PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = STREAM DATA_SET_ID = "HST-S-WFPC2-3-RPX-V1.0" OBJECT = TEXT PUBLICATION_DATE = 1999-06-01 NOTE = "General overview of the Saturn Ring Plane Crossing Data obtained with the Wide Field and Planetary Camera 2 on the Hubble Space Telescope." END_OBJECT = TEXT END SATURN RING PLANE CROSSING 1995-1996 HST/WFPC2 SATURN IMAGES THROUGH JUNE 1996 1. INTRODUCTION This volume contains images of Saturn's atmosphere, rings and inner moons acquired by the Wide Field and Planetary Camera 2 (WFPC2) aboard the Hubble Space Telescope (HST). The images were acquired during the period January 1, 1994 through June 30, 1996, spanning the period of ring plane crossings in 1995 and 1996. Included are data files at a variety of levels of processing, plus ancillary geometry, calibration and trajectory files, and documentation. For more information and guidance about how to work with this data set, see the file DOCUMENT/TUTORIAL.TXT. 2. VOLUME FORMAT This disk has been formatted according to the ISO 9660 Level 1 Interchange Standard. This format is compatible with a large variety of computer systems (e.g. Sun, DEC, Macintosh, PC). For further information, refer to the ISO 9660 Standard Document, RF# ISO 9660-1988, 15 April 1988. 3. FILE FORMATS 3.1 FILE EXTENSIONS Files on this volume are named according to PDS standards, where the 1-3 characters after the period indicate the file type. The file types used on this volume are: Binary files: Images *.IMG Other binary data files *.DAT Zip-compressed files *.ZIP Browse images *.GIF SPICE ephemeris files *.BSP Postscript documentation files *.PS Adobe Acrobat documentation files *.PDF ASCII text files: PDS labels *.LBL, *.FMT ASCII tables and indices *.TAB PDS catalog files *.CAT Text documentation files *.TXT, *.ASC TeX documentation files *.TEX, *.STY, *.IND Source code files *.C, *.H, others SPICE kernels *.TLS, *.TPC SPICE transfer ephemeris files *.XSP 3.2 PDS LABELS Essentially every file in this data set is described by an associated PDS label. (See ERRATA.TXT for a list of the exceptions). Most files are described by a detached label, which has the same name as the corresponding file but an extension '.LBL'. Text files (*.TXT, *.CAT) have attached labels. See the PDS Standards Reference (JPL D-7669) for a complete description of the PDS label format. This document can also be found on line at http://pds.jpl.nasa.gov/stdref/ 3.3 ASCII TEXT FILES Different popular operating systems use different standards for how ASCII text files are formatted. On Unix systems, lines are terminated by a (linefeed character, control-J, ASCII 10). On Macintosh computers, lines are terminated by a (carriage return character, control-M, ASCII 13). On PCs, lines are terminated by a pair. PDS standards require all text files to use line termination. If the PDS label indicates INTERCHANGE_FORMAT = ASCII or RECORD_TYPE = STREAM, then this line termination is in use. On occasion, users on Unix and Macintosh computers may need to change the line termination on some text files before they can use them. This can be handled via text editors or a variety of utilities. For example, the Unix tr (translate) command can be used to change carriage returns to blanks: tr "\015" " " newfile.txt 3.4 BINARY FORMATS The data files provided on this volume are images and tables in FITS format, as provided by the Space Telescope Archive. For each data file, a detached PDS label is provided containing additional parameters. 'Browse' images (at reduced resolution and with a default contrast enhancement applied) are provided in GIF format. Supplementary data files have been archived in Zip format to reduce data volume. These can be expanded using UnZip 5.32, for which source code is provided on this disk. Pre-built binaries for UnZip can be obtained from the Info-Zip web site at http://www.cdrom.com/pub/infozip/ The first volume of this data set contains a GEOMETRY subdirectory with ephemeris files for Saturn and its satellites, plus the Sun, Earth, and Moon. These files are provided in SPICE format for a variety of platforms. For more information about SPICE data and toolkits, consult the PDS Navigation and Ancillary Information (NAIF) Node at http://pds.jpl.nasa.gov/naif.html Further details about the binary file formats can be found in the DOCUMENT subdirectory. 