PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = STREAM OBJECT = TEXT PUBLICATION_DATE = 1998-07-08 NOTE = "Description of ZIP documentation files and source code." END_OBJECT = TEXT END ZIP SOFTWARE AND DOCUMENTATION ------------------------------ 1. Introduction --------------- This directory contains source code and documentation for UNZIP 5.32, the utility needed to decompress and extract files from the ZIP files on this volume. 2. Software Description ----------------------- Some of the files on this volume are stored in ZIP format to save space. Before you use these files, you must decompress or "unzip" them. The directory tree UNZIP532/... contains the complete source code needed to build the UNZIP application on most platforms. Under most circumstances, a far simpler procedure for unzipping the files is to find a ready-made binary for the platform you are using. The file WHERE.TXT contains pointers to the best Web locations to check, or start from the Info-ZIP home page at: http://www.cdrom.com/pub/infozip/ All of the files in this directory tree (except this one) were acquired from "http://www.cdrom.com/pub/infozip/src/" and "http://www.cdrom.com/pub/infozip/doc/" on 24 June 1998. 3. Software Directory Structure ------------------------------- The following files are included in this directory: SOFTINFO.TXT - This file. APPNOTE.TXT - A detailed description of the ZIP file format, dated 27 April 1998. COPYING.TXT - The distribution license for UNZIP. WHERE.TXT - A text file summarizing where to acquire ready-made binaries of ZIP and UNZIP, plus further information and updates. The subdirectory UNZIP532 contains the source code, created by unzipping the distributed file http://www.cdrom.com/pub/infozip/src/unzip532.zip The complete directory tree is shown below. A few file names longer than 8.3 characters have been truncated and all have been converted to upper case; the original name of each file is listed in the second column of the diagram. Unless otherwise noted, all files are in ASCII text format, with PDS-standard line terminators. (Users may need to translate these files to the proper line terminator for their platform before they use them.) The few binary files are indicated by [*] in the diagram below. UNZIP532/ |-API.C api.c |-APIHELP.C apihelp.c |-BUGS. BUGS |-CONSTS.H consts.h |-CONTENTS. Contents |-COPYING. COPYING |-CRC32.C crc32.c |-CRCTAB.C crctab.c |-CRC_I386.S crc_i386.S |-CRYPT.C crypt.c |-CRYPT.H crypt.h |-EBCDIC.H ebcdic.h |-ENVARGS.C envargs.c |-EXPLODE.C explode.c |-EXTRACT.C extract.c |-FILEIO.C fileio.c |-FILE_ID.DIZ file_id.diz |-FUNZIP.C funzip.c |-FUNZIP.DOC funzip.doc |-GLOBALS.C globals.c |-GLOBALS.H globals.h |-HISTORY.530 History.530 |-HISTORY.531 History.531 |-HISTORY.532 History.532 |-INFLATE.C inflate.c |-INFLATE.H inflate.h |-INSTALL. INSTALL |-LIST.C list.c |-MATCH.C match.c |-PROCESS.C process.c |-README. README |-TABLES.H tables.h |-TESTMAKE.ZIP testmake.zip [*] |-TODO. ToDo |-TTYIO.C ttyio.c |-TTYIO.H ttyio.h |-UNREDUCE.C unreduce.c |-UNSHRINK.C unshrink.c |-UNZIP.C unzip.c |-UNZIP.DOC unzip.doc |-UNZIP.H unzip.h |-UNZIPSFX.DOC unzipsfx.doc |-UNZIPSTB.C unzipstb.c |-UNZPRIV.H unzpriv.h |-VERSION.H version.h |-WHERE. WHERE |-ZIP.H zip.h |-ZIPGREP.DOC zipgrep.doc |-ZIPINFO.C zipinfo.c |-ZIPINFO.DOC zipinfo.doc | |-ACORN/ acorn/ | |-ACORN.C acorn.c | |-CONTENTS. Contents | |-MAKEFILE. makefile | |-README. ReadMe | |-RISCOS.C riscos.c | |-RISCOS.H riscos.h | |-RUNME1ST. RunMe1st | |-SRCRENAM. srcrename [*] | |-SWIVEN.H swiven.h | |-SWIVEN.S swiven.s | |-AMIGA/ amiga/ | |-AMIGA.C amiga.c | |-AMIGA.H amiga.h | |-CONTENTS. Contents | |-CRC_68.A crc_68.a | |-FILEDATE.C filedate.c | |-FLATE.A flate.a | |-MAKEFILE.AZT makefile.azt | |-MAKESFX.C makesfx.c | |-MKGOFF.C mkGoff.c | |-SMAKEFIL. smakefile | |-STAT.C stat.c | |-TIMEZONE.DOC timezone.doc | |-TIME_LIB.C time_lib.c | |-Z_STAT.H z-stat.h | |-AOSVS/ aosvs/ | |-AOSVS.C aosvs.c | |-AOSVS.H aosvs.h | |-CONTENTS. Contents | |-MAKE_UNZ.CLI make_unz.cli | |-README. README | |-ATARI/ atari/ | |-ATARI.C atari.c | |-CONTENTS. Contents | |-MAKEFILE. Makefile | |-MAKEFILE.OLD Makefile.old | |-MAKE_UNZ.MUP make_unz.mup | |-README.OLD README.old | |-BEOS/ beos/ | |-BEOS.C beos.c | |-BEOS.H beos.h | |-CONTENTS. Contents | |-MAKEFILE. Makefile | |-README. README | |-CMSMVS/ cmsmvs/ | |-MC.EXE mc.exec | |-README.CMS README.CMS | |-README.MVS README.MVS | |-UNZIP.MAK unzip.makefile | |-UNZMVSC.JOB unzmvsc.job | |-UNZVMC.EXC unzvmc.exc | |-VMMVS.C vmmvs.c | |-VMMVS.H vmmvs.h | |-VMSTAT.H vmstat.h | |-FLEXOS/ flexos/ | |-CONTENTS. Contents | |-FLEXOS.C flexos.c | |-FLXCFG.H flxcfg.h | |-HC.PRO hc.pro | |-MAKEFILE. makefile | |-README. README | |-HUMAN68K/ human68k/ | |-CONTENTS. Contents | |-HUMAN68K.C human68k.c | |-MAKEFILE.GCC Makefile.gcc | |-OPTIONS.S options.s | |-MAC/ mac/ | |-CONTENTS. Contents | |-MAC.C mac.c | |-MACDIR.C macdir.c | |-MACDIR.H macdir.h | |-MACSCREE.C macscreen.c | |-MACSTAT.C macstat.c | |-MACSTAT.H macstat.h | |-MACUNZIP.C macunzip.c | |-METROWER.HQX metrowerks.hqx | |-README. README | |-RSRC.HQX rsrc.hqx | |-THINKC.HQX thinkc.hqx | |-MSDOS/ msdos/ | |-CONTENTS. Contents | |-CRC_I86.ASM crc_i86.asm | |-DOSCFG.H doscfg.h | |-MAKEFILE.BC makefile.bc | |-MAKEFILE.DJ1 makefile.dj1 | |-MAKEFILE.DJ2 makefile.dj2 | |-MAKEFILE.EMX makefile.emx | |-MAKEFILE.MSC makefile.msc | |-MAKEFILE.TC makefile.tc | |-MAKEFILE.WAT makefile.wat | |-MSC51OPT.DIF msc51opt.dif | |-MSDOS.C msdos.c | |-README. README | |-NOVELL/ novell/ | |-MAKEFILE.WAT makefile.wat | |-OS2/ os2/ | |-CONTENTS. Contents | |-MAKEFILE.OS2 makefile.os2 | |-OS2.C os2.c | |-OS2ACL.C os2acl.c | |-OS2ACL.H os2acl.h | |-OS2CFG.H os2cfg.h | |-OS2DATA.H os2data.h | |-REXXAPI.C rexxapi.c | |-REXXAPI.DEF rexxapi.def | |-REXXHELP.C rexxhelp.c | |-REXXTEST.CMD rexxtest.cmd | |-STUB.DEF stub.def | |-UNZIP.DEF unzip.def | |-ZGREPAPI.CMD zgrepapi.cmd | |-ZIP2EXE.CMD zip2exe.cmd | |-ZIPGREP.CMD zipgrep.cmd | |-PROGINFO/ proginfo/ | |-3RDPARTY.BUG 3rdparty.bug | |-CONTENTS. Contents | |-CONTRIBS. CONTRIBS | |-DEFER.IN defer.in | |-EXTRA.FLD extra.fld | |-FILEINFO.CMS fileinfo.cms | |-NT.SD nt.sd | |-PERFORM.DOS perform.dos | |-ZIPPORTS. ZipPorts | |-QDOS/ qdos/ | |-CONFIG.S config.S | |-CONTENTS. Contents | |-CRC68.S crc68.s | |-IZQDOS.H izqdos.h | |-MAKEFILE. Makefile | |-MAKESFX.C makesfx.c | |-QDOS.C qdos.c | |-README. README | |-TANDEM/ tandem/ | |-COMMACS. commacs | |-CONTENTS. Contents | |-MACROS. macros | |-MAKE. make | |-RENAME.UNI rename.unix | |-TANDEM.C tandem.c | |-TANDEM.H tandem.h | |-TOPS20/ tops20/ | |-CONTENTS. Contents | |-MAKE.MIC make.mic | |-RENAME.MIC rename.mic | |-TOPS20.C tops20.c | |-UNIX/ unix/ | |-CONTENTS. Contents | |-FUNZIP.1 funzip.1 | |-MAKEFILE. Makefile | |-UNIX.C unix.c | |-UNZIP.1 unzip.1 | |-UNZIPSFX.1 unzipsfx.1 | |-ZIPGREP. zipgrep | |-ZIPGREP.1 zipgrep.1 | |-ZIPINFO.1 zipinfo.1 | | | |-PACKAGIN/ Packaging/ | |-PKGINFO.IN pkginfo.in | |-POSTINST. postinstall | |-PREINSTA.IN preinstall.in | |-PROTOTYP. prototype | |-README. README | |-VMS/ vms/ | |-00BINARY.VMS 00binary.vms | |-CMDLINE.C cmdline.c | |-CONTENTS. Contents | |-CVTHELP.TPU cvthelp.tpu | |-DESCRIP.MMS descrip.mms | |-LINK_UNZ.COM link_unz.com | |-MAKESFX.COM make_unz.com | |-MAKE_UNZ.COM makesfx.com | |-README. README | |-UNZIP.OPT unzip.opt | |-UNZIPSFX.HLP unzipsfx.hlp | |-UNZIPSFX.OPT unzipsfx.opt | |-UNZIP_CL.HEL unzip_cli.help | |-UNZIP_DE.RNH unzip_def.rnh | |-UNZ_CLI.CLD unz_cli.cld | |-VMS.C vms.c | |-VMS.H vms.h | |-VMSDEFS.H vmsdefs.h | |-WIN32/ win32/ | |-CONTENTS. Contents | |-CRC_I386.ASM crc_i386.asm | |-CRC_I386.C crc_i386.c | |-MAKEFILE. Makefile | |-MAKEFILE.EMX Makefile.emx | |-MAKEFILE.WAT Makefile.wat | |-NT.C nt.c | |-NT.H nt.h | |-RSXNTWIN.H rsxntwin.h | |-W32CFG.H w32cfg.h | |-WIN32.C win32.c | |-WINCE/ wince/ | |-CONTENTS. Contents | |-ILMASK.BMP ilmask.bmp [*] | |-IMGLIST.2BP imglist.2bp [*] | |-IMGLIST.BMP imglist.bmp [*] | |-INTRFACE.CPP intrface.cpp | |-INTRFACE.H intrface.h | |-PUNZIP.DSP punzip.dsp | |-PUNZIP.H punzip.h | |-PUNZIP.HTP punzip.htp [*] | |-PUNZIP.IC2 punzip.ic2 [*] | |-PUNZIP.ICO punzip.ico [*] | |-PUNZIP.RC punzip.rc | |-PUNZIP.RCV punzip.rcv | |-README. README | |-RESOURCE.H resource.h | |-TOOLBAR.2BP toolbar.2bp [*] | |-TOOLBAR.BMP toolbar.bmp [*] | |-WINCE.CPP wince.cpp | |-WINCE.H wince.h | |-WINMAIN.CPP winmain.cpp | |-WINMAIN.H winmain.h | |-ZIPFILE.IC2 zipfile.ic2 [*] | |-ZIPFILE.ICO zipfile.ico [*] | | | |-INC/ inc/ | |CONIO.H conio.h | |ERRNO.H errno.h | |SIGNAL.H signal.h | |STDIO.H stdio.h | |-WINDLL/ windll/ |-CONTENTS. Contents |-DECS.H decs.h |-EXAMPLE.C example.c |-EXAMPLE.H example.h |-STRUCTS.H structs.h |-UNZIPLIB.DEF unziplib.def |-UNZVER.H unzver.h |-WINDLL.C windll.c |-WINDLL.DOC windll.doc |-WINDLL.H windll.h |-WINDLL.RC windll.rc |-WINDLL16.DEF windll16.def |-WINDLL32.DEF windll32.def | |-BORLAND/ borland/ |-DLL/ dll/ | |-WINDLL16.MAK windll16.mak | |-WINDLL32.MAK windll32.mak | |-LIB/ lib/ | |-UNZIP32.MAK unzip32.mak | |-VB/ vb/ | |-VBUNZIP.BAS vbunzip.bas | |-VBUNZIP.FRM vbunzip.frm | |-VBUNZIP.VBP vbunzip.vbp | |-VBUNZIP.VBW vbunzip.vbw | |-VISUALC/ visualc/ |-DLL/ dll/ | |-UNZIP32.DSP unzip32.dsp | |-UNZIP32.MAK unzip32.mak | |-LIB/ lib/ |-UNZIP32.DSP unzip32.dsp |-UNZIP32.MAK unzip32.mak 4. Software License Information and Disclaimers Complete licensing information is found in the file COPYING.TXT.