PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = STREAM OBJECT = TEXT PUBLICATION_DATE = " " NOTE = "Experiment description for the Jupiter Gravitational Redshift Experiment conducted starting in 1992 through 1995 (DOY 040 through DOY 184). Formatted for display or printing with up to 78 constant- width characters per line." END_OBJECT = TEXT END From Feburary 1993 to July 1995, one-way noncoherent radio Doppler data were generated regularly at 70-meter DSN stations. This effectively yielded measurements of frequency variations in the Galileo spacecraft's crystal oscillator (USO) at heliocentric distances ranging from 0.7 to 1.3 astronomical units (1.0 x 10^8 1.9 x 10^8 km). The basic idea of this experiment is to determine the spacecraft's heliocentric position by fitting the coherent radio tracking data, and then to use the noncoherent data to determine the relativistic frequency shift in the USO as a function of heliocentric distance. Because of the unique character of the Galileo trajectory over the 41-month experiment, it is possible to separate the frequency shifts predicted by general relativity from the USO's intrinsic frequency variations, in particular the random walk in the USO frequency over the duration of the experiment. The published experimental results verify the total frequency shift predicted by general relativity to 0.5% accuracy, while the effect of jovian gravitation on the clock frequency is verified to an accuracy of 1%. Both accuracies represent the investigators' best estimate of realistic standard error. This test of the gravitational redshift provides a fundamental test of Einstein's equivalence principle (EEP), upon which general relativity and all other metric theories of gravitation are based. The experiment demonstrates that the piezoelectric mechanical vibrations of a crystal lattice vary with jovian gravitational potential as predicted by the EEP. Complementary ground-based experiments using jovian spectral lines demonstrate to about the same 1% accuracy that the EEP is also satisfied for atomic transition energies within the Jupiters gravitational field. Although this agreement between the two experiments, and the fact that they both agree with the EEP, is what theorists expect, it is satisfying to have definite verification of the theoretical predictions, even at the 1% level.