CCSD3ZF0000100000001NJPL3IF0PDS200000001 = SFDU_LABEL /* Detached PDS label for a Goldstone Venus altimetry image */ RECORD_TYPE = FIXED_LENGTH RECORD_BYTES = 290 FILE_RECORDS = 292 /* Pointers to image file and objects within it */ ^FOREIGN_LABEL = ("GVEN008A.IMG",1) ^IMAGE = ("GVEN008A.IMG",3) /* Image descriptive information */ DATA_SET_ID = "GSSR-V-RTLS-5-12.6-9CM-V1.0" TARGET_NAME = VENUS IMAGE_TIME = 1974-02-27 EARTH_BASE_NAME = "GOLDSTONE SOLAR SYSTEM RADAR" EARTH_BASE_INSTITUTION_NAME = "JET PROPULSION LABORATORY" DATA_SET_PARAMETER_NAME = ALTIMETRY PRODUCER_FULL_NAME = "RAYMOND F. JURGENS" MAP_PROJECTION_TYPE = MERCATOR MAP_SCALE = 20.0 MAXIMUM_LATITUDE = 1.38 MINIMUM_LATITUDE = -13.01 MAXIMUM_LONGITUDE = 21.66 MINIMUM_LONGITUDE = 7.16 SUB_EARTH_LATITUDE = -5.86 SUB_EARTH_LONGITUDE = 14.41 WAVELENGTH = 12.6 NOTE = "An altimetry image derived from data acquired by the Goldstone Solar System Radar. Data are scaled to fit within an 8-bit unsigned byte value (pre-1977 data are scaled to a 6-bit unsigned byte value). See table GVENINDX.TAB for mapping of elevation range to byte values. Longitudes in the PDS label have been transformed into IAU 1985 coordinates from the original Goldstone coordinate system. The transformation is only approximate. The VICAR2 label has longitudes in the original Goldstone coordinate system, which are approximately 3.66 degrees smaller than the IAU 1985 values. For reference, see Jurgens, R. F., R. M. Goldstein, H. R. Rumsey and R. R. Green, Images of Venus by three-station radar interferometry - 1977 results, J. Geophys. Res., 85, 8282-8294, 1980." /* Object descriptions */ OBJECT = FOREIGN_LABEL TYPE = VICAR2 RECORDS = 2 BYTES = 580 ^DESCRIPTION = "VICAR2.TXT" END_OBJECT = FOREIGN_LABEL OBJECT = IMAGE LINES = 290 LINE_SAMPLES = 290 SAMPLE_BITS = 8 SAMPLE_BIT_MASK = 2#00111111# SAMPLE_TYPE = UNSIGNED_INTEGER END_OBJECT = IMAGE END