PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = STREAM DATA_SET_ID = "HST-S-WFPC2-3-RPX-V1.0" OBJECT = TEXT PUBLICATION_DATE = 1998-07-17 NOTE = "FITS keyword definitions." END_OBJECT = TEXT END This table contains brief definitions of all the FITS keywords that appear in the FITS headers of these data files. For further details, consult the WFPC2 Handbook, available from Space Telescope Science Institute (http://www.stsci.edu/). See the file DOCUMENT/FITSXREF.TXT for a cross-reference table describing which FITS labels contain each of these keywords. See DOCUMENT/FITSINFO.LBL for a complete description of the FITS standard. Keyword Brief definition ACCPDATE proposal acceptance date (yyyyddd). AFFILIAT proposal class (eg: GO, IDT, OS). ANGLESEP ang separation of target from ref obj (arcsec). ANG_SIDE angle between sides of parallelogram (deg). ANNPARRA parallax shift in position, non-solar system target. APEROBJ si object aperture id. APEROFFX x comp of object offset in aperture (arcsec). APEROFFY y comp of object offset in aperture (arcsec). APERSKY si sky aperture id. APERTYPE aperture type (SICS, SIAS, SIDS). APER_1 instrument aperture. APER_2 instrument aperture. APER_3 instrument aperture. APER_4 instrument aperture. ARGPERIG argument of perigee (revolutions). ATODCORR do A-to-D correction: PERFORM, OMIT, COMPLETE. ATODFILE name of the A-to-D conversion file. ATODGAIN analog to digital gain (electrons/DN). ATODSAT number of "AtoD saturated" pixels (DQF=8) in PC1*. BACKGRND estimated background level in PC1*. BADPIXEL number of "generic bad" pixels (DQF=32) in PC1*. BIASCORR do bias correction: PERFORM, OMIT, COMPLETE. BIASDFIL name of the bias frame reference DQF. BIASEVEN bias level for even-numbered columns of PC1*. BIASFILE name of the bias frame reference file. BIASODD bias level for odd-numbered columns of PC1*. BITPIX number of bits per pixel. BLEVCORR do bias level correction: PERFORM, OMIT, COMPLETE. BLEVDFIL engineering file DQF. BLEVFILE engineering file with extended register data. CALIBDEF number of "calibration defect" pixels (DQF=2) in PC1*. CALIBRAT calibrate data flag. CALIBTYP calibration type : E, I or Blank. CD1_1 partial of the right ascension w.r.t. x in PC1* (deg/pixel). CD1_2 partial of the right ascension w.r.t. y in PC1* (deg/pixel). CD2_1 partial of the declination w.r.t. x in PC1* (deg/pixel). CD2_2 partial of the declination w.r.t. y in PC1* (deg/pixel). CDBSDATA cdbs notification flag: 'CAL' or 'FALSE'. CDBSFILE GENERIC/BIAS/DARK/FLAT/MASK/NO. CIRVELOC circular orbit linear velocity (meters/second). CLKDRFTR spacecraft clock drift rate. CLKRATE spacecraft clock rate. CMD_EXP commanded time per exposure (from TRANS). COL_B_V expected B-V color. COL_U_B expected U-B color. COL_V_R expected V-R color. COMPTAB the HST components table. CONFIG proposed instrument configuration. COSINCLI cosine of inclination. CRPIX1 x-coordinate of PC1* reference pixel. CRPIX2 y-coordinate of PC1* reference pixel. CRVAL1 right ascension of PC1* reference pixel (deg). CRVAL2 declination of PC1* reference pixel (deg). CTYPE1 first coordinate type in PC1*, e.g. 'RA--TAN'. CTYPE2 second coordinate type in PC1*, e.g. 'DEC--TAN'. DADSCLAS STScI class of file, e.g. 