4. VOLUME CONTENTS 4.1 DATA FILE AND DIRECTORY NAMING The original file names as assigned by Space Telescope Science Institute (STScI) were not PDS-compliant. PDS and ISO-9660 Level 1 standards require that file names be a maximum of eight characters and extensions a maximum of 3 characters. Furthermore, PDS standards require that the last 3 characters describe the file format, e.g. '.IMG' for images; '.TAB' for ASCII tables, '.DAT' for other binary formats. Hence, file names on this data archive have been renamed from the STScI standard. The renaming procedure is as follows. Consider file 'U2ON0102T.C0F'. (This particular name is from the Saturn observations by Amanda Bosh in May 1995). The name breaks down as follows: U Instrument ID; U for WFPC2. 2ON Program ID. Every STScI observing proposal gets a unique 3-character ID. 01 Observation set ID. For this particular data set, there are files with set IDs 01, 02, A1, A2 and B1. Sets are divided up by HST orbit, purpose, or other criteria. 02 Observation ID, which specifies the unique image. T Source of transmission; T for tape-recorded. .C0 C0 indicates that this is a calibrated image. Other codes are used for other file types: D0 for raw images, Q0 for raw data quality mask, etc. F F is for a FITS-format file consisting of a FITS header plus data. H is for header alone; D is for data alone. The aforementioned file has been archived on this volume under the name '199505XX/U2ONXXXX/CALIMAGE/0102_C0F.IMG'. This new name breaks downs as follows: 199505XX/ Files are organized first by year and month; this directory contains images from May 1995. U2ONXXXX/ Files are then grouped by the program ID; this directory contains images acquired by PI Bosh. CALIMAGE/ Files are then grouped by type; this directory contains calibrated images. Other file types include RAWIMAGE for raw images, ENGDATA for engineering data, and CALMASK for image quality masks flagging bad pixels. 0102_C0F Finally, files are named by the observation set ID, observation ID and STScI file type. .IMG This is the default PDS file extension for images. 4.2 DATA SELECTION Every WFPC2 image showing Saturn, its rings or the region of the inner satellites has been included in this data set, regardless of the original intended purpose. Note that some images were not specifically intended for ring or inner satellite observations and so are not optimally exposed for this use. The HST observing programs whose results are included in this data set are as follows: Proposal: 5219 Title: Saturn's Aurora, Airglow, and Extended Atmosphere PI: John Trauger (Jet Propulsion Laboratory) Proposal: 5508 Title: Tracking Features in Titan's Lower Atmosphere and on its Surface PI: Peter Smith (Lunar and Planetary Laboratory) Proposal: 5776 Title: Observations of the 1994 Spot on Saturn PI: Reta Beebe (New Mexico State University) Proposal: 5782 Title: Saturn Ring-Plane Crossing, May 1995 PI: Amanda Bosh (Lowell Observatory) Proposal: 5824 Title: Occultation of GSC5249-01240 by Saturn: Atmospheric and Ring Studies PI: Amanda Bosh (Lowell Observatory) Proposal: 5836 Title: Saturn Ring Plane Crossing Observations in August and November 1995 PI: Philip Nicholson (Cornell University) Proposal: 6030 Title: Clouds and Aerosols on Saturn and Uranus PI: Martin Tomasko (Lunar and Planetary Lab) Proposal: 6215 Title: Saturn's Aurora and Airglow PI: John Trauger (Jet Propulsion Laboratory) Proposal: 6216 Title: Saturn's Ring Atmosphere during Ring Plane Crossing PI: John Trauger (Jet Propulsion Laboratory) Proposal: 6295 Title: Imaging the Atmosphere of Titan and its Surface PI: John Caldwell (York University) Proposal: 6328 Title: Imaging and Spatial Scans of Saturn Near Ring-Plane Crossing PI: John Caldwell (York University) In the specific case of the Titan proposals 5508 and 6295, some images show Titan but not Saturn or its rings. These particular images have not been archived in this data set; however, they are obtainable from the HST Data Archive at: http://archive.stsci.edu/ Files are distributed across this set of five CDROMs roughly