***** File DOCUINFO.TXT The DOCUMENT directory and its subdirectories contain most of the documentation files related to the contents of this disc. CDTREE.TXT and DATATREE.TXT are highly useful files which show the directory structure of the disc. The DOCUMENT directory has four subdirectories. The first is \APPENDIX, which contains a Preface, 9 Discipline Appendix text files (.APX extension), and several supplemental files for the Spectroscopy and Spectrophotometry Discipline. The second subdirectory is \APPENDIX\SOL_ATLS, and it contains two solar spectra supplied by the Spectroscopy and Spectrophotometry Discipline. The subdirectory \INTRODOC has copies of the short information files that are located in some of the other directories on this disc: INTRODOC files Original Directory -------------------------------------------------------- anctinfo.txt hal_0022\ast_hist apndinfo.txt hal_0022\document\appendix atlsinfo.txt hal_0022\document\appendix\sol_atls docuinfo.txt hal_0022\document ephinfo.txt hal_0022\ephem ftbinfo.txt hal_0022\software\ftb imdpinfo.txt hal_0022\software\imdisp indxinfo.txt hal_0022\index itrpinfo.txt hal_0022\software\interp netinfo.txt hal_0022\index\netables obsrinfo.txt hal_0022\document\observer softinfo.txt hal_0022\software utilinfo.txt hal_0022\software\utils -------------------------------------------------------- The fourth and last subdirectory within DOCUMENT is \OBSERVER, which contains text files listing observers by IHW Discipline.