;nfrread_flux.pro ;17 March 1998, PMF ;Minimal program to read PDS flux file and interpolated pressure. ;26 October 1999, MBV ;Modified for use with both net flux and up flux files. ;Program to read either Net Flux Radiometer net flux in ;/data/nfr/fluxes/mctcnfdn.tab, or ;pflux fully corrected data in /data/nfr/fluxes/mctcuf.tab. ;When keyword uf is not set, the net flux file, ;/cdrom/gp_0001/data/nfr/fluxes/mctcnfdn.tab is read. ;When keyword uf is set, the upflux file, ;/cdrom/gp_0001/data/nfr/fluxes/mctcuf.tab is read. pro nfrread_flux, fluxdata, press, uf = uf if (keyword_set(uf)) then begin ;read up flux dir1 = '/cdrom/gp_0001/data/nfr/fluxes/' ;For uses with CDrom fflux = 'mctcuf.tab' nhead1 = 101 ncols1 = 9 endif else begin ;dir1 = '~pds_ftp/data/fluxes/' ;read net flux dir1 = '/cdrom/gp_0001/data/nfr/fluxes/' ;For uses with CDrom fflux = 'mctcnfdn.tab' nhead1 = 100 ncols1 = 9 endelse ;dir2 = '~pds_ftp/data/ancillar/' dir2 = '/cdrom/gp_0001/data/asi/' ;For uses with CDrom ;fseiff = 'seiff_28may97.dat' fseiff = 'descent.tab' ;nhead2 = 1 nhead2 = 0 ncols2 = 8 fluxdata = nfrreadfile(dir1+fflux, nhead1, ncols1, npts1) seiffdata = nfrreadfile(dir2+fseiff, nhead2, ncols2, npts2) nf_press = interpol(seiffdata(1,*),seiffdata(0,*),fluxdata(2,*)) ;plot data just to prove this works xr=[-15,15] if (keyword_set(uf)) then xr=[-2,4] yr=[15,0.4] plot_io, xr, yr, xr=xr, /xs, yr=yr, /ys, /nodata for i=0,5 do begin oplot, fluxdata(3+i, *), nf_press(*), color=50+35*i, psym=0 endfor end