***** File INDXINFO.TXT Index File Information This file contains a description of the index files created for the L-SP Discipline CD-ROMs. There are twenty five files in the INDEX directory (besides this file), all relating to this particular disc. Most are intended for creating a database to guide the user in selecting files of interest. The CALIB.* files contain the names of files containing calibration data, and the names of the data files which they calibrate. The CDSTRUCT.* files contain a full list of all header and data files on this disc, along with file sizes, allocations and physical block numbers. This database may be of use for those writing direct access routines. The EPHEM.* files contain the comet ephemeris spanning the dates on this disc. It is a delimited form of the file EPHEM.TAB in the EPHEM subdirectory. The NETLARGE.* files contain the full set of FITS keywords specific to the Large-Scale Phenomena Discipline. The values are taken from the original FITS headers for the files included on this disc. The PATHTABL.* files give the full directory path to the data files on the disc. Unlike the CDSTRUCT database (which contains entries for all files), only the names of the data files are in the PATHTABL database. This database will assist the user in determining which subdirectory contains the data of interest, as well as assisting in constructing a fully-qualified file name for the data files. There are four types of files associated with each index, distinguished by the extensions on the file names. The four types of files are: *.DBF - These are dBASE III+ compatible database files. They do not contain any data records, only the structure of the corresponding database. The data records may be appended from the data tables (in the .IDX files). Many database management systems can import databases from .DBF files. *.IDX - These files contain the actual data records from each table. They are delimited tables. Numeric fields are delimited by commas (,) and ASCII text fields are contained in quotes (") and also delimited with commas. Each line ends with the characters (ASCII 13 and 10 respectively). All fields in the tables are fixed width and the total width for each table follows: CALIB, 70 bytes; CDSTRUCT, 74 bytes; EPHEM, 108 bytes; LSPNOBS, 258 bytes; NETLARGE, 787 bytes; and PATHTABL, 80 bytes. These files may be appended to the end of an empty database structure to create the full index database. *.STR - These are "structure" files. They contain information, in delimited format, on the number, names and widths of the fields in each database. They have been provided as ASCII files of fixed length (80 bytes) to document the structure of each table. *.HDR - These are FITS header files, containing both the standard and extension headers. The files are not text files, although they contain only ASCII characters. There are no delimiters, and both the standard and extension headers are padded to lengths which are multiples of 2880 bytes. In order to create a fully compatible FITS byte stream, simply concatenate the header file with the corresponding .IDX file and pad to fill out the byte stream in multiples of 2880. In order to create a database from dBASE III with these files, issue the following commands at the "." (dot) prompt: . use . append from .idx delimited where is one of CALIB, CDSTRUCT, EPHEM, LSPNOBS, NETLARGE or PATHTABL. Most database programs can import dBASE III compatible files. In order to use another database program to manage the index tables, you will need to import the (empty) index from the appropriate .DBF file, then append the data from the corresponding .IDX file. There is one additional file (STRUCT.DBF) in this subdirectory. This is the database used to create all the other databases. It consists of 4 fields, FIELD_NAME, FIELD_TYPE, FIELD_LEN and FIELD_DEC, which document the structure of the index tables. When the appropriate .STR file is appended to this structure database, dBASE III+ can create the corresponding index database.