PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = STREAM OBJECT = TEXT PUBLICATION_DATE = 1998-09-21 NOTE = "Description of contents of CALIB directory" END_OBJECT = TEXT END The CALIB directory holds calibration files for the Galileo Earth 1 Mass Determination experiment. The following files are in the CALIB directory. CALINFO.TXT (this file): Describes contents of the CALIB directory. LGA1_DL.TAB: Low-gain antenna pattern information for Galileo's LGA-1. This pattern is for the downlink. The format of this table is described in the detached PDS label LGA1_DL.LBL. LGA1_UL.TAB: Low-gain antenna pattern information for Galileo's LGA-1. This pattern is for the uplink. The format of this table is described in the detached PDS label LGA1_UL.LBL.