chronologically, as follows: Volume Directory Proposal Dates # Images RPX_0001 199410XX/U2IQXXXX 5219, Trauger 1994-10-09 7 199410XX/U2IZXXXX 5508, Smith 1994-10-05 6 1994-10-06 6 199412XX/U2KRXXXX 5776, Beebe 1994-12-01 9 199505XX/U2OOXXXX 6216, Trauger 1995-05-22 7 RPX_0002 199505XX/U2ONXXXX 5782, Bosh 1995-05-22 48 RPX_0003 199508XX/U2TFXXXX 5836, Nicholson 1995-08-09 8 1995-08-10 42 1995-08-11 4 RPX_0004 199508XX/U2OOXXXX 6216, Trauger 1995-08-10 4 199508XX/U2QEXXXX 6030, Tomasko 1995-08-06 8 199510XX/U2VIXXXX 6295, Caldwell 1995-10-01 8 1995-10-09 8 199510XX/U2WCXXXX 6215, Trauger 1995-10-15 4 1995-10-31 4 199511XX/U2QEXXXX 6030, Tomasko 1995-11-17 16 RPX_0005 199511XX/U2OOXXXX 6216, Trauger 1995-11-20 3 199511XX/U2TFXXXX 5836, Nicholson 1995-11-21 20 1995-11-27 8 199511XX/U2ZNXXXX 6328, Caldwell 1995-11-18 10 199511XX/U2ZYXXXX 5824, Bosh 1995-11-21 2 4.3 DIRECTORY STRUCTURE The RPX data set is organized in a directory tree as follows: FILE CONTENTS RPX_000n PDS Volume ID; the 'n' can be replaced by 1-5. | |-AAREADME.TXT This file. | |-ERRATA.TXT A file that reports any known errors and | describes any known deviations from PDS | standards. | |-VOLDESC.CAT A PDS volume object, providing a high-level | description of the volume and its contents. | |-yyyymmXX/ Directories containing data, organized by year | | (replacing yyyy) and month (replacing mm). | | | |-UnnnXXXX/ Subdirectories containing data organized by | | program. Here nnn is the STScI program ID. | | | |-BROWSE/ | | |-nnnn.GIF GIF files at reduced resolution for quick | | | browsing of the data. Here nnnn is replaced | | | by the observation set ID plus observation ID. | | |-nnnn.LBL Detached PDS labels for the above. | | | |-CALIMAGE/ | | |-nnnn_C0F.IMG Calibrated image files. | | |-nnnn_C0F.LBL Detached PDS labels for the above. | | | |-CALMASK/ | | |-nnnn_C1F.ZIP Data quality masks for the calibrated images, | | | in Zip format. | | |-nnnn_C1F.LBL Detached PDS labels for the above. | | | |-ENGDATA/ | | |-nnnn_X0F.ZIP Extracted engineering data, in Zip format. | | |-nnnn_X0F.LBL Detached PDS labels for the above. | | | |-ENGMASK/ | | |-nnnn_Q1F.ZIP Quality masks for the extracted engineering | | | data, in Zip format. | | |-nnnn_Q1F.LBL Detached PDS labels for the above. | | | |-HEADER/ | | |-nnnn_SHF.ZIP Standard observation header files, in Zip | | | format. | | |-nnnn_SHF.LBL Detached PDS labels for the above. | | | |-RAWIMAGE/ | | |-nnnn_D0F.ZIP Raw image files, in Zip format. | | |-nnnn_D0F.LBL Detached PDS labels for the above. | | | |-RAWMASK/ | |-nnnn_Q0F.ZIP Data quality masks for the raw image files, in | | Zip format. | |-nnnn_Q0F.LBL Detached PDS labels for the above. | |-CALIB/ A directory containing useful calibration | | data. | | | |-CALINFO.TXT Description of the files in this directory. | | | |-Fnnnn.TAB Tables of transmissivity vs. wavelength for | | most of the filters used in this data set. | | Fnnnn is replaced by the WFPC2 filter name. | |-Fnnnn.LBL Detached PDS labels for the above. | | | |-SOLAR.TAB A table of solar irradiance vs. wavelength. | |-SOLAR.LBL A detached PDS label for the above. | |-CATALOG/ A directory containing PDS catalog | | information, providing high-level descriptions | | of the data, instruments, etc. | | | |-CATINFO.TXT Description of the files in this directory. | | | |-DATASET.CAT PDS catalog file describing this data set. | | | |-INST.CAT Catalog file describing WFPC2. | | | |-INSTHOST.CAT Catalog file describing HST. | | | |-MISSION.CAT Catalog file describing the Saturn ring plane | | crossing observing campaign. | | | |-PERSON.CAT Catalog file describing the personnel involved | | in acquiring and archiving this data set. | | | |-REF.CAT Catalog file containing relevant bibliographic | | references. | | | |-SOFTWARE.CAT Catalog file describing the Unzip software. | |-DOCUMENT/ A directory containing useful documentation | | relating to the data in this volume. | | | |-DOCINFO.TXT Description of the files in this directory. | | | |-EZINDEX.TXT Brief summary of all the data files in this | | data set. | | | |-FITSDEFS.TXT Brief descriptions of all the FITS keywords | | used on this volume. | | | |-FITSXREF.TXT A cross-reference table indicating which FITS | | headers contain which keywords. | | | |-FITSINFO.