'CAL'. DADSDATE STScI date and time file was written. DADSFILE STScI file name. DARKCORR do dark correction: PERFORM, OMIT, COMPLETE. DARKDFIL name of the dark reference DQF. DARKFILE name of the dark reference file. DARKTIME dark time (seconds). DATALOST number of "data lost" pixels (DQF=16) in PC1*. DATAMAX maximum value of the data in PC1*. DATAMEAN mean value of the "good" pixels in PC1*. DATAMIN minimum value of the data in PC1*. DATE date this file was written (dd/mm/yy). DATE-OBS UT date of start of observation (dd/mm/yy). DCFOBSN DCF observation number in SHP. DEC_MOON declination of the moon (deg). DEC_PROP target declination from proposal (deg). DEC_REF declination of reference object (deg). DEC_SUN declination of the sun (deg). DEC_TARG declination of the target (deg) (J2000). DEC_V1 declination of v1 axis of HST (deg). DEFAULTS default values used in reformatting these data. DETECTOR CCD detector to which other information applies: PC=1, WFC=2-4. DEZERO mean bias level from EED extended register in PC1*. DGESTAR FGS ID(F1,F2,F3) concat. w/ dom. gd. star id. DOHISTOS make histograms: PERFORM, OMIT, COMPLETE. DOPHOTOM fill photometry keywords: PERFORM, OMIT, COMPLETE. DOSATMAP output saturated pixel map: PERFORM, OMIT, COMPLETE. DWELL_LN dwell pts/line for scan pointing (1-99,0 if NA). DWELL_TM wait time (duration) at each dwell point (sec). ECBDX3 eccentricity cubed times 3. ECBDX4D3 eccentricity cubed times 4/3. ECCENTRY eccentricity. ECCENTX2 eccentricity times 2. END marks end of FITS keywords. EPCHTIME epoch time of parameters (secs since 1/1/85). EPLONGPM epoch of longitude of prime meridian (sec). EQNX_SUN equinox of the sun. EQRADTRG equatorial radius of target (km). EQUINOX equinox of the celestial coordinate system. ERRCNT number of segments containing errors in PC1*. ESQDX5D2 eccentricity squared times 5/2. EXPACKET expected number of source packets. EXPEND exposure end time (Modified Julian Date). EXPFLAG exposure interruption indicator. EXPSTART exposure start time (Modified Julian Date). EXPTIME exposure duration (seconds)--calculated. EXTEND indicates there may be standard FITS extensions. EXTNAME GEIS header file name with .tab. EXTNCT_V extinction in V. E_B_V E(B-V). FDMEANAN 1st derivative coef for mean anomaly (revs/sec). FGSLOCK commanded FGS lock (FINE,COARSE,GYROS,UNKNOWN). FILENAME original GEIS header file name with _cvt. FILETYPE SHP, EXT, EDQ, SDQ, SCI. FILLCNT number of segments containing fill in PC1*. FILTER1 first filter number (0-48). FILTER2 second filter number (0-48). FILTNAM1 first filter name. FILTNAM2 second filter name. FILTROT partial filter rotation angle (deg). FITSDATE date FITS file was created. FLATCORR do flat field correction: PERFORM, OMIT, COMPLETE. FLATDFIL name of the flat field reference DQF. FLATFILE name of the flat field reference file. FLATNTRG flattening of target. FPKTTIME time of the first packet in PC1*. GCOUNT number of one groups. GOODMAX maximum value of the "good" pixels in PC1*. GOODMIN minimum value of the "good" pixels in PC1*. GPIXELS number of "good" pixels (DQF=0) in PC1*. GRAPHTAB the HST graph table. HISTORY records processing history. HISTWIDE width of the histogram for PC1*. HSTHORB half the duration of the HST orbit (sec). IMAGETYP type of image, e.g. DARK/BIAS/IFLAT/UFLAT/VFLAT/KSPOT/EXT/ECAL. INSTRUME instrument in use. KSPOTS status of Kelsall spot lamps: ON, OFF. LINEBEG line number (1st line: wrt source format). LINENUM PEP proposal line number. LONGPMER longitude of prime meridian (deg). LPKTTIME time of the last packet in PC1*. LRFWAVE linear ramp filter wavelength. MAG_B expected B magnitude. MAG_R expected R magnitude. MAG_U expected U magnitude. MAG_V expected V magnitude. MASKCORR do mask correction: PERFORM, OMIT, COMPLETE. MASKFILE name of the input DQF of known bad pixels. MEANANOM mean anomaly (radians). MEANC10 mean of a 10x10 region at center of PC1* chip. MEANC100 mean of a 100x100 region at center of PC1* chip. MEANC200 mean of a 200x200 region at center of PC1* chip. MEANC25 mean of a 25x25 region at center of PC1* chip. MEANC300 mean of a 300x300 region at center of PC1* chip. MEANC50 mean of a 50x50 region at center of PC1* chip. MEDIAN middle data value when good quality PC1* pixels are sorted. MEDSHADO median pixel value in shadow of pyramid edge for PC1*. MIR_REVR is the PC1* image mirror reversed? (T=yes, F=no). MODE instrument mode: FULL (full res.), AREA (area int.). MOONANGL angle between moon and V1 axis (deg). MTFLAG moving target flag; T if it is a moving target. MT_LV1_1 moving target information, e.g. 