***** File CDTREE.TXT ROOT--I-----AAREADME.TXT (abstract of entire volume contents) I I-----BROWSE-------BRWZINFO.TXT (describes BROWSE images) I LSPN2258.HDR (header for Halley BROWSE image) I *.IBG (Halley BROWSE image) I *.LBL (label for Halley BROWSE image) I *.* I LSPN4139.HDR (beginning of calibration BROWSE files) I *.* I I-----C86APR09-----COMPINFO.TXT (describes compressed comet images) I LSPN2258.HDR (header for compressed Halley image) I *.IMQ (compressed Halley image) I *.LBL (label for compressed Halley image) I *.* I I-----CALIB -----CALINFO.TXT (describes compressed CALIB images) I LSPN4139.HDR (header for compressed CALIB image) I *.IMQ (compressed CALIB image) I *.LBL (label for compressed CALIB image) I *.* I I-----DOCUMENT-----ACKNWLDG.TXT (acknowledgements of network, team) I BROWSE.TXT (explains MIDGET subsampling routine) I BRWZINFO.TXT (describes BROWSE images) I CALIB.TXT (tables linking CALIB, Halley files) I CALINFO.TXT (describes compressed CALIB images) I CDSTRUCT.TXT (lists block location, space allocation) I CDTREE.TXT (schematic of directory structure) I COMPINFO.TXT (describes compressed comet images) I COMPRESS.TXT (explains PACKER compression routine) I DECOMP.TXT (discusses PC decompression program) I EPHEM.TXT (explains ephemeris, interpolation) I FITSCOMP.TXT (FITS proposal for compressed data) I FITSINFO.TXT (describes FITS and IHW keywords) I IMAGFORM.TXT (shows split FITS and PDS reference) I IMAGUIDE.TXT (guide to CD-ROM volume for images) I INDXINFO.TXT (lists index tables and format) I LSPNOBS.TXT (lists contributing LSPN observatories) I NETLARGE.TXT (explains FITS header information) I OBSNTERP.TXT (explains OBSNTERP program) I PATHTABL.TXT (explains path table fields) I PDSINFO.TXT (describes PDS labels for image data) I PREVPIX.TXT (pseudocode for compression in IDL) I SOFTINFO.TXT (compendium of code and programs) I VOLUME.TXT (summary of data on CD-ROM volume) I I I-----EPHEM--------EPHEM.TAB (ephemeris tables for time range) I EPHEM.TXT (explains ephemeris, interpolation) I I-----INDEX--------CALIB.DBF (dBASE III+ empty database file) I CALIB.HDR (FITS header describing .IDX file) I CALIB.IDX (table linking CALIB, comet images) I CALIB.STR ("structure" files for delimited table) I CDSTRUCT.* (lists block location, space allocation) I EPHEM.* (ephemeris table for time range) I INDXINFO.TXT (lists index tables and format) I LSPNOBS.* (lists contributing LSPN observatories) I NETLARGE.* (FITS keyword values for time range) I PATHTABL.* (contains volume and path information) I STRUCT.DBF (database of four fields) I I-----SOFTWARE--I--BROWSE---I--BROWSE.TXT (explains MIDGET) I I I I I I--FORTRAN--MIDGET.FOR I I I I--COMPRESS-I--COMPRESS.TXT (explains PACKER) I I I I I I--FORTRAN--PACKER.FOR I I I I I I--IDL------PREVPIX.PRO I I PREVPIX.TXT (pseudocode) I I I I--DECOMP---I--C--------DECOMP.C I I I DO_DATA.C I I I DO_DFILE.C I I I DO_IFILE.C I I I DO_OFILE.C I I I HEADER.C I I I MAKEFILE I I I PCDECLSP.C I I I PCDECLSP.COM I I I PCDECLSP.PRJ I I I PCDECLSP.RSP I I I PCDECLSP.TXT I I I PUTKEY.C I I I XTENSION.C I I I I I I--DECOMP.TXT (explains PCDECLSP) I I I I I I--FORTRAN--DECOMP.FOR I I I I I I--PCDECLSP.COM I I I I I--INTERP---I--C--------ARGCH.C I I I INTERP.C I I I OBSNTERP.C I I I I I I--FORTRAN--ARGCH2.FOR I I I INTERP.FOR I I I JDATE.FOR I I I OBSNTERP.FOR I I I I I I--OBSNTERP.TXT (explains *NTERP) I I I--PCNTERP.EXE I I I--VAXNTERP.EXE I I I I--SOFTINFO.TXT (compendium of code and programs) I I-----VOLDESC.SFD (information according to CCSDS guidelines)