* A complete description of the FITS file | | standard, in several formats. | | | |-HSTDESC.* Description of the HST mission. | | | |-HSTHB*.* Excerpts from the HST Data Handbook relevant | | to this data set, in several formats. | | | |-PDSDD.TXT Excerpts from the PDS Data Dictionary, | | defining all the PDS keyword appearing on this | | volume. | | | |-PROPnnnn.TXT Abstracts for all the HST proposals appearing | | in this data set. | | | |-TUTORIAL.TXT A tutorial on how to use this data set, | | including how to determine the geometry and | | calibration of the images. | | | |-WFPC2*.* The WFPC2 Instrument Handbook, in several | | formats. | | | |-ZIPINFO.TXT A brief overview of the Zip file format. | |-GEOMETRY/ A directory containing ephemeris files for the | | Saturn system. This directory is only found | | on Volume 1 of this data set. | | | |-GEOMINFO.TXT Description of the files in this directory | | tree. | | | |-NAIF0006.TLS The latest leap seconds file for the SPICE | | toolkit. | |-NAIF0006.LBL A detached PDS label for the above. | | | |-PCK00006.TPC The latest body constants file for the SPICE | | toolkit. | |-PCK00006.LBL A detached PDS label for the above. | | | |-IEEE/ A subdirectory containing binary ephemeris | | | files in SPICE format for machines that use | | | IEEE floating-point format (e.g. Sun, Silicon | | | Graphics, Macintosh). | | | | | |-SAT060.BSP Predicted orbit for Pan 1-Jan-1995 through | | | 31-Dec-1996. The Earth, Moon, Sun, and Saturn | | | are also included. | | |-SAT060.LBL A detached PDS label for the above. | | | | | |-SAT077.BSP Ephemeris for Saturn and its major satellites | | | 1-Jan-1994 through 31-Dec-2000. The Earth, | | | Moon, and Sun are also included. | | |-SAT077.LBL A detached PDS label for the above. | | | | | |-SAT081.BSP Ephemeris for Saturn and its smaller inner | | | moons excluding Pan 5-Jan-1993 through | | | 4-Jan-2000. The Earth, Moon, Sun are also | | | included. | | |-SAT081.LBL A detached PDS label for the above. | | | |-PC/ A subdirectory containing files identical to | | those in the IEEE subdirectory, except in PC | | binary (i.e. byte-swapped IEEE) format. This | | is also the correct format for DEC Alpha | | workstations running Unix. | | | |-VAXG/ A subdirectory containing files identical to | | those in the IEEE subdirectory, except in VAXG | | binary format, appropriate for DEC Alpha | | workstations running VMS. | | | |-TRANSFER/ A subdirectory containing the same ephemeris | files as the IEEE subdirectory, except in the | SPICE 'transfer' (.XSP) ASCII format. These | can be translated to binary for any platform | on which the SPICE toolkit has been | implemented. | |-INDEX/ A directory containing indices of the files in | | this data set. | | | |-INDXINFO.TXT Description of the files in this directory. | | | |-INDEX.TAB A table of all the data files on this volume. | |-INDEX.LBL A detached PDS label for the above, defining | | each column in the table. | |-CUMINDEX.TAB A cumulative version of INDEX.TAB, including | | the files on all five volumes. | |-CUMINDEX.LBL A detached PDS label for the above. | | | |-OBSINDEX.TAB A table of geometry and calibration parameters | | for all the images on this volume. | |-OBSINDEX.LBL A detached PDS label for the above, defining | | each column in the table. | |-OBSCMIDX.TAB A cumulative version of OBSINDEX.TAB, | | including the images on all five volumes. | |-OBSCMIDX.LBL A detached PDS label for the above. | |-LABEL/ A directory of supplementary PDS labels. | | | |-LABINFO.TXT Description of the files in this directory. | | | |-EXTTAB.FMT PDS format description for the extension table | found at the end of the CALIMAGE, CALMASK, | RAWIMAGE and RAWMASK FITS files. | |-SOFTWARE A directory containing the UnZip source code. | |-SOFTINFO.TXT Description of the files in this directory. | |-APPNOTE.TXT A detailed description of the ZIP file format. | |-COPYING.TXT The distribution license for UnZip. | |-WHERE.TXT A summary of where on the Internet to acquire | ready-made binaries, further information, and | updates. | |-UNZIP532/... A directory tree containing the UnZip source code. 