|--AAREADME.TXT Basic instructions and information for this CD-ROM |--ACKNWLDG.TXT Acknowledgements, History of IHW CD-ROM Production |--VOLDESC.SFD Volume descriptor file, required by NSSDCA | |--AST_HIST |--ANCTINFO.TXT Describes contents of this directory | | | | NOTE: THIS DIRECTORY CONTAINING HISTORICAL ASTROMETRY DATA FROM THE 1835-1836 AND 1909-1911 | | APPARITIONS HAS BEEN EMPTIED TO SAVE SPACE ON THE DISC. REFER TO VOLUMES 19-21 OR 23 | | FOR IDENTICAL INFORMATION. | | | |--DOCUMENT |--DOCUINFO.TXT Describes contents of this directory | | | |--ACKNWLDG.TXT Acknowledgements, History of IHW CD-ROM Production | |--BROWSE.TXT Describes the L-SP Browse images | |--CDTREE.TXT This file | |--DATATREE.TXT Complete tree structure of the data files on this CD-ROM (HAL_0022) | |--EPHEM.TXT Describes P/Halley ephemeris generation and tables | |--FITSFORM.TXT FITS Data descriptions | |--FITSHDRS.TXT A sample of the FITS headers as used by the IHW Disciplines | |--FITS_IHW.TXT Description of IHW mandatory FITS keyword formats | |--HALGUIDE.TXT Guide to the use of this CD-ROM | |--HDRFORM.TXT FITS Header descriptions | |--IMAGFORM.TXT Image Data descriptions | |--LBLFORM.TXT PDS Label descriptions | |--OBSNTERP.TXT Description of the ephemeris interpolation program | |--PATHTABL.TXT Description of the PATHTABL.* index files | |--PDSLABEL.TXT PDS label templates | |--PDS_IHW.TXT Listing of PDS label forms for IHW | |--SPECFORM.TXT Spectra Data descriptions | |--TABLFORM.TXT Table Data descriptions | |--TEXTFORM.TXT Text Data descriptions | |--VOLINFO.TXT Complete description of CD-ROM archive and its use | |--VOLSET.TXT Discipline and subnet file counts for CD-ROM volumes HAL_0019 - HAL_0023 | | | |--APPENDIX |--APNDINFO.TXT Describes the contents of this directory | | | | | | NOTE: THIS DIRECTORY CONTAINING THE IHW DISCIPLINE APPENDICES HAS BEEN EMPTIED | | | TO SAVE SPACE ON THE DISC. REFER TO VOLUMES 19-21 OR 23 FOR IDENTICAL | | | FILES. | | | | | |--SOL_ATLS |--ATLSINFO.TXT Describes contents of this directory | | | | | | | | NOTE: THIS DIRECTORY CONTAINING SOLAR SPECTRAL ATLAS DATA HAS | | | | BEEN EMPTIED TO SAVE SPACE ON THE DISC. REFER TO | | | | VOLUMES 19-21 OR 23 FOR IDENTICAL INFORMATION. | | | |--INTRODOC |--ANCTINFO.TXT Describes the contents of AST_HIST directory | | |--APNDINFO.TXT Describes the contents of APPENDIX subdirectory | | |--ATLSINFO.TXT Describes the contents of SOL_ATLS subdirectory | | |--DOCUINFO.TXT Describes the contents of DOCUMENT directory | | |--EPHINFO.TXT Describes the contents of EPHEM directory | | |--FTBINFO.TXT Describes the contents of FTB subdirectory | | |--IMDPINFO.TXT Describes the contents of IMDISP subdirectory | | |--INDXINFO.TXT Describes the contents of INDEX directory | | |--ITRPINFO.TXT Describes the contents of OBSNTERP subdirectory | | |--NETINFO.TXT Describes the contents of NETABLES subdirectory | | |--OBSRINFO.TXT Describes the contents of OBSERVER subdirectory | | |--SOFTINFO.TXT Describes the contents of SOFTWARE directory | | |--UTILINFO.TXT Describes the contents of UTILS subdirectory | | | | | | |--OBSERVER |--OBSRINFO.TXT Describes the contents of this directory | | | | | | NOTE: THIS DIRECTORY LISTING IHW OBSERVERS BY DISCIPLINE HAS BEEN EMPTIED TO | | | SAVE SPACE ON THE DISC. FOR IDENTICAL INFORMATION, REFER TO | | | VOLUMES 19-21 OR 23. | | | |--EPHEM |--EPHINFO.TXT Describes the contents of this directory | | | |--EPHEM.TAB P/Halley ephemeris table | |--EPHEM.TXT Description of P/Halley ephemeris generation | | | |--INDEX |--INDXINFO.TXT Describes the contents of this directory | | | | NOTE: DUE TO SPACE LIMITATIONS ON THIS DISC, THE CDSTRUCT.* FILES HAVE NOT BEEN INCLUDED. | | UNLIKE THE OTHER DELETIONS FROM THIS DISC, CDSTRUCT.* WERE SPECIFIC TO THIS VOLUME | | AND CANNOT BE RETRIEVED FROM THE OTHER "MIXED DISCS" (VOLUMES 19-23). | | | | | |--EPHEM.* P/HALLEY ephemeris files (5 files) | |--PATHTABL.* CD-ROM path table files (5 files) | |--QUIK_022.* Quick Look table files (5 files) | |--STRUCT.DBF Empty structure file for use in Dbase IV | | | |--NETABLES |--NETINFO.TXT Describes the contents of this directory | | | | | | NOTE: THIS DIRECTORY CONTAINING DISCIPLINE SPECIFIC INDICES | | | AND PRINTED ARCHIVE INDICES HAS BEEN EMPTIED TO SAVE | | | SPACE ON THE DISC. IDENTICAL FILES ARE DEPOSITED ON | | | VOLUMES 19-21 AND 23. | | | |--SOFTWARE |--SOFTINFO.TXT Describes the contents of this directory | | | | NOTE: THIS DIRECTORY CONTAINING VARIOUS SOFTWARE PACKAGES HAS BEEN EMPTIED IN ORDER TO SAVE SPACE | | ON THE DISC. IDENTICAL FILES ARE AVAILABLE ON VOLUMES 19-21 AND 23. THE SAME STATEMENT | | APPLIES TO THE SOFTWARE SUBDIRECTORIES LISTED BELOW | | | | | |--OBSNTERP |--ITRPINFO.TXT Describes the contents of this subdirectory | | | | | | |--FTB |--FTBINFO.TXT Describes the contents of this subdirectory | | | | | | |--IMDISP |--IMDPINFO.TXT Describes the contents of this subdirectory | | | | | | |--UTILS |--UTILINFO.TXT Describes the contents of this subdirectory | | | | | | | ******************************************************************************** | FOR A COMPLETE TREE LISTING OF THE DATA DIRECTORIES SEE THE FILE | "DATATREE.TXT" IN THE DOCUMENT DIRECTORY. | ******************************************************************************** | - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - (FILE CODE WITH DISCIPLINE/SUBNETWORK DESIGNATIONS ORDERED BY IHW ID NUMBER) Discipline Number Subnetwork Letter Code Astrometry 1 none ASTR Infrared Studies 2 Filter Curve IRFC Filter Table IRFT Image IRIM Photometry IRPH Polarimetry IRPOL Spectroscopy IRSP Large-Scale Phenomena 3 none LSPN Near Nucleus Studies 4 none NNSN Photometry & Polarimetry 5 Broad Band Magnitude PMAG Narrow Band Flux PFLX Polarimetry PPOL Stokes Parameters PSTOKE Radio Science 6 Continuum RSCN Occultation RSOC OH RSOH Radar RSRDR Spectral Line RSSL Spectroscopy & Spectrophotometry 7 none SPEC Amateur Observations 8 Drawing AMDR Photography AMPG Spectroscopy AMSP Visual Magnitude AMV Meteor 9 Radar MSNRDR Visual MSNVIS