PDS_VERSION_ID = "PDS3" RECORD_TYPE = FIXED_LENGTH RECORD_BYTES = 82 FILE_RECORDS = 6480 ^ARRAY = "JOU100J1.DAT" SPACECRAFT_NAME = "LUNAR PROSPECTOR" TARGET_NAME = "MOON" INSTRUMENT_NAME = "RADIO SCIENCE SUBSYSTEM" DATA_SET_ID = "LP-L-RSS-5-GRAVITY-V1.0" PRODUCT_ID = "JOU100J1.DAT" PRODUCT_RELEASE_DATE = 1999-03-08 DESCRIPTION = "This file contains a digital, 1 X 1 degree resolution grid of the errors in the geoid anomalies of the moon. It is a 360 x 180 grid from 89.5 to -89.5 degrees latitude, and -180.0 to 179.0 degrees longitude. The errors were computed by projecting the full covariance of the JGL100J gravity solution onto the surface of the satellite. The observation is lunar geoid uncertainty in meters at the surface referenced to a sphere of 1738.0 km radius." OBJECT = ARRAY NAME = "2-D GRID OF GEOID ANOMALY ERRORS" INTERCHANGE_FORMAT = ASCII AXES = 2 AXIS_ITEMS = (180,360) AXIS_NAME = (LATITUDE,LONGITUDE) AXIS_UNIT = (DEGREE,DEGREE) AXIS_INTERVAL = (-1.0,1.0) AXIS_START = (89.5,-180.0) AXIS_STOP = (-89.5,179.0) FORMAT = "F8.2" SAMPLE_BITS = 64 DESCRIPTION = "This is a 2-D grid of the errors in the Geoid anomalies of the Moon in meters. The file contains 180 blocks of 36 records, with each record containing 10 geoid anomaly error values plus an ASCII carriage-return line-feed pair as a delimiter. The first block contains values at 89.5N latitude; the first value in the first record is the error in the geoid anomaly at (89.5N, 180.0W)." END_OBJECT = ARRAY END