5. CONTACT INFORMATION For questions concerning this volume set contact the PDS Rings Node: Mark Showalter Mail Stop 245-3 NASA Ames Research Center Moffett field, CA 94035-1000 650-604-3382 showalter@ringside.arc.nasa.gov or mshowalter@mail.arc.nasa.gov or Peter Mariani Mail Stop 245-3 NASA Ames Research Center Moffett field, CA 94035-1000 650-604-0130 peterm@ringmaster.arc.nasa.gov http://ringmaster.arc.nasa.gov/ Additional assistance with the data archiving was provided by: Jose Alvarellos Mail Stop 245-3 NASA Ames Research Center Moffett field, CA 94035-1000 josea@ringside.arc.nasa.gov For software, data, and further information regarding SPICE data, contact the PDS Navigation and Ancillary Information Node: Charles Acton Jet Propulsion Laboratory Mail Stop 301-125L 4800 Oak Grove Drive Pasadena, CA 818-354-3869 charles.h.acton@jpl.nasa.gov http://pds.jpl.nasa.gov/naif.html The Principal Investigators who carried out the observations archived in this data set are: Reta F. Beebe New Mexico State University Astronomy Department PO Box 30001, Dept. 4500 Las Cruces, NM 88003 rbeebe@nmsu.edu Amanda S. Bosh Lowell Observatory 1400 West Mars Hill Road Flagstaff, AZ 86001-4499 amanda@lowell.edu John J. Caldwell York University Department of Physics and Astronomy 4700 Keele Street North Toronto, ON M3J1P3 CANADA caldwell@nereid.sal.phys.yorku.ca Philip D. Nicholson Cornell University Space Sciences Building Ithaca, NY 14853 nicholson@astrosun.tn.cornell.edu John T. Trauger Jet Propulsion Laboratory Mail Stop 183-900 4800 Oak Grove Drive Pasadena, CA 91109 jtt@bb4.jpl.nasa.gov Peter H. Smith Lunar and Planetary Laboratory The University of Arizona 1629 East University Blvd. Tucson, AZ 85721-0092 psmith@lpl.arizona.edu Martin G. Tomasko Lunar and Planetary Laboratory The University of Arizona 1629 East University Blvd. Tucson, AZ 85721-0092 mtomasko@lpl.arizona.edu Further information and contacts about HST data may be found at the Space Telescope Science Institute web site: http://www.stsci.edu/ Material contained on this CD-ROM was created with support to Space Telescope Science Institute, operated by the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy, Inc., from NASA contract NAS5-26555, and is reproduced here with permission from AURA/ST ScI. ====================================================================== ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ====================================================================== These data completed peer review on September 30, 1999. Members of the peer review panel were: Amanda Bosh, Richard French, Lyle Huber, Stephen Larson, Claude Roddier, and Philip Nicholson. Ron Joyner of the PDS Central Node at JPL provided extensive assistance with this data set. Material contained on this CDROM was created with support to Space Telescope Science Institute, operated by the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy, Inc., from NASA contract NAS5-26555, and is reproduced here with permission from AURA/ST ScI. The FITS Standard document has been provided by the NASA FITS Support Office and Astrophysics Data Facility, as a service of the NASA/Science Office of Standards and Technology (NOST) at the National Space Science Data Center. These entities are organizations within the NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center. This CDROM incorporates compression/decompression code from the Info-ZIP group. There are no extra charges or costs due to the use of this code, and the original compression/decompression sources are freely available from http://www.cdrom.com/pub/infozip/ or ftp://ftp.cdrom.com/pub/infozip/ on the Internet. See SOFTWARE/COPYING.TXT for additional copyright information. ====================================================================== DISCLAIMER ====================================================================== Although considerable care has gone into making this volume set, errors are both possible and likely. Users of the data are advised to exercise the same caution as they would when dealing with any other unknown data set. Reports of errors or difficulties would be appreciated. Please contact Mark Showalter or Peter Mariani at the addresses listed above.