PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = STREAM OBJECT = TEXT PUBLICATION_DATE = 1998-08-10 NOTE = "Description of contents of DOCUMENT directory" END_OBJECT = TEXT END The DOCUMENT directory holds PDS Documentation files. Documents are in plain unmarked ASCII text. All files in the DOCUMENT directory have attached PDS labels. The following files have a maximum of 72 ASCII characters per line. The next-to-last and last characters in each line are the carriage-return (ASCII 13) and line-feed (ASCII 10). The first two lines together contain 72 characters; all other lines are exactly 72 characters long. DOCINFO.TXT (this file): A description of the contents of the DOCUMENT directory. LMC.TXT: A description of the Link Monitor and Control log files. The following files have a maximum of 80 ASCII characters per line. The next-to-last and last characters in each line are the carriage-return (ASCII 13) and line-feed (ASCII 10). The first two lines together contain 80 characters; all other lines are exactly 80 characters long. CSP_DESC.TXT: A description of the C? S? P? file. DESCRIPT.TXT: A description of the Galileo Radio Science Solar Gravitational Redshift Experiment. GIN_DESC.TXT: A description of the Navigation Constants, or GIN file. GLLRSSIS.TXT: Software Interface Specification for the Galileo Radio Science raw data archive (this volume set of CD-WO media). TK_DESCR.TXT: A description of the contents and organization of the NAIF Toolkit. TK_FTP.TXT: Instructions on obtaining the NAIF Toolkit via Internet. This file also provides pointers to other documents which describe organization, installation, and installation of the Toolkit. TK_INSTL.TXT: A description of the installation of the NAIF Toolkit under a Sun operating system. The Sun description is representative; versions for other platforms are available from NAIF. TRK_2_25.TXT: Software Interface Specification for the DSN (Archival) Tracking Data File.