This keyword always contains the value FIXED_LENGTH. RECORD_BYTES = 512 Record length in bytes for fixed length records. FILE_RECORDS = xxxx Total number of records contained in the file. LABEL_RECORDS = 6 Number of records in the label area of the image file. CHECKSUM = xxxxxxxx An unsigned 32-bit checksum of all bytes after the label records FILE_STATE = CLEAN Distinguishes CLEAN (good) files from DIRTY (incomplete) files. ^HEADER_TABLE = 7 The (^) character prefixing a keyword indicates that the keyword is a pointer to the starting record of a data object in the file. In this case, the keyword is the pointer to the Header Table Object. The keyword value indicates the starting record in the file for the Header Table Object. The number of records found in an object is determined by differencing the value of the pointer keyword from the value of the next pointer or to the end of the file. OBJECT = HEADER_TABLE This keyword sequence begins the description of the Header Table object. The following describes the meaning of each keyword for this sequence. INTERCHANGE_FORMAT = BINARY The interchange_format element represent the manner in which data items are stored. For the EDR files on this disk, the value is BINARY. COLUMNS = UNK The actual number of columns in a ROW is somewhat indeterminate. For this reason, the UNK value is used. The PDS and NIMS software which deals with this data ignores this element. ROWS = 1 The number of rows occupied by the HEADER_TABLE. ( Always = 1 for the EDR files on this disk. ) ROW_BYTES = 2048 The number of bytes in each ROW of this object. ( Always = 2048 for the EDR files on this disk. ) ^STRUCTURE = "EDRHDR2.FMT" Name of PDS structure file in LABEL directory describing the the EDR header. ENDOBJECT = HEADER_TABLE End of keyword description for the HEADER_TABLE object. ^DATA_TABLE = 11 The (^) character prefixing a keyword indicates that the keyword is a pointer to the starting record of a data object in the file. In this case, the keyword is the pointer to the EDR Data Table Object. The keyword value indicates the starting record in the file for the Data Table Object. OBJECT = DATA_TABLE The remainder of the keywords apply to the DATA_TABLE object. A description follows each keyword below. INTERCHANGE_FORMAT = BINARY The interchange_format element represent the manner in which data items are stored. For the EDR files on this disk, the value is BINARY. COLUMNS = UNK The actual number of columns in a ROW is somewhat indeterminate. For this reason, the UNK value is used. The PDS and NIMS software which deals with this data ignores this element. ROWS = xxxx The number of rows in the EDR data portion of the file. In this case the number of half-minor-frame data records actually present. ROW_BYTES = 1024 The number of bytes in each ROW of this object. ( Always = 1024 for the EDR files on this disk. ) ^STRUCTURE = "EDRDATA2.FMT" Name of PDS structure file in LABEL directory describing the the EDR data record. DATA_SET_ID = "GO-J-NIMS-2-EDR-V1.0" The PDS defined data set identifier for the NIMS EDR data. All of the data on this CD belongs to the NIMS EDR dataset for Jupiter, which includes data from Jupiter and its satellites. SPACECRAFT_NAME = GALILEO_ORBITER The name of the spacecraft which acquired the NIMS EDR data. INSTRUMENT_NAME = "NEAR INFRARED MAPPING SPECTROMETER" The name of the instrument which acquired the EDR data. INSTRUMENT_ID = NIMS An abbreviated name or acronym which identifies an instrument. ^INSTRUMENT_DESCRIPTION = "NIMSINST.TXT" File in DOCUMENT directory which contains a description of the NIMS instrument. TARGET_NAME = GANYMEDE Target of the observation whose data is contained in this EDR. MISSION_PHASE_NAME = GANYMEDE_1_ENCOUNTER Galileo encounter in which the data was obtained. NATIVE_START_TIME = xxxxxxxxxxx