PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = STREAM OBJECT = TEXT PUBLICATION_DATE = 2000-11-21 NOTE = "ERRATA.TXT reflects any known deficiencies with files contained on volume GOMW_5001." END_OBJECT = TEXT END ERRATA This file contains a list of all deficiencies and irregularities that are known to exist at the time of production of the GOMW_5001 CD-ROM. Any errors detected with this CD-ROM will be published on subsequent volumes in this volume set. An online version of errors is also maintained at the PPI Node of the PDS. It can be obtained via FTP at ftp.igpp.ucla.edu. The account name is "anonymous" and the password should be your e-mail address (it's polite to leave an audit trail). Locate yourself in the PDS errata directory (cd pds/ERRATA/GOMW_50xx), and transfer the file ERRATA.TXT (get ERRATA.TXT). The files referred to in the ^description pointer in all label files do not exist as named. They exist in the /DOCUMENT directory or one of its subdirectories, most likely /DOCUMENT/PROJECT. These files were listed for their usefulness as documentation. In the /DOCUMENT/PROJECT directory, each sub-directory contains documents in Adobe PDF and ASCII text format. The ASCII text version of these documents are direct conversions of the PDF files. The ASCII versions are present to comply with PDS standards. It is highly recommended that when reading these documents, that the PDF versions be used, as ASCII has limitations that prevent proper representation of the original format of these papers. The SPICE kernels included on this volume are not the "official" PDS archive of the Galileo SPICE kernels. At the time this volume was put together, the official PDS archive was not yet complete. The kernels conatined on this volume are the most complete kernels available at the time this disk was produced. In addition, these kernels were used in the processing of the data contained on this volume. There are no PDS catalog templates to describe the SPICE data sets. The catalog files will be included on the final archive volume for the Galileo SPICE kernels. The PDS labels associated with the various kernels are considered to in "draft form" and may be modified in the cwSPICE archive volume. All PWS waveform data files contain an attached header that looks like a PDS label but they does not conform to current PDS standards. Users should ignore this label and refer to the detached PDS labels that are provided. At the time this volume was produced, the keyword TELEMETRY_APPLICATION_ID used in the PWS waveform data labels was not yet approved for use by the PDS. The keyword defintion has been submitted to the PDS standards committee and approval is anticipated.