***** File UTILINFO.TXT ***************************************************************************** NOTE: The contents of this directory were emptied in order to save space on the disc. Identical files can be found on Volumes 19-21 and 23. ***************************************************************************** This information file is located in the \SOFTWARE\UTILS directory, which contains software to achieve conversion of FITS headers to and from ordinary text files. This will allow easy editing of the headers, which otherwise contain no end-of-record delimiters. No syntax checking is performed on the format of the FITS header. In addition to the FITSXTND.* and FITSUTIL.* files, the following files are included: FITS2TXT.C - Source code for the conversion program to make text files out of a standard FITS header. It is written for Borland's Turbo C, version 2. FITS2TXT.COM - Executable version of the above. FITS2TXT.MAK - MAKEFILE for FITS2TXT. It compiles the program under the Tiny memory model. This file will create an EXE file, which you may then convert to a COM file using EXE2BIN. This will give a smaller (and faster) program. TXT2FITS.C - Source code for the conversion program to make a standard FITS header out of a text file. TXT2FITS.COM - Executable version of the above. TXT2FITS.MAK - MAKEFILE for TXT2FITS. It compiles the program under the Tiny memory model. This file will create an EXE file, which you may then convert to a COM file using EXE2BIN. This will give a smaller (and faster) program. TEST.HDR - A sample FITS header (an EXTENSION header, in this case), which may be used to test the above programs. UTILINFO.TXT - This file. The programs may either take their inputs from the command line or interactively, as shown below: >FITS2TXT Asks for the name of the FITS header file. Creates an output file with the extension .TXT. >FITS2TXT TEST.HDR Converts the FITS header file TEST.HDR to the text file TEST.TXT. >FITS2TXT TEST.HDR TEST1.TMP Converts the FITS header file TEST.HDR to the text file TEST1.TMP. >TXT2FITS Asks for the name of the text file to convert. Creates an output file with the extension .HDR. >TXT2FITS TEST.TXT Converts the text file TEST.TXT into the FITS header file TEST.HDR. >TXT2FITS TEST.TXT TEST1.TMP Converts the test file TEST.TXT into the FITS header file TEST1.TMP. These programs were written as utilities for the Large-Scale Phenomena Discipline of the International Halley Watch to support the testing of the International Halley Watch CD-ROM project. Please refer all comments and/or improvements to the author at the address below. Archibald Warnock ST Systems Corp. Mail Code 681 NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center Greenbelt, MD 20771