NATIVE_STOP_TIME = xxxxxxxxxxx Beginning and ending spacecraft clock counts for the EDR data. EARTH_RECEIVED_START_TIME = xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx EARTH_RECEIVED_STOP_TIME = xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Universal Time Coordinated (UTC) at which spacecraft telemetry acquisition began and ended on earth. COMPRESSION_TYPE = RICE Most non-realtime NIMS data taken during Galileo phase-2 operations were compressed on the spacecraft using a lossless 8-option adaptive compression method devised by Robert Rice. The EDR contains the original data after decompression on the ground. ENCODING_COMPRESSION_RATIO = 2.00 Ratio of decompressed data to compressed data attained during playback. PRODUCT_CREATION_TIME = xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Universal Time Coordinated (UTC) at which the NIMS EDR was generated. NOTE = "EDR product provided by Multimission Image Processing Laboratory of JPL, CALTECH" Facility which provided the EDR data product. END_OBJECT = DATA_TABLE End of keyword description for the DATA_TABLE object. END This marks the end of the keywords for the label area. Bytes in the label area after the END statement are ignored. 10 - DATA PROCESSING CONSIDERATIONS Data Processing Systems for the NIMS EDR Data Collection ________________________________________________________ Galileo/NIMS data on this CD-ROM is in a raw Experiment Data Record (EDR) format which is difficult to use for science analysis. Unlike data from ordinary imaging instruments, which may be displayed directly as images (albeit uncalibrated ones), NIMS data is gathered in a complex fashion and must be restructured for convenient use. This CD-ROM contains several programs for examining these raw EDR format files. These programs are found in the SOFTWARE directory tree and documentation is provided by SOFTINFO.TXT files in that tree. VAX/VMS and SUN versions of these programs are present. The natural form of imaging spectrometer data is the spectral image cube. It is normally in band sequential format, but has a dual nature. It is a series of "images" of the target, each in a different wavelength, in ascending order. It is also a set of spectra, each at a particular line and sample, over the target area. Each spectrum describes a small portion of the target. When transformed into cubes, the data may be analyzed spatially, an image at a time, or spectrally, a spectrum at a time, or in more complex spatial-spectral fashion. Two sets of software exist to generate these cubes. One is part of the ISIS (Integrated Software for Imaging Spectrometers) system; the other is part of the Vicar (Video Image Communication and Retrieval) system. Both produce similar, but not identical, NIMS cubes. The differences are in the methods of binning data into a projected space, and in the selection of geometry and other items stored in backplanes of the cubes. Both software sets provide the option of radiometrically and photometrically calibrating the individual data values. Both sets produce cubes with PDS/ISIS labels, which can be read, displayed and analyzed by generic ISIS software. NIMS data from the various Galileo encounters will ultimately be processed into calibrated cubes, systematically by the Vicar software and selectively by the ISIS software. These cubes will be collected on CD-ROMs for distribution to the scientific community. ISIS consists primarily of programs which process, display and analyze data in cube format, data which may come from NIMS or from other imaging spectrometers. But it is also a programming environment, in which the NIMS-specific cube generation software mentioned above was developed. (It is also capable of handling data in "table" format, a capability that is also used in the cube generation software.) ISIS was initially