***** FILE INDXINFO.TXT This information file is located in the INDEX directory. This file contains a description of the index files located in the INDEX directory and a subdirectory, NETABLES. Within INDEX there are 4 indices. Within the NETABLES subdirectory there are 20 indices from the so-called "printed archive," and 6 indices that are Discipline-specific and contain a large fraction of all FITS keywords from those Disciplines. The 4 indices in this directory are described below; the 26 indices in the NETABLES subdirectory are described in the NETINFO.TXT file located in that subdirectory. CDSTRUCT -- The CD-ROM structure file contains the filename of all files on this CD-ROM, along with file size, starting block, allocation, and the complete path for this disc. ****************************************************************************** NOTE: The CDSTRUCT.* files which are a feature of Volumes 19-21 and 23 are not present on this disc (Volume 22) due to extreme space limitations. While this decision (to delete) is not a welcomed one, it was felt that the CDSTRUCT.* files were, at best, of limited value to the Archive user, and could be eliminated here with little loss. ****************************************************************************** EPHEM -- The Ephemeris file contains the complete ephemeris data for the period from November 26, 1981 through June 23, 1989. PATHTABL -- The Path Table file contains complete path information for all of the datafiles, headers, and labels for this disc. QUIK -- The Quick Look file contains the values, in chronological order, of the IHW mandatory keywords for all Disciplines for this disc. Each of the indices mentioned above, as well as the ones within the NETABLES subdirectory, are made up of 5 files as described below. *.DBF - These are dBASE III+ compatible database files. They do not contain any data records, only the structure of the corresponding database. The data records may be appended from the data tables (in the .IDX files). Many database management systems can import databases from .DBF files. *.IDX - These files contain the actual data records from each table. They are delimited tables. Numeric fields are delimited by commas (,) and ASCII text fields are contained in quotes (") and also delimited with commas. Each line ends with the characters (ASCII 13 and 10 respectively). All fields in the tables are fixed width to facilitate their use in that format, as well. These files may be appended to the end of an empty database structure to create the full index database. *.HDR - These are the FITS headers describing the *.IDX files in terms of FITS tables. By concatenating the *.HDR and *.IDX files into one file a true FITS table byte stream could be generated. *.LBL - These are PDS labels describing the data tables. They already contain pointers to the data tables, so no further steps are required to make them accessible to PDS table-processing software. *.STR - These are "structure" files. They contain information, in delimited format, on the number, names and widths of the fields in each database. They can used by dBASE III for creating the printed archive index tables, and also document the structure of each table. In order to use dBASE III to create a database from these files, issue the following commands at the "." (dot) prompt: . use . append from .idx delimited where is one of CDSTRUCT (a file of physcial sector locations), EPHEM, NETABLES, QUIK* or PATHTABL. Most database programs can import dBASE