'STD=SATURN'. MT_LV2_1 moving target information. MU_DEC target proper motion from proposal (deg DEC). MU_EPOCH epoch of proper motion from proposal. MU_RA target proper motion from proposal (deg RA). NAXIS number of axes in data object. NAXIS1 length of 1st data axis or number of characters per table row. NAXIS2 length of 2nd data axis or number of rows per table. NAXIS3 length of 3rd data axis. NO_LINES number of lines per scan (1-99,0 if NA). NPDECTRG north pole declination of target (deg). NPRATRG north pole right ascension of target (deg). NSHUTA17 number of AP17 shutter B closes. OBSERVTN observation number (base 36). OBSET_ID observation set id. OBSSTRTT predicted obs. start time (secs since 1/1/85). ODATTYPE original datatype. OPFORMAT output product format specification. OPMODE proposed operation mode. OPSIZE PSIZE of original image. ORIENTAT orientation of the PC1* image (deg). ORIGIN institution that originated the FITS file. OUTDTYPE output image datatype: REAL, LONG, SHORT. OVERLAP number of "image overlap" pixels (DQF=64) in PC1*. PARALLAX target parallax from proposal. PARENTID PEP proposal identifier of the parent proposal. PAR_CORR parallax correction used (T or F). PA_APER position ang of aperture used with target (deg). PA_REF position ang of target from ref. object (deg). PA_V3 position angle of v3 axis of HST (deg). PCOUNT number of random parameters. PEP_EXPO PEP exposure identifier including sequence. PEQUINOX equinox of coordinate system from proposal. PHOTBW RMS bandwidth of the filter in PC1*. PHOTFLAM inverse sensitivity in PC1*. PHOTMODE photometry mode for PC1*, e.g. 'WFPC2,1,A2D7,FQCH4N,,CAL'. PHOTPLAM pivot wavelength in PC1*. PHOTTAB name of the photometry calibration table. PHOTZPT zero point in PC1*. PKTFMT packet format code. PKTTIME time from the packet ancillary data. PODPSFF 0=(no podps fill); 1=(podps fill present). POSTNSTX position of space telescope x axis (km). POSTNSTY position of space telescope y axis (km). POSTNSTZ position of space telescope z axis (km). PROC_TYP level of reprocessing (NORMAL, MINOR, MAJOR). PRODTYPE output product medium type. PROGRMID program id (base 36). PROPOSID PEP proposal identifier. PROPTTL1 proposal title. PROP_TYP proposal type. PR_INV_F first name of principal investigator. PR_INV_L last name of principal investigator. PR_INV_M middle initial of principal investigator. PSTPTIME predicted obs. stop time (yyyy.ddd:hh:mm:ss). PSTRTIME predicted obs. start time (yyyy:ddd:hh:mm:ss). RAD_VEL target radial velocity from proposal (km/sec). RASCASCN right ascension of ascending node (revolutions). RA_MOON right ascension of the moon (deg). RA_PROP target right ascension from proposal (deg). RA_REF right ascension of reference object (deg). RA_SUN right ascension of the sun (deg). RA_TARG right ascension of the target (deg) (J2000). RA_V1 right ascension of v1 axis of HST (deg). RCARGPER rate change of argument of perigee (revs/sec). RCASCNRD rt chge right ascension ascend node (rads/sec). RCASCNRV rt chge right ascension ascend node (revs/sec). READTIME length of time for CCD