YR/MON/DAY/HOUR JD RA(1950), DEC(1950), DELTA DELTADOT R RDOT THETA BETA MOON PSANG PSAMV (UT) (MIN/HOUR) (ARCMIN/HOUR) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1986 4 15 21.0 2446536.38 13 3.669(-0.761) -40 30.63( 4.58) 0.4494 21.7857 1.4065 26.3453 148.6 21.9 113.0 13.9 123.9 1986 4 16 0.0 2446536.50 13 1.396(-0.750) -40 16.87( 4.60) 0.4510 22.2657 1.4084 26.3395 148.7 21.8 111.3 15.3 124.3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | NOTE: Above ephemerides represent fully-perturbed, light-time-corrected solutions to data spanning 1835-1989 | | (cf. the EPHEM.TXT file by D. Yeomans in the DOCUMENT directory). Ephemerides for HOUR=0.0 UT are directly | | from Yeomans; values within a UT day have been generated using a 7-point interpolation scheme and Yeomans' | | daily (0h UT) values. The first and last lines in the table span the time interval between the beginning of | | this data directory and the beginning of the next one. | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| DEFINITIONS OF LESS OBVIOUS FIELDS IN THE EPHEMERIS TABLE: THETA = Sun-Earth-Comet angle (degrees) BETA = Sun-Comet-Earth angle (degrees) MOON = Angular separation of comet and moon (degrees) PSANG = Position angle of prolonged radius vector (degrees, measured from north through east) PSAMV = Position angle of minus orbital velocity vector (degrees, measured from north through east) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------