developed using the VMS operating system on the DEC VAX series of computers. A Unix version which runs on Sun and DEC/Alpha computers is now available and is useful for displaying and analyzing NIMS spectral image cubes, but it does not yet include NIMS cube generation capabilities. Vicar is an image processing system with a long history, which has some multispectral capability, including the cube generation software mentioned above. It is presently available in both VAX/VMS and Unix versions. Various parameters are needed when generating spectral image cubes. In order to assist in this process, it is planned to include cube generation parameter files for all observations (including those whose EDRs are on this volume) in later volumes of the set. These files would allow the user to generate a cube of an observation automatically from the EDR(s) containing the data. Both ISIS and Vicar parameter files may be provided. For additional information on ISIS and Vicar system availability and related technical support, see "Whom to Contact for Information", section 11 of this document. 11 - WHOM TO CONTACT FOR INFORMATION For information pertaining to the contents of this CD-ROM. --------------------------------------------------------- Bob Mehlman UCLA/IGPP Los Angeles, CA 90024-156704 (310) 825-2434 Internet : NSI/DECnet : JUMPY::RMEHLMAN Helen Mortensen Jet Propulsion Laboratory Mail stop 168-514 4800 Oak Grove Drive Pasadena, CA 91109 (818) 354-4316 Internet : THE ISIS SYSTEM --------------- To obtain the VAX/VMS version of the ISIS system ------------------------------------------------ Elias Barbinis, NIMS Librarian Jet Propulsion Laboratory Mail stop 183-601 4800 Oak Grove Drive Pasadena, CA 91109 (818) 354-3214 Internet : NSI-Decnet : NIMI::ISISMGR Technical questions on ISIS NIMS cube generation ------------------------------------------------ Bob Mehlman UCLA/IGPP Los Angeles, CA 90024-156704 (310) 825-2434 Internet : NSI-DECnet: JUMPY::RMEHLMAN ISSAC::RMEHLMAN Technical questions on generic ISIS capability, and requests for one of the Unix versions of the ISIS system. ---------------------------------------------- James Torson U.S. Geological Survey 2255 N. Gemini Flagstaff, AZ 86001 (602) 556-7258 Internet : THE VICAR SYSTEM ---------------- To obtain the Vicar system ------------------------------------------------------------- Danika Jensen Multimission Image Processing System MS 168-414 Jet Propulsion Laboratory 4800 Oak Grove Drive Pasadena, CA 91109 (818) 354-6269 Internet: Technical questions on Vicar NIMS cube generation ------------------------------------------------- Lucas Kamp Jet Propulsion Laboratory Mail stop 168-414 4800 Oak Grove Drive Pasadena, CA 91109 (818) 354-3214 Internet : NSI-Decnet : NIMI::LKAMP ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ---------------------- Information about CD-ROM Hardware and Software and for general assistance in CD-ROM use. -------------------------------------------------- Data Distribution Laboratory Jet Propulsion Laboratory MS 171-264 4800 Oak Grove Drive Pasadena, CA 91109 (818) 354-9343 Electronic mail address: Internet: JPL's Data Distribution Lab has produced a "Catalog of Scientific CD-ROM Publications". This document describes the Planetary CD-ROM collections and the various CD-ROM titles produced by government agencies. It also identifies software which is available for displaying and processing these data sets. The catalog can be ordered from: Jet Propulsion Laboratory Planetary Data System, PDS Operator 4800 Oak Grove Dr. Mail Stop 202-101 Pasadena, CA 91109 (818) 354-4321 (and ask for PDS Operator) INTERNET - Information about other PDS Data Products can also be obtained from the PDS Operator listed above. 