PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = STREAM OBJECT = TEXT NOTE = "AAREADME file for IHW Addenda Collection Volume" PUBLICATION_DATE = 2002-12-04 END_OBJECT = TEXT END ***** File AAREADME.TXT This data set collection contains MISCHA data for the International Halley Watch Archive from Vega 1 which has been collected, archived, processed, and prepared for this prototype CD-WO by teams associated with Space Research Institute (Austria) and the PDS Small Bodies and Plasma Planetary Interaction Nodes. This data set collection gathers additional material for the study of Comet Halley and the solar wind. Currently there are four groups of data: Master files - flat file of magnetic field components (Bx,By,Bz,Bt,Bux) with associated time in heliocentric solar ecliptic (H.SE) coord system Survey files - flat file of magnetic field components (Bx,By,Bz,Bt,Bux) with associated time in H.SE coord system fbt1se files - flat file of magnetic field components (Bx,By,Bz,Bt,Bux) with associated time in H.SE coordinate system. Data are collected from 4 modes: DT, HS, T1, and T2- data averaged to 150 Sec sampling fbt2se files - flat file as above except in only the DT, HS, T2 modes The data files were submitted in both the binary and ASCII form. In the former case, the data were converted to ASCII tables were appropriate. The data were checked by IDL routine developed at the Small Bodies Node. Documents give explanatory text, calibrations (Postsrcipt or MS Word or ASCII with figures), and articles (digitized with permission by the Institute for Space Research). All documents and labels contain an 80-byte fixed length record, with a carriage return (ASCII 13) and line feed (ASCII 10) as the last two bytes. All the tabular data files as well as those files in the INDEX and DOCUMENT directories are formatted according to PDS standards. An outline of the CD-ROM is shown in the table below: /CATALOG/*.CAT Mission, host, instrument, data set and ref /DOCUMENT/ Explanatory documentation, errors, figures /DOCUMENT/PROCESS/DATACONV/ Data conversion explanation and examples /DOCUMENT/PROCESS/OFFSET/ Offset and spin information /DOCUMENT/PROCESS/POSITION/ Position information for both phases /DOCUMENT/PLOT/ Two sample plots of MISCHA data for Vega-1 /INDEX/ Index table for the data files /VEGA1/FLY_BY/ Master and survey files based on SE coord /VEGA1/CRUISE/ Master and Survey files based on SE coord Small Bodies Node, Planetary Data System Department of Astronomy, University of Maryland College Park, MD 20742-2421