***** File SOFTINFO.TXT ***************************************************************************** NOTE: The contents of this directory were emptied in order to save space on the disc. Identical files can be found on Volumes 19-21 and 23. ***************************************************************************** This information file is located in the SOFTWARE directory, which contains source and executable code which should be of use to the IHW Archive user. The SOFTWARE directory has been divided into four subdirectories: INTERP, IMDISP, FTB, and UTILS. Each of these subdirectories has all of the necessary information to compile and/or run the programs located in that subdirectory. The INTERP subdirectory contains software to interpolate the P/Halley ephemeris file EPHEM.TAB (in the EPHEM directory). The source code is OBSNTERP.FOR (see the NOTE below), executable modules of which are called PCNTERP.EXE and VAXNTERP.EXE (for use in MS-DOS and VAX/VMS environments, respectively). The IMDISP subdirectory contains software to display the image and spectral data contained on the IHW CD-ROMs; this software, provided by PDS/JPL and improved by outside users, works only in the PC MS-DOS environment. The FTB subdirectory contains software to browse FITS Tables; this software, provided by the Astronomical Data Center (ADC) of the National Space Science Data Center (NSSDC, at NASA/GSFC), runs only in the VAX/VMS environment. The UTILS subdirectory contains software to concatenate separate FITS headers and datafiles into true FITS byte streams; the software also works in reverse. This code, which runs only in the PC MS-DOS environment, was provided by the IHW Large-Scale Phenomena Discipline at NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center. ************* NOTE ************** The executable version of OBSNTERP that was placed on the Large-Scale Phenomena compressed image discs (Volumes 1-18) contains a small bug, and Archive users should not use it. The OBSNTERP.FOR source and executable codes placed on these discs (Volumes 19-23) have had this bug corrected. We regret any inconvenience this may cause.