12 - ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The National Aeronautics and Space Administration is charged with the responsibility for coordination of a program of systematic exploration of the planets by U.S. spacecraft. To this end, it finances spaceflight missions and data analysis and research programs administered and performed by numerous institutions. These include the Galileo NIMS project, the University of California at Los Angeles and the Planetary Data System which involves the U.S. Geological Survey and Jet Propulsion Laboratory. Catalog table and label files and CD-ROM Documentation were generated by Bob Mehlman and Frank Leader (UCLA/NIMS) in consultation with Bob Carlson (P.I.) and William Smythe (JPL/NIMS), and Tyler Brown and Valerie Henderson (JPL/PDS). Chris Isbell and Eric Eliason (USGS/PDS), Sue Hess and Margaret Cribbs (JPL/PDS) and Doug Alexander (JPL) contributed to earlier volumes. Calibration files were generated by Frank Leader and Bob Mehlman. The NIMS Boom Obscuration Map was generated by Kathleen Edwards (USGS). Software to display EDR header information and statistics and perform data dumps was developed by Bob Mehlman. Software to return a VICAR label to the EDR file was developed by Tracie Stoewe (USGS). Spike files were generated by Ashley Davies (JPL/NIMS) using software designed by Hugh Kieffer and Jeff Anderson (USGS). At MIPS, the EDRs were merged from upstream products prepared by Carol Stanley and Tina Pauro, using realtime processing software for Galileo packets written by Damon Knight. Merging was done by Jan Yoshimizu and Danika Jensen, using software written by Lucas Kamp. Software to process the EDR files, remove the VICAR labels and generate an index table was originally developed by Chris Isbell and extensively modified for Jupiter data by Bob Mehlman. Jan Yoshimizu ran this software, collected all files and did the pre-mastering for the CD-ROM. 13 - REFERENCES 1. R. W. Carlson, P. R. Weissman, W. E. Smythe, J. C. Mahoney, and the NIMS Science and Engineering Teams, "Near-Infrared Mapping Spectrometer Experiment on Galileo", Space Science Reviews 60, 457-502, 1992. [This volume also contains papers describing the other Galileo instruments.] 2. Irving M. Aptaker, "A near-infrared mapping spectrometer for investigation of Jupiter and its satellites", SPIE 331 ("Instrumentation in Astronomy IV") IV", 182-196, 1982. 3. R. W. Carlson, "Spectral mapping of Jupiter and the Galilean satellites in the near infrared", SPIE 268 ("Imaging Spectroscopy"), 29-34, 1981. 4. R. W. Carlson et al, "Galileo Infrared Imaging Spectroscopy Measurements at Venus", Science, 253, 1541-1548, 27 September 1991. [This issue of Science also contains papers describing Venus data taken by the other Galileo instruments.] 5. Zamani, P., "Project Galileo Software Interface Specification: NIMS Experiment Data Record", 625-610: SIS 232-08 (JPL D-296), July 30, 1991. 6. Planetary Data Systems Standards Reference, (1992), JPL D-7669. Distributed by the Planetary Data System, Jet Propulsion Laboratory. 7. Planetary Science Data Dictionary Document, (1992), JPL D-7116. Distributed by the Planetary Data System, Jet Propulsion Laboratory. 8. Planetary Data System, April (1993), Planetary Data System Data Preparation Workbook, JPL Document D-7669, Part 1, Version 3.0. Distributed by the Planetary Data System, Jet Propulsion Laboratory. 9. Planetary Data System, May (1991), Planetary Data System Data Preparation Workbook - Volume 2, Standards, JPL Document D-7669, Version 2.0. Distributed by the Planetary Data System, Jet Propulsion Laboratory. 10. Kamp, L., "Project Galileo Software Interface Specification: Near- Infrared Mapping Spectrometer Experiment Data Record (NIMS EDR) for Phase 2", D-3048, GLL Project 232-08, SFOC0038-02-00-03, SFOC1-MPS-GLL-NIMSEDR, Revision A, June 17, 1996. 