YR/MON/DAY/HOUR     JD      RA(1950),          DEC(1950),      DELTA  DELTADOT    R      RDOT   THETA  BETA  MOON PSANG PSAMV     
     (UT)                          (MIN/HOUR)    (ARCMIN/HOUR)                                                                    
1985  3  1  0.0 2446125.50  4 56.043(-0.016)  13 35.32( 0.10)  4.5460  14.5424  4.7255 -16.7385  94.3  12.1  13.6  82.9  95.1     
1985  3  2  0.0 2446126.50  4 55.656(-0.016)  13 37.61( 0.10)  4.5544  14.5766  4.7158 -16.7558  93.3  12.1  23.5  83.1  95.1     
1985  3  3  0.0 2446127.50  4 55.286(-0.015)  13 39.92( 0.10)  4.5628  14.5994  4.7061 -16.7732  92.2  12.2  35.6  83.2  95.1     
1985  3  4  0.0 2446128.50  4 54.931(-0.014)  13 42.25( 0.10)  4.5712  14.6111  4.6965 -16.7907  91.1  12.2  48.8  83.4  95.1     
1985  3  5  0.0 2446129.50  4 54.594(-0.014)  13 44.59( 0.10)  4.5797  14.6119  4.6868 -16.8082  90.1  12.2  62.5  83.5  95.2     
1985  3  6  0.0 2446130.50  4 54.272(-0.013)  13 46.95( 0.10)  4.5881  14.6020  4.6770 -16.8258  89.0  12.2  76.8  83.6  95.2     
1985  3  7  0.0 2446131.50  4 53.967(-0.012)  13 49.32( 0.10)  4.5965  14.5819  4.6673 -16.8435  87.9  12.3  91.5  83.7  95.2     
1985  3  8  0.0 2446132.50  4 53.678(-0.012)  13 51.70( 0.10)  4.6049  14.5516  4.6576 -16.8612  86.9  12.3 106.3  83.9  95.2     
1985  3  9  0.0 2446133.50  4 53.405(-0.011)  13 54.10( 0.10)  4.6133  14.5113  4.6478 -16.8790  85.8  12.3 121.1  84.0  95.3     
1985  3 10  0.0 2446134.50  4 53.148(-0.010)  13 56.51( 0.10)  4.6217  14.4610  4.6381 -16.8968  84.8  12.3 135.7  84.1  95.3     
1985  3 11  0.0 2446135.50  4 52.906(-0.010)  13 58.93( 0.10)  4.6300  14.4007  4.6283 -16.9147  83.7  12.3 149.8  84.3  95.3     
1985  3 12  0.0 2446136.50  4 52.680(-0.009)  14  1.37( 0.10)  4.6383  14.3303  4.6186 -16.9327  82.7  12.3 162.5  84.4  95.4     
1985  3 13  0.0 2446137.50  4 52.470(-0.008)  14  3.81( 0.10)  4.6466  14.2496  4.6088 -16.9507  81.7  12.3 169.5  84.5  95.4     
1985  3 14  0.0 2446138.50  4 52.276(-0.008)  14  6.27( 0.10)  4.6548  14.1588  4.5990 -16.9688  80.6  12.3 162.9  84.7  95.4     
1985  3 15  0.0 2446139.50  4 52.096(-0.007)  14  8.74( 0.10)  4.6629  14.0578  4.5892 -16.9870  79.6  12.3 151.2  84.8  95.5     
1985  3 16  0.0 2446140.50  4 51.932(-0.007)  14 11.23( 0.10)  4.6710  13.9465  4.5794 -17.0052  78.6  12.3 138.9  84.9  95.5     
1985  3 17  0.0 2446141.50  4 51.783(-0.006)  14 13.72( 0.10)  4.6791  13.8250  4.5695 -17.0235  77.6  12.3 126.6  85.1  95.5     
1985  3 18  0.0 2446142.50  4 51.649(-0.005)  14 16.22( 0.10)  4.6870  13.6935  4.5597 -17.0419  76.6  12.3 114.3  85.2  95.6     
1985  3 19  0.0 2446143.50  4 51.530(-0.005)  14 18.73( 0.10)  4.6949  13.5521  4.5498 -17.0603  75.6  12.2 102.2  85.3  95.6     
1985  3 20  0.0 2446144.50  4 51.426(-0.004)  14 21.25( 0.11)  4.7027  13.4008  4.5400 -17.0788  74.5  12.2  90.3  85.5  95.7     
