PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = STREAM DATA_SET_ID = "HST-S-WFPC2-3-RPX-V1.0" OBJECT = TEXT PUBLICATION_DATE = 1998-07-17 NOTE = "Abstract to HST proposal #6216, as downloaded from http://presto.stsci.edu/public/propinfo.html in July 1997." END_OBJECT = TEXT END SATURN'S RING ATMOSPHERE DURING RING PLANE CROSSING HST Proposal 6216 Title: SATURN'S RING ATMOSPHERE DURING RING PLANE CROSSING PI: TRAUGER (JET PROPULSION LABORATORY) Category: SOLAR SYSTEM,OUTER P Cycle: 5 Continuation ID: Status: completed Abstract This proposal is to measure the extended atmosphere of Saturn's rings by WFPC2 images taken during times of ring plane crossing in 1995. We will discriminate between elevated dust and possible OH emission by taking images within the OH bands near 3100 A, a near-by band for scaling and subtraction of scattered and ring light, and far-red images for scaling of dust above the ring plane. We will take test exposure images during the May event, and our "real" images during the August event with exposure times based on the results of the May images.