14 - NIMS PUBLICATIONS Fred Taylor and Patrick Irwin, "The clouds of Jupiter", Astronomy and Geophysics, 40(3), June 1999. M. Roos-Serote, P. Drossart, E. Lellouch, Th. Encrenaz, R. W. Carlson and F. E. Leader, "Comparison of Five-micron Jovian Hot Spot Measurements by ISO SWS, Galileo NIMS and Voyager IRIS", Icarus, 137, 315-340, 1999. R. W. Carlson, M. S. Anderson, R.E. Johnson, W. D. Smythe, A. R. Hendrix, C. A. Barth, L. A. Soderblom, G. B. Hansen, T. B. McCord, J. B. Dalton, R. N. Clark, J. H. Shirley, A. C. Ocampo and D. L. Matson, "Hydrogen Peroxide on the Surface of Europa", Science, 283, 2062-2064, 26 March 1999. R. W. Carlson, "A Tenuous Carbon Dioxide Atmosphere on Jupiter's Moon Callisto", Science, 283, 820-821, 5 February 1999. R. W. Carlson et al, "Surface Composition of the Galilean Satellites from Galileo Near-Infrared Mapping Spectroscopy", in Highlights of Astronomy, ed. J. Anderson, 11B, 1078-1081, 1998. R. W. Carlson, K. H. Baines, T. Encrenaz, P. Drossart, M. Roos-Serote, F. W. Taylor, P. Irwin, A. Weir, S. Smith and S. Calcutt, "Near-IR Spectroscopy of the Atmosphere of Jupiter", in Highlights of Astronomy, ed. J. Anderson, 11B, 1050-1053, 1998. P. G. Irwin, A. L. Weir, S. E. Smith, F. W. Taylor, A. L. Lambert, S. B. Calcutt, P. J. Cameron-Smith, R. W. Carlson, K. Baines, G. S. Orton, P. Drossart, T. Encrenaz and M. Roos-Serote, "Cloud structure and atmospheric composition of Jupiter retrieved from Galileo NIMS real-time spectra", J. Geophys. Res., 103 (E10), 23001-23022, 1998. [This and the next 2 papers are part of a special JGR issue on the Galileo Probe Mission to Jupiter.] M. Roos-Serote, P. Drossart, T. Encrenaz, E. Lellouch, R. W. Carlson, K. H. Baines, L. Kamp, R. Mehlman, G. S. Orton, S. Calcutt, P. Irwin, F. Taylor and A. Weir, "Analysis of Jupiter North Equatorial Belt Hot spots in the 4-5 um range from Galileo/NIMS observations: measurement of cloud opacity, water and ammonia", J. Geophys. Res., 103 (E10), 23023-23042, 1998. P. Drossart, M. Roos-Serote, T. Encrenaz, E. Lellouch, K. H. Baines, R. W. Carlson, L. W. Kamp, G. S. Orton, S. Calcutt, P. Irwin, F. Taylor and A. Weir, "The solar reflected component in Jupiter's 5-micron spectra from NIMS/Galileo observations", J. Geophys. Res., 103 (E10), 23043-23050, 1998. T. B. McCord, G. B. Hansen, R. N. Clark, et al, "Non-water-ice constituents in the surface material of the icy Galilean satellites from the Galileo NIMS investigation", J. Geophys. Res., 103 (E4), 8603-8626, 1998. T. B. McCord, G. B. Hansen, F. P. Fanale, et al, "Salts on Europa's surface", Science 280, 1242-5, 22 May 1998. S. Doute, "Teledetection hyperspectrale des surfaces glacees du systeme solaire: Presentation d'un outil de modelisation numerique applique a l'etude de Triton, Pluton et Io", These, Laboratoire de Glaciologie et Geophysique de l'Environnement, 1998. M. Roos-Serote, "Spectro-imagerie de Venus et Jupiter: Interpretation des observations Galileo/NIMS", These de Doctorat, Universite Paris VI, 1997. R. Lopes-Gautier, A. G. Davies et al, "Hot spots on Io: Initial results from Galileo's near infrared mapping spectrometer", Geophys. Res. Lett., 24 (20), 2439-2442, 1997. A. G. Davies, A. S. McEwen et al, "Temperature and area constraints on the South Volund Volcano on Io from the NIMS and SSI instruments during the Galileo G1 orbit", Geophys. Res. Lett., 24 (2), 2447-2450, 1997. R. W. Carlson, W. D. Smythe et al, "The distribution of sulfur dioxide and other infrared absorbers on the surface of Io", Geophys. Res. Lett., 24 (20), 2479-2482, 1997. T. B. McCord, R. W. Carlson et al, "Organics and Other Molecules in the Surfaces of Callisto and Ganymede", Science 278, 271-275, 10 October 1997. Th. Encrenaz, P. Drossart et al, "Infrared observations of the Jovian atmosphere by Galileo", in "The Three Galileos, the Man, the Spacecraft, the Telescope", Kluwer Academic