1985  3 21  0.0 2446145.50  4 51.337(-0.003)  14 23.78( 0.11)  4.7103  13.2398  4.5301 -17.0973  73.5  12.2  78.4  85.6  95.7     
1985  3 22  0.0 2446146.50  4 51.262(-0.003)  14 26.31( 0.11)  4.7179  13.0694  4.5202 -17.1160  72.6  12.1  66.7  85.7  95.8     
1985  3 23  0.0 2446147.50  4 51.201(-0.002)  14 28.85( 0.11)  4.7254  12.8896  4.5103 -17.1346  71.6  12.1  55.0  85.9  95.8     
1985  3 24  0.0 2446148.50  4 51.154(-0.002)  14 31.40( 0.11)  4.7328  12.7008  4.5004 -17.1534  70.6  12.1  43.5  86.0  95.9     
1985  3 25  0.0 2446149.50  4 51.122(-0.001)  14 33.96( 0.11)  4.7401  12.5031  4.4905 -17.1722  69.6  12.0  32.2  86.1  95.9     
1985  3 26  0.0 2446150.50  4 51.103( 0.000)  14 36.52( 0.11)  4.7473  12.2967  4.4806 -17.1911  68.6  12.0  21.3  86.3  96.0     
1985  3 27  0.0 2446151.50  4 51.098( 0.000)  14 39.09( 0.11)  4.7543  12.0819  4.4707 -17.2101  67.6  11.9  12.1  86.4  96.0     
1985  3 28  0.0 2446152.50  4 51.106( 0.001)  14 41.66( 0.11)  4.7612  11.8589  4.4607 -17.2291  66.6  11.9  11.2  86.5  96.1     
1985  3 29  0.0 2446153.50  4 51.128( 0.001)  14 44.23( 0.11)  4.7680  11.6279  4.4508 -17.2482  65.7  11.8  20.1  86.7  96.2     
1985  3 30  0.0 2446154.50  4 51.163( 0.002)  14 46.81( 0.11)  4.7747  11.3893  4.4408 -17.2674  64.7  11.7  31.6  86.8  96.2     
1985  3 31  0.0 2446155.50  4 51.211( 0.002)  14 49.39( 0.11)  4.7812  11.1433  4.4308 -17.2866  63.7  11.7  44.1  87.0  96.3     
1985  4  1  0.0 2446156.50  4 51.272( 0.003)  14 51.98( 0.11)  4.7875  10.8902  4.4208 -17.3060  62.8  11.6  57.3  87.1  96.4     
| NOTE:  Above ephemerides represent fully-perturbed, light-time-corrected solutions to data spanning 1835-1989  |                
| (cf. the EPHEM.TXT file by D. Yeomans in the DOCUMENT directory).  Ephemerides for HOUR=0.0 UT are directly    |                
| from Yeomans; values within a UT day have been generated using a 7-point interpolation scheme and Yeomans'     |                
| daily (0h UT) values.  The first and last lines in the table span the time interval between the beginning of   |                
| this data directory and the beginning of the next one.                                                         |                
                   DEFINITIONS OF LESS OBVIOUS FIELDS IN THE EPHEMERIS TABLE:                                                     
THETA = Sun-Earth-Comet angle (degrees)                                                                                           
BETA =  Sun-Comet-Earth angle (degrees)                                                                                           
MOON =  Angular separation of comet and moon (degrees)                                                                            
PSANG = Position angle of prolonged radius vector (degrees, measured from north through east)                                     
PSAMV = Position angle of minus orbital velocity vector (degrees, measured from north through east)                               