readout in clock ticks. REDSHIFT target redshift from proposal. ROOTNAME rootname of the observation set. ROTRTTRG rotation rate of target. RSDPFILL bad data fill value for calibrated images. RTAMATCH above f&i match RTA (TRUE,FALSE,NO RTA F&I AVL). S0INVMAG S0 inverse magnitude. S0XDIR S0 X direction. S0YDIR S0 Y direction. S0ZDIR S0 Z direction. SAAAVOID SAA model for SAA Avoidance (range 02-99). SAMPBEG sample number (1st sample: wrt source format). SATURATE data value at which saturation occurs. SCAN_ANG position angle of scan line (deg). SCAN_COR scan coordinate frame of ref: celestial,vehicle. SCAN_LEN scan length (arcsec). SCAN_RAT commanded rate of the line scan (arcsec/sec). SCAN_TYP C:bostrophidon; D:'C'with dwell; N:not applicable. SCAN_WID scan width (arcsec). SDASMGNU GCOUNT of original image. SDMA3SQ 3 * (SDMEANAN**2) radians/second**2.. SDMEANAN 2nd deriv coef for mean anomaly (revs/sec/sec). SEMILREC semi-latus rectum (meters). SEQLINE PEP line number of defined sequence. SEQNAME PEP define/use sequence name. SERIALS serial clocks: ON, OFF. SGESTAR FGS ID(F1,F2,F3) concat. w/ subdom. gd. star id. SHADCORR do shaded shutter correction: PERFORM, OMIT, COMPLETE. SHADFILE name of the reference file for shutter shading. SHUTTER shutter in place at the beginning of the exposure. SIMPLE indicates standard FITS format. SINEINCL sine of inclination. SKEWNESS skewness of the PC1* histogram. SOFTERRS number of "soft error" pixels (DQF=1) in PC1*. SPCLINCN spacecraft clock at UTC0. SPEC_1 spectral element. SPEC_2 spectral element. SPEC_3 spectral element. SPEC_4 spectral element. SP_TYPE target spectral type from proposal. SS_ATOD analog to Digital Gain (Electrons/DN). SS_FILT1 first filter number (0-48). SS_FILT2 second filter number (0-48). SS_MODE instr. mode: FULL (full res.), AREA (area int.). STATICD number of "static defect" pixels (DQF=4) in PC1*. STDCFFF 0=(no st dcf fill), 1=(st dcf fill present). STDCFFP HST dcf fill pattern (hex). SUNANGLE angle between sun and V1 axis (deg). SUN_ALT altitude of the sun above Earth's limb (deg). SURFALTD surface feature altitude (km). SURFLATD surface feature latitude (deg). SURFLONG surface feature longitude (deg). SURF_B expected B surface brightness. SURF_R expected R surface brightness. SURF_U expected U surface brightness. SURF_V expected V surface brightness. T51_ANGL position angle of motion of aperture (deg). T51_RATE rate of motion commanded (arcsecs/sec). TARAQMOD target acquisition mode (values 00, 01, 02, 03). TARDESCR target description e.g. 'SOLAR SYSTEM;PLANET SATURN'. TARGCAT first target category, e.g. 'SOLAR SYSTEM'. TARGDIST distance to target from Earth's center (km). TARGNAME proposer's target name. TARGTYPE qesiparm target type, e.g. 'EXTENDED'. TARG_ID SPSS target ID from proposal+target no. TARKEY1 target key description for targcat, e.g. 'PLANET SATURN'. TAR_TYPE target type, e.g. 'MOVING TARGET'. TBCOL* beginning character index of given column. TFIELDS number of columns in table. TFORM* FORTRAN-style format of given column. TIME-OBS UT time of start of observation (hh:mm:ss). TIMEFFEC time parameters took effect (secs since 1/1/85). TRK_TYPE track 48 or track 51 commanding used (T48, T51). TTYPE* name of given column. TUNIT* units for given column. UAFMPTSL AFM Port Select (A,B,or C). UAFMPWR AFM Electronics Power (ON,OFF). UAFMRIUT AFM RIU temperature (deg C). UATPATMP opt bench attach pt A temperature (deg C). UATPBTMP opt bench attach pt B temperature (deg C). UATPCTMP opt bench attach pt C temperature (deg C). UBAY1TMP bay 1 A1 temperature (deg C). UBAY2TMP bay 2 A1 temperature (deg C). UBAY3TMP bay 3 