Press, 1997. Th. Encrenaz, P. Drossart, R. W. Carlson and G. Bjoraker, "Detection of H2O in the splash phase of G- and R-Impacts from NIMS-Galileo, Planet. Space Sci, 45, 1189-1196, 1997. R. W. Carlson, P. Drossart, Th. Encrenaz, P. R. Weissman, J. Hui and M. Segura, "Temperature, size and energy of the Shoemaker-Levy 9 G-Impact fireball", Icarus 128, 251-274, 1997. R. Carlson, W. Smythe et al, "Near-Infrared Spectroscopy and Spectral Mapping of Jupiter and the Galilean Satellites: Results from Galileo's Initial Orbit", Science, 274, 385-388, 18 October 1996. W. D. Smythe, R. Lopes-Gautier et al, "Galilean satellite observation plans for the near-infrared mapping spectrometer experiment on the Galileo spacecraft", J. Geophys. Res., 100 (E9), 18957-18972, 1995. R. W. Carlson, P. R. Weissman et al, "Some timing and spectral aspects of the G and R collision events as observed by the Galileo Near Infrared Mapping Spectrometer", Proceedings, European SL-9/Jupiter Workshop, European Southern Observatory, 69-73, 1995. R. W. Carlson et al, "Galileo infrared observations of the Shoemaker-Levy 9 G impact fireball: a preliminary report", Geophys. Res. Lett., 22, 1557 (1995). M. Roos-Serote, P. Drossart, Th. Encrenaz, E. Lellouch, R. W. Carlson, K. H. Baines, F. W. Taylor and S. B. Calcutt, "The thermal structure and dynamics of the atmosphere of Venus between 70 and 90 kilometers from the Galileo-NIMS spectra", Icarus 114, 300, 1995. T. B. McCord, L. A. Soderblom et al, "Galileo infrared imaging spectrometry at the Moon", J. Geophys. Res., 99 (E3), 5587-5600, 1994. R. W. Carlson and F. W. Taylor, "The Galileo encounter with Venus: results from the Near-Infrared Mapping Spectrometer", Planet. Space Sci. 41 (7), 475-476, 1993. [This is the introduction to a special issue devoted to NIMS results from the Venus encounter (see next 6 references).] R. W. Carlson, L. W. Kamp et al, "Variations in Venus cloud particle properties: a new view of Venus's cloud morphology as observed by the Galileo Near-Infrared Mapping Spectrometer", Planet. Space Sci. 41 (7), 477-485, 1993. A. D. Collard, F. W. Taylor et al, "Latitudinal distribution of carbon monoxide in the deep atmosphere of Venus", Planet. Space Sci. 41 (7), 487-494, 1993. P. Drossart, B. Bezard et al, "Search for spatial variations of the H2O abundance in the lower atmosphere of Venus from NIMS-Galileo", Planet. Space Sci., 41 (7), 495-504, 1993a. P. Drossart, J. Rosenqvist et al, "Earth global mosaic observations with NIMS- Galileo", Planet. Space Sci., 41 (7), 555-561, 1993b. D. H. Grinspoon, J. B. Pollack et al, "Probing Venus's cloud structure with Galileo NIMS", Planet. Space Sci., 41 (7), 515-542, 1993. M. Roos, P. Drossart et al, "The upper clouds of Venus: determination of the scale height from NIMS-Galileo infrared data", Planet. Space Sci., 41 (7), 505-514, 1993. C. Sagan, W. R. Thompson, R. Carlson, D. Gurnett and G. Hord, "A search for life on Earth from the Galileo spacecraft", Nature, 365, 715-721, 1993. R. W. Carlson, P. R. Weissman, W. D. Smythe, J. C. Mahoney, and the NIMS Science and Engineering Teams, "Near-Infrared Mapping Spectrometer Experiment on Galileo", Space Science Reviews 60, 457-502, 1992. [This volume also contains papers describing the other Galileo instruments.] R. W. Carlson et al, "Galileo Infrared Imaging Spectroscopy Measurements at Venus", Science, 253, 1541-1548, 27 September 1991. [This issue of Science also contains papers describing Venus data taken by the other Galileo instruments.] Irving M. Aptaker, "A near-infrared mapping spectrometer for investigation of Jupiter and its satellites", SPIE 331 ("Instrumentation in Astronomy IV") IV", 182-196, 1982. R. W. Carlson, "Spectral mapping of Jupiter and the Galilean satellites in the near infrared", SPIE 268 ("Imaging Spectroscopy"), 29-34, 1981.