PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = STREAM OBJECT = TEXT PUBLICATION_DATE = 1998-10-12 NOTE = "Description of contents of DOCUMENT directory" END_OBJECT = TEXT END The DOCUMENT directory holds PDS Documentation files. Documents are in plain unmarked ASCII text. All files in the DOCUMENT directory have attached PDS labels, except for the files in the HANDBOOK and POSTOPS subdirectories which have detached labels. The following files have a maximum of 72 ASCII characters per line. The next-to-last and last characters in each line are the carriage-return (ASCII 13) and line-feed (ASCII 10). The first two lines together contain 72 characters; all other lines are exactly 72 characters long. DOCINFO.TXT (this file): A description of the contents of the DOCUMENT directory. The following files have a maximum of 80 ASCII characters per line. The next-to-last and last characters in each line are the carriage-return (ASCII 13) and line-feed (ASCII 10). The first two lines together contain 80 characters; all other lines are exactly 80 characters long. GLLRSSIS.TXT: Software Interface Specification for the Galileo Radio Science raw data archive (this volume set of CD-WO media). DESCRIPT.TXT: A description of the Solar Wind Scintillation Experiment. TK_DESCR.TXT: A description of the contents and organization of the NAIF Toolkit. TK_FTP.TXT: Instructions on obtaining the NAIF Toolkit via Internet. This file also provides pointers to other documents which describe organization, installation, and installation of the Toolkit. TK_INSTL.TXT: A description of the installation of the NAIF Toolkit under a Sun operating system. The Sun description is representative; versions for other platforms are available from NAIF. TRK_2_25.TXT: Software Interface Specification for the DSN (Archival) Tracking Data File. The following are subdirectories within the DOCUMENT directory which contain files in ASCII and TIF format. The files in each subdirectory may be combined to form a single document. HANDBOOK: A subdirectory containing ASCII and TIFF formatted files which make up the Radio Science Handbook, Volume 3. The handbook provides an overall description of the experiment and the Radio Science equipment. POSTOPS: A subdirectory containing TIFF formatted files which make up the post-operations report for the first Galileo. Solar Wind Scintillation Experiment. This document is an overview of the spacecraft and ground activities for each day of the experiment.