***** File ATLSINFO.TXT ***************************************************************************** NOTE: The contents of this directory were emptied in order to save space on the disc. Identical files can be found on Volumes 19-21 and 23. ***************************************************************************** This information file is located in the SOL_ATLS subdirectory of the \DOCUMENT\APPENDIX directory. Two high resolution integrated disk solar spectra compiled from a variety of sources are presented in this directory. One was contributed by M. A'Hearn and the other by R. Kurucz. The A'Hearn solar spectrum found in one file, SOLATLS1.FIT, is given in vacuum wavelengths (Angstrom units), calibrated in flux units (erg/cm**2/s/A) covering the wavelength range 2245 A to 7000 A in steps of 0.005 A. The Kurucz solar spectrum can be found in two files, SOLATLS2.FIT AND SOLATLS3.FIT, in air wavelengths (Angstrom units), calibrated in flux units (erg/cm**2/s/A). SOLATLS2.FIT covers a wavelength range 2960 A to 8000 A in steps of 0.005 A. SOLATLS3.FIT covers the wavelength range 8000 A to 13,000 A in steps of 0.01 A. We note a wavelength shift between the two solar spectra presented in this archive of approximately 0.03 A in the sense A'Hearn minus Kurucz. We therfore caution users of these files requiring wavelength accuracies better than this difference to first assess and correct the wavelengths of the solar spectra to a rest frame. [NOTE: This paragraph was extacted from the Spectroscopy and Spectrophotometry Discipline Appendix.] Unlike most files within the set of IHW CD-ROMs these files do not have separate header and data files; rather there is only one combined file, a true FITS file. The data are one dimensional spectra. The table below summarizes the FITS header information: File Wavelength Angstroms Source range per pixel ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- SOLATLS1 2245 - 7000 0.005 (vac) "A high Resolution Solar Atlas for Fluorescence Calculations", 1983, U of Maryland TR AP83-044, A'Hearn, M., Ohlmacher, J., and Schleicher, D. SOLATLS2 2960 - 8000 0.005 (air) "Solar Flux Atlas fro 296 to 1300 nm.", 1984, National Solar Observatory Atlas No. 1,