A1 temperature (deg C). UBAY4TMP bay 4 A1 temperature (deg C). UBAY5TMP bay 5 A1 temperature (deg C). UBLDASNR blade A sensor: 0:closed, 1:open. UBLDBSNR blade B sensor: 0:closed, 1:open. UCALMIRS cal mirror status (Cal Mode/Obs Mode/Error). UCALMPWR cal module power (ON/OFF). UCANLTIM time of cancel operation command. UCH1CJTM TEC cold junction #1 temperature (Celsius). UCH1HJTM camera head hot junction 1 temperature (deg C). UCH2CJTM TEC cold junction #2 temperature (Celsius). UCH3CJTM TEC cold junction #3 temperature (Celsius). UCH4CJTM TEC cold junction #4 temperature (Celsius). UCHBHTMP opt bench CH BH temp (deg C). UCHVLTS camera head voltage (volts). UCMODTMP cal module temp (deg C). UEXPOCMD expose command image. UEXPODUR commanded duration of exposure (sec). UEXPOTIM major frame pulse time preceding exposure start (counts). UEXPTMHI major frame pulse time preceding exposure start (counts). UFCSTAT control/status word for exposure. UFMBHTMP opt bench FM BH temp (deg C). UFOCTM01 time of first close B shutter. UFOCTM02 slot for second open B shutter time. UFOCTM03 slot for second close B shutter time. UFOCTM04 slot for third open B shutter time. UFOCTM05 slot for third close B shutter time. UFOCTM06 slot for fourth open B shutter time. UFOCTM07 slot for fourth close B shutter time. UFOCTM08 slot for fifth open B shutter time. UFOCTM09 slot for fifth close B shutter time. UFOCTM10 slot for sixth open B shutter time. UFOCTM11 slot for sixth close B shutter time. UHTPIHTR heat pipe heater on (ON, OFF). ULVPSONF LVPS power off (ON, OFF). UMECHPWR mechanism power off (ON, OFF). UMECVOLT mechanism supply voltage (volts). UMNTPTMP SOFA/shutter mounting plate temperature (deg C). UN15VADC -15 volts ADC supply (volts). UN15VANA -15 volts analog supply (volts). UP10VLGC +10 volts logic supply (volts). UP15VADC +15 volts ADC supply (volts). UP15VANA +15 volts analog supply (volts). UP1AFMX PC 1 AFM X-position (arcsec). UP1AFMY PC 1 AFM Y-position (arcsec). UP5VADC +5 volts ADC supply (volts). UP5VLGC +5 volts logic supply (volts). UPOMTEMP pickoff mirror temp (deg C). UPOMXPOS pickoff mirror x-position (arcsec). UPOMYPOS pickoff mirror y-position (arcsec). UPYRMDTM optical bench pyramid bulkhead temperature (deg C). URADNTMP radiator -V2 temperature (deg C). URADPTMP radiator +V2 temperature (deg C). URFILTPS SOFA partial step (counts). URIUATMP RIU A temperature (deg C). URIUBTMP RIU B temperature (deg C). URPLHTR replacement heater on (ON, OFF). USCALE scale factor for output image. UTC0 coordinated Universal Time (Mod Julian Date). UTCO1 bytes 5-8 of UTC0. UTCO2 bytes 1-4 of UTC0. UTECCUR TEC current (mA). UTECPWRS TEC power off (ON, OFF). UTECVOLT TEC supply voltage (volts). UTIMEXPO time of 110 msec expose command. UUVCAL UV cal lamp status (ON/OFF). UUVINSEL cal lamp select (UV/INCAN). UUVLOUTM UV lamp output (volts). UVISCAL vis cal lamp status (ON/OFF). UW3AFMX WFC 3 AFM X-position (arcsec). UW3AFMY WFC 3 AFM Y-position (arcsec). UW4AFMX WFC 4 AFM X-position (arcsec). UW4AFMY WFC 4 AFM Y-position (arcsec). UWAPUSE shutter blade used (A or B). UWCANCM cancel operation command bit. UWLOGOF log overflow bit. UWSCAP shutter control application processor bit. UZERO zero point for output image. V2APERCE V2 offset of target from aper. center (arcsec). V3APERCE V3 offset of target from aper. center (arcsec). VELABBRA aberration in position of the target. VELOCSTX vel of space telescope along x axis (km/sec). VELOCSTY vel of space telescope along y axis (km/sec). VELOCSTZ vel of space telescope along z axis (km/sec). WRD11_14 word 11/14 (0-255). XTENSION indicates FITS table extension.