PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = STREAM OBJECT = TEXT PUBLICATION_DATE = " " NOTE = "Experiment description for the Galileo Gravitational Wave Experiments conducted in 1993 (jointly with Ulysses and Mars Observer from DOY 081 through DOY 102), 1994 (from DOY 118 through DOY 158), and 1995 (from DOY 140 through 160). Formatted for display or printing with up to 78 constant-width characters per line." END_OBJECT = TEXT END The Galileo Gravitational Wave Experiment is an effort to search for low-frequency gravitational waves generated by massive astrophysical systems. Gravitational waves--waves of space-time curvature--are transverse, carry energy and momentum, and propagate from their sources at the speed of light. The strength of the waves is characterized by the strain amplitude, h, which measures the fractional change in the separation of test masses and the fractional change at which separated clocks keep time. In a spacecraft gravitational wave experiment, the earth and a distant spacecraft act as separated test masses, with the transponded 2- or 3-way Doppler signal continuously measuring the relative dimensionless velocity delta-v/c between the Earth and the spacecraft. The metric perturbation due to the gravity wave, h, produces a signature in the Doppler time series that is of order h in delta-f/f0 and is replicated three times in the Doppler time series: once when the wave "shakes" the Earth, once when the wave shakes the spacecraft (suitably delayed by a one-way light time) and once when the initial shaking of the earth is transponded back to the earth a two-way light time later. This three pulse response is crucial in discrimination of gravitational waves from a noise background. The Gravitational Wave Experiment will be most sensitive to waves having periods ~100-1000 seconds. Waves with these periods are generated by supermassive astrophysical systems undergoing violent dynamics. Searches will be made for gravitational waves of differing temporal character: bursts (e.g., produced during formation, collision, and coalescence of supermassive black holes), periodic waves (e.g., produced by black holes orbiting each other) and stochastic waves ( e.g., produced at the Big Bang). Hybrids in this classification scheme (e.g. chirp waves from coalescing binaries) are also possible signals. During the gravitational wave experiment, care must be taken to maximize sensitivity. This leads to the following general requirements: (1) To the extent practical, observations should be done in the antisolar direction in order to minimize solar wind phase scintillation noise. (2) Tracking should be done with the highest radio frequencies possible, again to minimize solar wind scintillation noise. (3) Tracking should be done in the two- and three-way coherent modes. (4) Stations should be configured for maximum Doppler stability. (5) Tracking should be done during the highest elevatio angles practical at each station. (6) Data should be taken using both the closed and open loop receivers with the Doppler sample rate set to be as large as is practical to minimize aliasing of thermal noise into the digital band. (7) Where practical, an independent assessment of station stability as well as the tropospheric and ionospheric noise should be done. (8) The spacecraft should be in quiet, minimum-dynamics modes. (9) Engineering telemetry from the spacecraft, logs of station and spacecraft events, etc. should be gathered to create a master file of "veto signals".