PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = FIXED_LENGTH RECORD_BYTES = 80 OBJECT = TEXT PUBLICATION_DATE = 2000-01-18 NOTE = "Description of Contents of the DOCUMENT Directory" END_OBJECT = TEXT END The DOCUMENT directory holds files which document the Venus Range-Fix data set. Documents in the directory are of two types. Simple documents containing only ASCII text are defined as PDS TEXT objects. These are files with 80 characters per line, the last two characters being the ASCII carriage-return line-feed pair. These PDS TEXT objects have a simple PDS label prepended to the file; file names end with the *.TXT extension. DOCINFO.TXT (this file) is one such file. Other files include: DESCRIPT.TXT A brief description of the Venus Range-Fix measurements and their scientific context. GLLRSSIS.TXT The Software Interface Specification (SIS) for the Galileo Radio Science Raw Data Archive TRK_2_23.TXT The Software Interface Specification for Media Calibration Files TRK_2_25.TXT The Software Interface Specification for Archival Tracking Data Files Complex documents include both ASCII text and figures. The Radio Science Handbook, Volume 4, is such a document. It is defined by a detached label (HANDBK4.LBL) which describes both its ASCII component (HANDBK4.ASC) and the set of figures (59 files with the suffix *.TIF). Although this volume of the Radio Science Handbook was written several years after the Venus Range Fix observations, much of the equipment and many of the procedures were the same. The document(s) describing the Venus Range Fix data acquisition were not in electronic form when this data set was archived.