PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = STREAM OBJECT = TEXT PUBLICATION_DATE = " " NOTE = "Experiment description for the Experiments at Earth1 and Earth2 Gravity Assists conducted in 1990 (DOY 333 through DOY 344 for Earth1), and in 1992 (DOY 229 through DOY 346 for Earth2). Formatted for display or printing with up to 78 constant- width characters per line." END_OBJECT = TEXT END Coherent Doppler and ranging data were generated by the DSN for the two Galileo gravity assists during Earth flybys on 8 December 1990 (Earth1) and 8 December 1992 (Earth2). The original scientific objective of using these data was to improve the determination of Earth's mass ME (M sub E) in the form GME (GM sub E), where G is the laboratory determined gravitational constant. However during the data analysis phase, it was discovered that it is not possible to fit the data at Earth1 without somehow accounting for the fact that the spacecraft picked up orbital energy during the flyby. For example, a good fit can be obtained by introducing a fictitious instantaneous velocity increase of about 4 mm s^(-1) at perigee along the direction of motion. Numerous data fits using various subsets of Doppler and ranging data, sometimes both range and Doppler, sometimes Doppler only, and sometimes ranging only, all point to the same conclusion; the outgoing Galileo trajectory has more orbital energy than the incoming trajectory. This is theoretically impossible in a conservative gravitational field, even taking into account the noninertial dynamical situation introduced by longitudinal gravity harmonics undergoing Earth rotation. In an attempt to understand this anomalous behavior, the Tracking and Data Relay Satellite (TDRSS) was successfully used to track the Galileo spacecraft during Earth2. This filled in an unaviodable gap in DSN coverage for about two hours surrounding perigee. The similar gap at Earth1 amounted to about 1.2 hours. Fits to a combination of DSN data and TDRSS data reveal that there are significant systematic effects in the post-fit TDRSS residuals. However, the lower altiude for Earth2 (303 km as opposed to 960 km for Earth1), and the considerable uncertainty in atmospheric drag models at the lower altitude, make it impossible to determine if an orbital energy increase indeed occurred during the Earth2 flyby. Also, by leaving the TDRSS data out of the fit, and by including an atmospheric drag parameter, it is possible to fit the Earth2 DSN data to the noise level. Hence it is not known whether the difficulty in fitting the TDRSS data is caused by unmodeled physical effects or by flawed TDRSS data. As expected, the inclusion of a drag paramenter in the fit to the Earth1 DSN data results in a non-physical positive drag acceleration along the direction of motion. Based on numerous numerical tests, the possibility of software bugs is deemed extremely unlikely for both the Earth1 and Earth2 fits.