***** File EPHINFO.TXT This information file is located in the EPHEM directory, which contains ephemeris information for comet P/Halley. The ephemeris was generated by Donald K. Yeomans as described in the file EPHEM.TXT. The actual data are provided in the table file EPHEM.TAB, which contains fully-perturbed, daily ephemerides for the interval 1981 November 26 -- 1989 June 23. An interpolation program in the SOFTWARE directory of this disc allows accurate ephemeris data to be generated within a UT day using EPHEM.TAB as input. The source code is called OBSNTERP.FOR, and MS-DOS- and VAX/VMS-based executables are PCNTERP.EXE and VAXNTERP.EXE, respectively. A description of this software and how to use it can be found in the file OBSNTERP.TXT, located in both the DOCUMENT and SOFTWARE directories of this disc.