CCSD3ZF0000100000001NJPL3IF0PDS200000001 = SFDU_LABEL /* File Structure (512-byte records required by ISIS software) */ RECORD_TYPE = FIXED_LENGTH RECORD_BYTES = 512 FILE_RECORDS = 130 LABEL_RECORDS = 6 CHECKSUM = 341588 /* This is an unsigned 32-bit checksum of all bytes after label records */ FILE_STATE = CLEAN /* Object pointers and descriptions */ ^HEADER_TABLE = 7 OBJECT = HEADER_TABLE INTERCHANGE_FORMAT = BINARY COLUMNS = UNK ROWS = 1 ROW_BYTES = 2048 ^STRUCTURE = "EDRHDR2.FMT" END_OBJECT = HEADER_TABLE ^DATA_TABLE = 11 OBJECT = DATA_TABLE INTERCHANGE_FORMAT = BINARY COLUMNS = UNK ROWS = 60 ROW_BYTES = 1024 ^STRUCTURE = "EDRDATA2.FMT" /* Data description: general */ DATA_SET_ID = "GO-J-NIMS-2-EDR-V2.0" SPACECRAFT_NAME = GALILEO_ORBITER INSTRUMENT_NAME = "NEAR INFRARED MAPPING SPECTROMETER" INSTRUMENT_ID = NIMS ^INSTRUMENT_DESCRIPTION = "NIMSINST.TXT" TARGET_NAME = IO MISSION_PHASE_NAME = CALLISTO_10_ENCOUNTER NATIVE_START_TIME = "04138147.00" NATIVE_STOP_TIME = "04138147.62" /* Event times are SPICE E-kernel functions of native times */ /* Earth received times are inclusive of all merged downlink data */ EARTH_RECEIVED_START_TIME = 1997-10-10T12:59:48.532 EARTH_RECEIVED_STOP_TIME = 1997-10-10T14:12:00.187 COMPRESSION_TYPE = RICE /* Most non-realtime NIMS data taken during Galileo phase-2 operations */ /* were compressed on the spacecraft using a lossless 8-option adaptive */ /* compression method devised by Robert Rice. This EDR contains the */ /* original data after decompression on the ground. */ ENCODING_COMPRESSION_RATIO = 3.22 INSTRUMENT_THRESHOLD = (30,30,30,0,30,29,28,28,29,28,32,34,31,31,32,30,29) /* Per-detector threshold values for data return during Galileo phase-2 */ /* operation. When thresholding is selected, detector DNs less than the */ /* threshold value for that detector are not returned; those DNs are */ /* therefore known to be less than that threshold value. Detectors with */ /* zero threshold values are not thresholded. */ PRODUCT_CREATION_TIME = 1998-04-30T10:58:13Z PRODUCT_ID = "10INVOLCAN05A.6" NOTE = "EDR product provided by Multimission Image Processing Laboratory of JPL, CALTECH" END_OBJECT = DATA_TABLE END $?$?> ;0  -O2 Ŝ <-O2 " <w1 3.2210INVOLCAN0510INVOLCAN05AFQ04138147:00:004138147:68:01IO 3414 1 1 0 0 124 1 1 0 0 12400011000000000012.00.3 0 -11102LPU1997-263/00:43:02.8661997-263/00:43:48.2000300300300000300290280280290280320340310310320300290326102001260100000011bdff010000001000000102100011bdff010000001000000102100011bdff0102100011bdff0100000010000001021000100000010210001000000102100011bdff0100000011bdff0100000010000001000000100000$? ;0's:w "%("'"!#$'#(#"&#&% !'(%<!"?3:6>(()#0S!(Tnlf#6686&#$'''  (*$*!! '$"#"!$'#"#  /$Q " "$? ;0's:2! / &$? ;0's:w """"#! #% "'$! #'$"!266:$$%$0`&%Njla$3.32%!"+')& #% )"##!"#"',$ # %$  $? ;0's:2!  '$? ;0's:w   !$""(V"! %&"&%$ "% $594>''# %3i70Mlj_32621%#!")#' +)%* $#"&"'"$"" '#$!#"!7#$? ;0 's:t:2 ! 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