PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = STREAM OBJECT = TEXT INTERCHANGE_FORMAT = ASCII PUBLICATION_DATE = 1997-04-23 NOTE = "N/A" END_OBJECT = TEXT END Volume GORS_1026 Galileo ODR Data: Solar Wind Scintillation 3 1994-340 to 1994-344 (GO-SUN-RSS-1-ODR-V1.0) AAREADME.TXT 23 April 1997 R. G. Herrera and P. Priest Jet Propulsion Laboratory ==================================================================== INTRODUCTION ==================================================================== This compact disc contains archival data produced during the Solar Wind Scintillation Experiment carried out using the Galileo spacecraft (in cruise to Jupiter) and Earth-based receiving stations of the NASA Deep Space Network (DSN). Each disc in the volume set will contain data from a limited number of solar wind scintillation observations. The disc identifiers and the range of "applicable start times" are VOLUME_ID Dates/Times Covered (inclusive) --------- -------------------------------------------- GORS_1001 1991-353T09:38:52Z - 1991-361T09:29:59Z GORS_1002 1991-361T10:19:31Z - 1991-365T01:10:00Z GORS_1003 1991-365T03:15:04Z - 1992-008T02:01:34Z GORS_1004 1992-008T02:03:02Z - 1992-012T02:24:12Z GORS_1005 1992-012T02:24:42Z - 1992-018T22:00:36Z GORS_1006 1992-018T22:00:38Z - 1992-022T16:47:05Z GORS_1007 1992-022T15:25:02Z - 1992-026T00:20:00Z GORS_1008 1992-026T02:20:04Z - 1992-042T07:30:08Z GORS_1009 1992-042T11:36:12Z - 1992-045T23:45:07Z GORS_1010 1993-284T16:36:37Z - 1993-291T16:45:29Z GORS_1011 1993-292T08:09:27Z - 1993-297T13:20:17Z GORS_1012 1993-297T20:09:22Z - 1993-304T03:30:02Z GORS_1013 1993-304T09:17:12Z - 1993-308T03:24:31Z GORS_1014 1993-308T03:24:32Z - 1993-311T21:59:59Z GORS_1015 1993-311T21:35:02Z - 1993-315T18:44:59Z GORS_1016 1993-315T22:51:41Z - 1993-320T18:14:59Z GORS_1017 1993-320T22:35:57Z - 1993-327T15:58:00Z GORS_1018 1994-327T16:18:41Z - 1994-336T18:24:59Z GORS_1019 1994-309T12:22:55Z - 1994-313T14:55:00Z GORS_1020 1994-313T17:05:02Z - 1994-318T14:46:22Z GORS_1021 1994-319T00:49:59Z - 1994-323T05:13:21Z GORS_1022 1994-323T05:13:22Z - 1994-328T08:05:00Z GORS_1023 1994-328T11:49:59Z - 1994-332T07:16:12Z GORS_1024 1994-332T07:16:13Z - 1994-337T04:28:21Z GORS_1025 1994-337T04:28:22Z - 1994-340T20:55:00Z GORS_1026 1994-340T23:00:10Z - 1994-344T15:35:44Z GORS_1027 1994-344T20:33:59Z - 1994-349T10:43:47Z GORS_1028 1994-349T10:43:48Z - 1994-353T07:15:00Z GORS_1029 1994-353T11:29:04Z - 1994-356T19:50:00Z GORS_1030 1994-356T23:55:04Z - 1994-361T02:58:23Z GORS_1031 1994-361T02:58:24Z - 1994-362T05:45:54Z ==================================================================== VOLUME SET INFORMATION ==================================================================== This disc is one of several which contain Galileo Solar Wind Scintillation Experiment raw data. Each archive volume will have the structure illustrated in the diagram below. Not all directories will be included on every disc. In cases where the directory would contain no files, the directory itself will be omitted from the CD-WO volume. Data are arranged in the volume set chronologically. Data files are not repeated within the volume set, although two files may overlap in time during a period in which two DSN stations are tracking the spacecraft simultaneously. root | |- AAREADME.TXT |- ERRATA.TXT |- VOLDESC.CAT | |- CALIB | | | |- CALINFO.TXT Overview of directory | |- LGA1_DL.LBL Galileo's Low Gain Antenna | |- LGA1_DL.TAB pattern information for | |- LGA1_UL.LBL uplink and downlink. | |- LGA1_UL.TAB | |- CATALOG | | | |- CATINFO.TXT Streamlined PDS templates | |- MISSION.CAT for mission, host, | |- INSTHOST.CAT instrument, references, | |- INST.CAT personnel, and data set. | |- REF.CAT | |- PERSON.CAT | |- DATASET.CAT | |- DOCUMENT | | | |- DOCINFO.TXT Overview of directory | |- GLLRSSIS.TXT SIS for this archival data set | |- DESCRIPT.TXT Experiment and data description | |- RSC11_11.TXT SIS for ODR data type | |- TK_DESCR.TXT NAIF Toolkit organization summary | |- TK_INSTL.TXT NAIF Toolkit installation summary | |- TK_FTP.TXT NAIF Toolkit access instructions | |- HANDBOOK Subdirectory containing Radio | | Science Handbook | |- POSTOPS Subdirectory containing the | Post Ops Report | |- GEOMETRY | | | |- GEOMINFO.TXT | |- SyymmddA.XSP | |- SyymmddA.LBL | |- INDEX | | | |- INDXINFO.TXT | |- INDEX.LBL | |- INDEX.TAB | |- CUMINDEX.LBL | |- CUMINDEX.TAB | |- ODR Data directories |- TDF ==================================================================== ERRATA ==================================================================== A cumulative list of errors and changes is maintained in the file ERRATA.TXT at the root level of each volume. Higher volume numbers will show errors in this disc that were discovered after it was produced. ==================================================================== DISC FORMAT ==================================================================== The disc is organized according to the PDS standard for "one data set, many volumes." This file (AAREADME.TXT), a PDS volume object definition (VOLDESC.CAT), and the listing of errors and changes (ERRATA.TXT) are included at the root level. The following directories of descriptive material are also at the root level: CALIB contains tables of low-gain antenna pattern measurements. CATALOG contains descriptive files for cataloging each of the data types included in this disc. DOCUMENT contains a plain text Software Interface Specification (SIS) for each data type, if available, plus other documentation. GEOMETRY contains NAIF SPK, CK, and SCLK files giving spacecraft and planetary ephemerides during the observation period and attitude information for reconstructing the spacecraft antenna pointing. INDEX contains index information on each of the data files included in this disc; it also includes a cumulative index to all files in this volume set. The remaining directories at the root level contain data files and detached PDS labels. ==================================================================== FILE FORMAT ==================================================================== All data files on the disc are accompanied by detached PDS labels, which describe their contents. PDS TEXT objects include attached labels. Minimal labels were used to facilitate transfer of the data to an archive; construction of full labels with object definitions would have added significantly to the development time, possibly putting the total effort in jeopardy. Detached labels were chosen over attached labels for simplicity of implementation. Labels have the same file name as the primary data file except for the suffix ".LBL". Detailed documentation on file structure is available in Software Interface Specifications in the DOCUMENT directory. Text files, including data files of ASCII text and all labels (*.LBL files) and tables (*.TAB files), are delimited by carriage- return (ASCII 13) line-feed (ASCII 10) pairs at the end of each line. ==================================================================== ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ==================================================================== Jim Taylor provided the Galileo Low-Gain Antenna pattern information. Richard Simpson is responsible for a major portion of the documentation, and he provided guidance and PDS information during the creation of this archive. He also reviewed proposed archival products. ==================================================================== DISCLAIMER ==================================================================== Although considerable care has gone into making this volume set, errors are both possible and likely. Users of the data are advised to exercise the same caution as they would when dealing with any other unknown data set. Reports of errors or difficulties would be appreciated. Please contact one of the persons listed below. ==================================================================== COGNIZANT PERSONNEL ==================================================================== The people most directly responsible for construction and release of this volume set are Randy Herrera and Patricia Priest. Randy Herrera is the Science Coordinator for Galileo Radio Science, and both are members of the Radio Science Support Team. The Principle Investigator for the Galileo Solar Wind Scintillation Experiment is Richard Woo. Randy Herrera Richard Woo Jet Propulsion Laboratory Jet Propulsion Laboratory Mail Stop 264-325 Mail Stop 238-725 4800 Oak Grove Drive 4800 Oak Grove Drive Pasadena, CA 91109-8099 Pasadena, CA 91109-8099 Tel: 818-393-0664 Tel: 818-354-3945 FAX: 818-393-9282 FAX: 818-354-2825 Randy.G.Herrera@jpl.nasa.gov richard@oberon.jpl.nasa.gov Patricia Priest Jet Propulsion Laboratory Mail Stop 264-325 4800 Oak Grove Drive Pasadena, CA 91109-8099 Tel: 818-393-0661 FAX: 818-393-9282 Patricia.Priest@jpl.nasa.gov