PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = STREAM OBJECT = TEXT INTERCHANGE_FORMAT = ASCII PUBLICATION_DATE = 1999-07-30 NOTE = "N/A" END_OBJECT = TEXT END Volume GORS_0701 Galileo TDF Data: Earth1 and Earth2 Mass Determination 1990-333 to 1990-344, 1992-288 to 1992-346 (GO-SS-RSS-1-TDF-V1.0) ERRATA.TXT 30 July 1999 R.G. Herrera and P. Priest Jet Propulsion Laboratory ==================================================================== INTRODUCTION ==================================================================== This file contains a cumulative list of errors and warnings for the Galileo Radio Science Raw Data Archive. 1. The document GLLRSSIS.TXT found in the directory DOCUMENT has been updated for this experiment to GLLRSSIS.TXT version 1.0.