***** File NETINFO.TXT ***************************************************************************** NOTE: The contents of this directory were emptied in order to save space on the disc. Identical files can be found on Volumes 19-21 and 23. ***************************************************************************** This information file is located in the \INDEX\NETABLES directory, which contains 26 index tables. Twenty of the tables have been generated from the so-called "printed archive"; the remaining 6 are Discipline-specific tables which contain most of the FITS keywords for those Disciplines (the comments on the right hand side of the text file \DOCUMENT\CDTREE.TXT differentiate the printed archive from the Discipline-specific tables). These tables cover the entire time span of the data contained within the IHW archive, hence datasets described herein can be found on any one of the set of 5 "mixed disc" CD-ROMs (Volumes 19-23). For each of the tables there are 4 files: *.DBF - These are dBASE III+ compatible database files. They do not contain any data records, only the structure of the corresponding database. The data records may be appended from the data tables (in the .IDX files). Many database management systems can import databases from .DBF files. *.IDX - These files contain the actual data records from each table. They are delimited tables. Numeric fields are delimited by commas (,) and ASCII text fields are contained in quotes (") and also delimited with commas. Each line ends with the characters (ASCII 13 and 10 respectively). All fields in the tables are fixed width to facilitate their use in that format, as well. These files may be appended to the end of an empty database structure to create the full index database. *.HDR - These are the FITS labels describing the *.IDX files in terms of FITS tables. By concatenating the *.HDR and *.IDX files into one file a true FITS table byte stream could be generated. *.LBL - These are PDS labels describing the data tables. They already contain pointers to the data tables, so no further steps are required to make them accessible to PDS table-processing software. *.STR - These are "structure" files. They contain information, in delimited format, on the number, names and widths of the fields in each database. They can used by dBASE III for creating the printed archive index tables, and also document the structure of each table. The table shown below gives the index table name, the number of fields, the number of entries in each table, the width of each table, and the total length of the *.idx file in Kbytes. The total width per entry is a multiple of 4 bytes and includes the explicit carriage return and line feed characters that have been added. table fields entries total width bytes per table per table per entry (Kbytes) -------------------------------------------------------- am_draw 16 1294 116 151 am_photo 18 2170 148 322 am_spect 18 2415 152 368 am_vis 24 11641 160 1834 astrom 11 6475 120 777 ir_image 12 95 116 12 ir_phot 20 2204 148 327 ir_pol 19 49 140 7 ir_spect 13 84 128 11 ls_phen 19 3214 168 540 near_nuc 16 3523 136 480 phot_flx 18 10495 140 1470 phot_mag 18 3718 140 521 phot_pol 20 752 152 115 phot_sto 21 132 164 22 radio_cn 19 97 144 14 radio_oc 10 6 108 1 radio_rr 18 1 132 1 radio_sl 24 1846 172 318 spectr 25 3368 176 593 netamatv 36 11641 272 3167 netlarge 73 3383 792 2680 netmetr 57 6969 320 2258 netmetv 16 1624 204 332 netradio 106 1950 1472 2871 netspect 62 3368 820 2763 --------------------------------------------------------