PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = STREAM OBJECT = TEXT INTERCHANGE_FORMAT = ASCII PUBLICATION_DATE = 1999-09-30 NOTE = "N/A" END_OBJECT = TEXT END Volume GORS_0801 Galileo TDF Data: Venus Range Fix Measurement (GO-V-RSS-1-TDF-V1.0) AAREADME.TXT 30 September 1999 R.A. Simpson Stanford University ============================================================================== INTRODUCTION ============================================================================== This compact disc contains archival raw data collected during the Galileo encounter with Venus on 10 February 1990. It has been used to improve precision of measured distances within the solar system and to set upper limits on the time variation in the gravitational constant G. The data from the Venus encounter are contained on a single compact- disc write-once (CD-WO) volume, GORS_0801. ============================================================================== VOLUME ORGANIZATION ============================================================================== Data are arranged in the volume as shown in the diagram below. root | |- AAREADME.TXT |- ERRATA.TXT |- VOLDESC.CAT | |- CALIB | | | |- CALINFO.TXT Overview of CALIB directory | |- 0001001A.TRO Troposphere calibration file | |- 0001001A.LBL Label for Troposphere calibration file | |- 0032060A.ION Ionosphere calibration file | |- 0032060A.LBL Label for Ionosphere calibration file | |- LGA1_DL.LBL Galileo's Low Gain Antenna | |- LGA1_DL.TAB pattern information for | |- LGA1_UL.LBL uplink and downlink. | `- LGA1_UL.TAB | |- CATALOG | | | |- CATINFO.TXT Overview of CATALOG directory | |- MISSION.CAT Streamlined PDS templates | |- INSTHOST.CAT for mission, host, | |- INST.CAT instrument, references, | |- REF.CAT personnel, and data set. | |- PERSON.CAT | `- DATASET.CAT | |- DOCUMENT | | | |- DOCINFO.TXT Overview of DOCUMENT directory | |- GLLRSSIS.TXT SIS for this archival data set | |- DESCRIPT.TXT Experiment and data description | |- TRK_2_23.TXT SIS for media calibration files | |- TRK_2_25.TXT SIS for TDF data type | |- HANDBK4.LBL PDS label defining RS Handbook document | |- HANDBK4.ASC ASCII component of the Handbook | `- *.TIF TIFF files in Handbook (59 files) | |- INDEX | | | |- INDXINFO.TXT | |- INDEX.LBL | |- INDEX.TAB | `- TDF Data directory ============================================================================== ERRATA ============================================================================== A list of notes, errors, and changes is maintained in the file ERRATA.TXT at the root level of each volume. ============================================================================== DISC FORMAT ============================================================================== The disc is organized according to the PDS standard for "one data set, one volume." This file (AAREADME.TXT), a PDS volume object definition (VOLDESC.CAT), and the listing of notes, errors, and changes (ERRATA.TXT) are included at the root level. The following directories of descriptive material are also at the root level: CALIB contains tables of low-gain antenna pattern measurements and media calibration files. CATALOG contains descriptive files for cataloging each of the data types included in this disc. DOCUMENT contains a plain text Software Interface Specification (SIS) for each data type, if available, plus other documentation. INDEX contains index information on each of the data files included in this disc. The remaining directory at the root level (TDF) contains data files and detached PDS labels. ============================================================================== FILE FORMAT ============================================================================== All data files on the disc are accompanied by detached PDS labels, which describe their contents. PDS TEXT objects include attached labels. Minimal labels were used to facilitate transfer of the data to the archive; construction of full labels with object definitions would have added significantly to the development time, possibly putting the total effort in jeopardy. Detached labels were chosen over attached labels for simplicity of implementation. Labels have the same file name as the primary data file except for the suffix ".LBL". Detailed documentation on file structure is available in Software Interface Specifications in the DOCUMENT directory. Text files, including data files of ASCII text and all labels (*.LBL files) and tables (*.TAB files), are delimited by carriage- return (ASCII 13) line-feed (ASCII 10) pairs at the end of each line. ============================================================================== ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ============================================================================== Jim Taylor provided the Galileo Low-Gain Antenna pattern information. This volume was compiled using material assembled previously by Randy Herrera and Trish Priest of the Radio Science Systems Group at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory. ============================================================================== DISCLAIMER ============================================================================== Although considerable care has gone into making this volume, errors are both possible and likely. Users of the data are advised to exercise the same caution as they would when dealing with any other unknown data set. Reports of errors or difficulties would be appreciated. Please contact one of the persons listed below. ============================================================================== COGNIZANT PERSONNEL ============================================================================== The person most directly responsible for construction and release of this volume was Dick Simpson, Radio Science Advisor to the Planetary Data System. The Principle Investigator for the Galileo Venus Range Fix measurement was John Anderson. Randy Herrera and Trish Priest were both members of the Radio Science Systems Group at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory. Both supported Galileo Radio Science. Richard A. Simpson Packard Building - Room 332 350 Serra Mall Stanford University Stanford, CA 94305-9515 Tel: 650-723-3525 FAX: 650-723-9251 rsimpson@magellan.stanford.edu John D. Anderson Jet Propulsion Laboratory Mail Stop 301-230 4800 Oak Grove Drive Pasadena, CA 91109-8099 Tel: 818-354-3956 FAX: 818-398-0028 John.D.Anderson@jpl.nasa.gov Randy Herrera Jet Propulsion Laboratory Mail Stop 264-860 4800 Oak Grove Drive Pasadena, CA 91109-8099 Tel: 818-393-0664 FAX: 818-393-9282 Randy.G.Herrera@jpl.nasa.gov Patricia Priest Jet Propulsion Laboratory Mail Stop 264-860 4800 Oak Grove Drive Pasadena, CA 91109-8099 Tel: 818-393-0661 FAX: 818-393-9282 Patricia.Priest@jpl.nasa.gov